Games with wasted potential
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It's the second best selling game of all time.
How the hell much potential do you expect it to have?
I just want a decent game where I can be a vigilante. Watch Dogs made me realize it should be open world. But it executed the idea quite badly since fighting crime is just a minor aspect of the game you do every 2 hours or so.
Never forget
This game is terrible. This was a Kickstarter game long before Kickstarter existed. People only like it for the idea of the game - most people don't even play it due to terrible controls that have been a problem for a decade. It's cringey fanbase conflates bugs with lore, with most stories all about dated 10-year-old gameplay of drunken cats and killing giants with bunnies that would make even TVTropes cringe. The long delays between updates shows the incompetence of the developer - high-priority bugs like telling your soldiers how to dress properly could have been solved by any semi-competent developer but the dev instead chooses to add things like more dialogue options that could have been added in mere minutes by even a beginning programmer - a task which took Toady almost a decade.
It's just like Minecraft or Overgrowth or Cube World: once it leaves alpha everyone will realize how shit it truly is. Of course Toady is clever enough to make sure that day never truly comes and that he gets a steady paycheck until the end of time. You never liked Dwarf Fortress, only the idea of what it could be.
At least there are games like DQ Builders that take the concept and make it better.
>the mindless consumers loved it anyway, so it's good
ya minecraft basically was just blocks the game there wasnt really any motivation to do anything
besides make cool structures
Destiny, but Destiny 2 even more so
to be fair the engine was prettymuch used to create gmod so id have to disagree
DF's fame was all about the stories with ridiculous amounts of narrative license in the forum, everyone raved about muh boatmurdered and stuff but never had interesting stories of their own.
Didn't read. Faggot.
World of Warcraft.
what fucking potential minecraft ever had?
Nier Automata. A and B routes are slow as fuck and the routes where shit actually happens are rushed and have shit gameplay.
When is Minecraft 2 coming out? It's been nearly twenty years.
Every single game ever made.
>its almost 6 fucking years since the official release
>still runs like shit
Minecraft in C++ was real wasted potential
I don't even know what happened to it.
>Mfw Mojang think mineraft having 80 billion million lines of code is a good thing
3d dorf fort
A good sandbox game
Minecraft in C++ would have been infinity better than the abomination that is the java version.
it wasnt about the code
it was the fact that there was no purpose in it
you got bored of playing with blocks
minecraft windows 10 edition use c++ retards
>it wasnt about the code
It was the code
>you got bored of playing with blocks
I did not and still play minecraft to this day. With mods, of course.
DF suffers from a horrible programming foundation. Toady is not a programmer, so the features take longer and longer to implement. There are no end to bugs either.
It's notable that Ultima ratio regum was able to set up a lot of DF's world creation in a much shorter time.
if you still play minecraft you cant complain minecraft was wasted potential youre just a faggot
the fucking years I've sunk into this game
>still not a single minecraft mod that adds an adventure feel with good boss battles, dungeons and puzzles
Fuck all those autistic skyblock/machinery mods.
Yes I can. Minecraft could have been so much better but it turned into a half baked mess thats only enjoyable with mods.
I agree.
>planetside 2
What? There's so many of those. Go ask /mcg/ for mods.
Biomes, villages, and hunger killed the game
and its not because the code
its because its boring with no purpose
i dont even think mods help give it that they just add more stuff which doesnt make it exciting for me
when people quit minecraft they dont say IF ONLY THIS CODE WORKED A LITTLE BETTER!
It's called "Terraria."
What could it possibly be missing?
DF could be done in a year by a competent programmer and run 100x better, the funny thing is that it only got popular because of all the retarded bugs it had.
>original idea was to use it as a platform for education and business
>universities were supposed to use it as a virtual teaching environment to hold lectures
>companies could use it as a virtual board room for meetings
>business could use it to advertise their real world products
>instead it turned into a hub for degenerate furry hyperscat erp
No wonder the devs are so gung ho about not allowing lewd shit of any kind on their new platform
I should've said good ones. All modded enemies amount to giant damage sponges that charge at you and maybe fire arrows at increasing damage values.
I tried playing Tolkiencraft. Holy fuck the bosses were retarded. They literally regen 10+ hp/second, and arrows don't even hurt them. The autistic mod author expected you to grind the endest-game gear, all for bosses that just charge and shoot.
I know you my nigga. Everyone either relentlessly shits on both games; or thinks 2 was the version that ruined the series. But Destiny was an "almost amazing but actually shit for stupid reasons" from the get go. Amount of wasted potential gave me type 2 diabetes.
have they already removed this retarted biome?
Its only boring because you think it is. Also minecraft runs like ass. Its completely unoptimized and it slows to a crawl when trying to make anything out of redstone. The tickrate for servers hits zero if the playercount is anything above 100. And the code has so much spaghetti in it it looks like it was a game made by italians.
Diff user here, but I agree on the most part. It's fine enough if you want to use it as a sandbow to play around with blocks and build stuff with, but even in hat department it's sorely lacking, such as different sets of furniture and other cool shit you can do.
Every biome has little meaningful difference between the two. Sure, you have different landscapes and that's great, but what does that matter when caves are identical through every region, you see almost every primary mob on the first night, and can find diamonds in an hour or so, less if you're lucky, and that's the entire progression of the gear.
I feel like a lot of systems are shells in the sense that they were added but then not expanded upon, and exist to fulfill the bare minimum of what they need to work.
To add to this I think why it becomes so horribly boring too play is the fact it's a little too freeform, in my opinion. It is entirely up to you to figure out what to do, which is fine in certain cases, but when the actual gameplay, besides building, is very bland and you see most of the content in the first few hours, it becomes hard to keep yourself going. Maybe if there was a more fleshed out journey from point A to B, with a loosely defined goal with many ways to reach it, the game would have more direction and reason to play.
Otherwise, it seems to be doing a fine job keeping people invested who care about building or playing around in a world where they can break anything.
Playing Terraria has kind of spoiled me, in a sense, but I recognize they're too very different games.
>not liking retarded worldgen mountains
those are the only interesting part of the terrain
>Its only boring because you think it is.
no it does get boring
thats why people quit minecraft
i dont wanna play with legos all day
>stopped getting interested in vanilla survival and creative
>start to play exclusively multiplayer because singleplayer is boring
>only play Hypixel's shitty minigames which happen to be more fun and interesting than survival variations nowdays and play on number of servers with Movecraft
Fucking hell, when will Mojang ever step up on their damn game?
>tfw minecraft received more updates and content when one person was working on it
the fuck is wrong with microsoft
how many people are even working on it right now?
It's a fun game stop trying to be apart of a meme
Warfarm was infinite potential: the game
What the fuck? More like all used potential in the world.
Modded minecraft is one of the best comfy meme games ever desu
mods for ultimate minecraft expierence?
How difficult is it to make Minecraft be whatever update came just before they added hunger and started making the game shit?
also, which version?
>start game
>select pre-1.8 version
>download and enjoy
I don't even like SRPGs that much but I can tell they could've done a lot more with the engine they made/used
why didn't you save ana, Sup Forums?
Thanks senpai, I haven't played it in years but some day want to see what it's like again before it became fucking annoying.
Ask /mcg/.
It really depends on your tastes.
Do any questbook pack I've been doing agrarian skies 2 and it's pretty fun, I even tweaked the config to stop void generation and added skylands (from ozone) generation and maids for max comfy, the questbook progression is autisticly satisfying
literally what?
no problem
adding such easy access to older versions was the best thing they've ever done imo
>skyblock shit
How do you find that garbage fun? It's literally watching paint dry-tier.
nice post quoting there user
also that guy means the minecraft general on it's pretty common for generals to have shortened abbreviations so people don't have to type the whole thing out every time
fire emblem general becomes /feg/, nintendo general becomes /nintyg/, minecraft general becomes... you get the idea
Its the minecraft general.
But Minecraft should never have boss battles or dungeons or puzzles.
this desu
why not just
im still upset
I tweak the packs, generally what kills packs is the shitty skyblock part where you spend the first few hours staring at trees and barrels then giving yourself carpal tunnel sieving since every fucking pack feels a need to include it before you get to the fun, but you can easily disable the skyblock generation in the config so you can actually enjoy exploring the world with all that the different mods add which is what I do, normally I do skylands which isn't skyblock it's giant floating contents that still generate ore and everything else and adds a lot of flavor
Huh. So thats how you do that.
Equally annoying, unless you have flight. Building bridges in minecraft is so fucking slow. Why there isn't a mod that allows you to do it without sneaking over the edge is a mystery
it was super fun, shame that no one cared about the game for probably the right reason. I've never played any Legacy of Kain games,i just liked the gameplay.
>tfw didn't get any refunds even after they pulled down the servers
It's not wasted potential, the modders have done loads with it.
Who cares about the vanilla game at this point, it's in a deadlock thanks to microsoft owning the IP but amazon owning literally everything else and amazon not being retard tier jews like microsoft?
Modding has already had several golden ages and is due for another.
I'm hoping minecraft modders get together and make a game like minecraft but good and with mod support.
Less wasted potential and more a literal scam
Stop fucking reminding me!
He's still working on it supposedly. He's been updating his twitter/instagram with new content, but not the game. Last update was a few months ago
it was actually really fun back when i played it for some reason
unless he actually releases an update (which he hasnt for over 4 years) i dont fucking care. what a scam.
No scam considering you're the ones who were foolish enough to buy it when he clearly said what development progress would be like, especially after what happened to minecraft.
>last update was 3 years ago
It updates like Dwarf Fortress except instead of making updates public he's keeping them private until the beta release. So maybe in 5 more years they'll be an update.
It still is fun to play, so much potential. I have faith in Wollay