>prot paladin joins your party
Prot paladin joins your party
>Implying prot wasn't always THE Paladin specc
>prot paladin
>in dire maul
>warlock pulls aggro and dies instantly
>trash goes straight for the healer
>pally struggling to regain threat
Nigger what
They were shit for two whole expansions
>"ret" paladin joins the party
Whats the comfiest class/race combo and why is i Dwarf Hunter
It has always been the easiest tanking specc,even before cata
>Ret paladin wins DFT
you guys realize classic wow won't be the same as old school vanilla right? everyone will be going in with 50+ addons and 100% guides on day 1
Then both your warlock and healer are dumbfucks for not managing their threat, the healer doubly so for trying to spam heal the warlock instead of letting them die.
Also pro tip prot paladins had better aoe threat than warriors.
Yeah easiest to wipe with
I hope they remove addon functionality
Samefagging prot pally detected. You’re a healslut until wrath. Get over it.
Warlocks are too good. One Shadowbolt crit and the entire aggro table gets thrown out the window.
That is a strange way to spell Tauren Druid
>shit for two whole expansions
This guy never raided to CoT3.
>can kite for days
>pets make dealing with 3+ mobs no problem
>fastest leveling class
Only bad thing is that dwarves are usually played by epic redditors
Howd you fuck up spelling Orc Warrior or Human Palladian
Prot paladin was amazing for pvp.
source: prot paladin
Yeah they also had no ability to sustain their mana whatsoever while putting out maximum threat.
No interrupt
No taunt
No Last Stand
No Shield Wall
These are all things that came in TBC.
>any non-tauntable boss with a tank swap appears
ah haha stay cucked, losers
>anything unusual joins your party
>enjoy playing a dungeon/leveling with a different and interesting party combination
Doing Deadmines with 3 warriors and 2 paladins was one of the best experiences I ever had in a dungeon.
Even Vanilla isnt hard enough that gear/level is outdone by talents. Or even unusual class roles like having paladin or priest DPS. Why you people cry so much that every single engagement isnt optimal is beyond me, have some fun once in a while.
Nigger Warriors have no aoe threat, at all like what the fuck they gonna do thunderclap once, using all there rage, then lose agro on skull for not sundering him 3 times
>ever being even remotely comfy
Never ever
I would say none of the specs were unusable in all instances, but when you get to raiding alone, that's when you run into trouble.
>Protection Paladin/Feral (Bear) Druid
Both of them cannot max their block chance consistently in vanilla, so they're forced to eat occasional crushing blows from raid bosses. The warrior's shield block skill allows him to push these crushing blows off the attack table as he can have a combined miss/dodge/parry/block chance high enough. Paladins were lacking in this regard, as their equivalent of shield block (Holy Shield) only provided 30% bonus chance to block, while the warrior's version provided 75%. The warrior's shield block was only good for one block (And had a shorter cooldown), while the paladin's was good for 5. In essence, a paladin would have to somehow buff his combined block/dodge/miss/parry up to 45% higher than a warrior to be able to avoid CB. On top of this, paladins already had less max health than a warrior, making them more inferior in effective HP as well. Mana, instead of rage, meant a paladin's time in a fight was limited, a critical issue in long raid bosses. Druids had a higher amount of health than warriors, but +defense on gear was very rare (eventually solved via talent that give reduced chance to be crit), and with no way to block attacks, always ate crushing blows. Their healthpool was further buffed in TBC to mitigate those issues, along with a higher dodge chance.
Both the paladin and the bear worked very well for dungeons, however, having better AoE tanking than a warrior and a skillset better suited for handling multiple enemies. Occasionally, some raid bosses would have a high attack speed as well, allowing the paladin to stand toe to toe with a warrior on those situations. Bears handled magic damage better than warriors due to magic ignoring armor and mitigation and relying on a large health pool to survive.
You realize Prot Paladins can easily tank all the 5 man content right?
>haha yeah dude deadmines is fun with a weird group!
Try doing a 6-hour ZG with a prot paladin and a boomkin and wiping just by virtue of their class
BC Prot Paladin was unironically the peak of Paladin tanking.
Wrath fucking ruined Prot by making them completely identical to Warrior with non-reactive abilities.
>If it's not a raid he does an excellent job tanking because prot pallies and feral druids were as good if not better than warriors in preraid shit
What's the point when they need much more gear than a warrior for the same result?
Aka you need to outgear the content to not be terrible.
>yfw pulling three mobs the same level as you.
>he thinks being able to tank 5 mans is impressive and not just the bare minimum
Sorry I was talking about Vanilla not raids. No one gives a flying fuck about raids.
>The ONLY complaint people can ever raise about vanilla classes/races/talents is MA RAIDS THIS IS SUB OPTIMAL FOR THIS CONTENT NO ONE WANTS TO PLAY
Please just fuck off forever.
>tfw pulling a defias pillager
You've got a stun as your interrupt. You don't even really need taunt unless someone fucks up like a rogue going full retard before you've established aggro.
The other two were mainly an issue for raiding, where you shouldn't be using a tank paladin anyway if you're on progression.
>mfw pulling three mobs and retaliation is still on CD
>Raiding is the only content that matters
>when you see that chest
>when you go for it
>when you pull 3 murlocs
>when you know you've made a terrible mistake
>when that fucking rogue sneaks in and takes it
Prot paladin was how my guild got server first nef in bwl.
Cheesed the adds because bow was treated as healing mana so it gave aggro
Also he tanked onyxia phase 1 and destroyed rogues and warriors in pvp
>have a friend who is gonna roll pally when classic comes out
>he wants to tank
>he keeps talking another friend out of rolling prot warrior
Hunter is super comfy but it sucks because in dungeons/raids you typically do supbar damage
Each class had one viable tree the entirety of vanilla and the rest was flat garbage
Yes raiding was, 5 mans were autistic grinding for shitty .5 tier. But let me guess you never even did LBRS/UBRS 40 man.
Can I run a vanilla private server on my T430 or there's some windows 10 shenanigans that are gonna fuck my framerate?
It was the same way in 2005. I could never get groups as a shadow priest unless people were waiting in queue forever for a DPS. Really if you tried to play any class capable of healing as anything other than a healer, people wouldn't group with you out of spite, even if you could do fine.
>Every skill tree was viable for every class
Fixed for you.
No one gives a shit about raids.
Port paladins didn't have a taunt until ZG
>Using Win10
>pull two mobs
>they both can heal eachother
>miss pummel
>blasted hellscape of war and death
>stepford-wives style idyllic with undercurrent of bandits and deception and shit
>fucking communing with nature and saving the planet
Comfy never looked so good.
Most classes had
So basically you started in Wrath and don't realize that the first 2 versions of the game were drastically different
>fight warrior before he's level 30
>can do literally nothing to you
I wonder how the nu-wow audience react to the artificial difficulty and gameplay regression classic wow will bring. I think its gun be mediocre and filled only with Elysium neckbeards after 3 months. Unless they decide to make it into a "alternate universe" where new content is added, any sense of wonder is gone
Raiding is the only content that matters, I tanked dungeons as arms on DPS alone.
>that fat nigger Esfand is giving all these retardins hope that they'll raid as ret
>Raiding is the only content that matters
I played beta through ~1.5 years after launch, and raiding bored me to tears. I mostly did dungeons, pvp (open world), duels, and then battlegrounds after they came out.
Raiding is just a huge fucking chore, and I'm certainly not alone in that opinion. It certainly doesn't help that raid-focused players tend to be elitist cunts.
I never had that problem once playing in Vanilla or Nost when that was a thing. People cared more about getting into a dungeon than getting into a perfect group because perfect groups never happened. I was able to find groups for everything easily doing the most stupid builds all the way through. More often than not because I would find people leveling in the world and group up with them, then head off to a dungeon later.
If you actually talk to people they are willing to give you a chance. The problem isnt that certain builds are bad its that people assume you are bad because of your build. Once they know you're not its fine. And the sooner this 'every spec but this one' is bad meme dies the sooner everyone will be happier and leveling/dungeons will be more fun.
I literally tanked UBRS as prot paladin. I'm aware it wasn't great in the 40 mans.
>Tank dungeons as warrior
>Deny dps warriors from joining my group
>Take all the good mail/plate gear and str weapons
>Not Alliance so don't need to worry about paladins
Being entitled never felt so good.
You always needed one ret for kings, and stacking that arcanite ripper debuff
You're the reason WoW became shit after WotLK
Vanilla sure, but for TBC?
>implying the best raid groups didn't have one Ret Pally to buff the melee group and keep the three light, wisdom, and Crusader judgements reapplied on the boss with Crusader strike
>Implying every guild didn't want a prot pally for Hyjal and trash in general
25 mans had three paladins, either one ret and two Holy or one of each spec depending on the content
Prots could even tank Illidan, unlike Bears for instance
>Raiding is the only content that matters for modern WoW players who are filthy casuals
Yeah you are.
>yfw enemy mage starts casting frostbolt on you
>just /sit and let it get over with
>tfw kiting and maintaining 8' will be back
Anyone who tries to gear themselves as a DPS warrior is a fucking idiot anyway.
>content that only .1% of the population cleared
How was Shaman in vanilla?
I wanna make a Tauren but don't know what class
>when you pull 2 and a 3rd spawns
>Proc Bladedance and spam cleave causing an endless change of damage for 30 procs.
>Survive with 1hp
>Rogue pops out and backstabs you
Been a long time, was it actually blade dance or was called something else where you could counter attack for 30 hits or so for a couple of seconds.
>leveling a mage to 60 on a pvp server
I quit playing that character, played another class, went back to mage, rinse and repeat until 60
>twink out a rogue
>decide to level him to 60
>kill a warlock 9 levels higher than me
SL warlock was literally a better tank than a prot pala.
Pick whatever looks fun to you. Shamans are fun to level up with because they are hybrid.
You’re forced to go resto if you wanna raid. Enh pvp hinges on the windfury lottery.
>You will never level your mage with a friend for the first time
>stacking fiery wrath and intellect gear and doing dungeons to level
>doing mad deeps
>pull aggro every time you crit because of all the extra damage
First character was best character.
>make the focus of your game with millions of players to be that .1%
you think you do but you don't
>Not wanting to be a healslut Paladin
This shit is my life
You seem to mistake yourself for someone who could actually do hard content. The only people who give a shit about raids are modern WoWfags such as yourself who hate the idea of an MMO being an MMO and only want instanced gear treadmill bullshit from casual raids.
Sounds pretty irrelevant desu
I'll be your tank and keep you safe
i remember i would just let paladins kill me in world pvp to save myself the trouble
It was called sweeping strikes
IIRC cleaves would just bounce off each other with sweeping strikes
>bubble-hearths behind you
You mean Nightfall you fucking nigger? Holy pallys have kings, some have imp BoM, all this misinfo is driving me insane.
Blissful Flash of Light spam and mana back on crits.
I miss the good Holy Paladin times.
>those dirty murlocs near sunken temple
fuck that shit
I'm not really against healing, I was a Holy Paladin back in BC and enjoyed that well enough
I feel like people forget that we used addons all the fucking time in Vanilla, some of them like decursive practically played the game for you and made entire fights consist of spamming whatever key you'd bound decursive to
Its really just about the money isnt it.
Making a raid is cheaper than making new meaningful fun content for the already existing 1-60. Its a real fucking shame they decided to be greedy instead of good developers.
prot pallys are good for dungeon farming
In TBC paladins were god tier AoE tanks what are you on about?
Paladins are good. Period.
Not that its saying much in a game where you could finish all its content minus pointless raids with 5 shadow priests.
>that cunt who's going to try and tank as druid
Fuck I'm glad I'm not playing priest this time around.
I think pretty much everyone did dungeons as an offspec, I know I wound up healing 80% of the time but I never unspec'd shadow.
Also, I couldn't give less of a shit about raiding. My big thing in WoW was becoming a super blacksmith and getting my hands on every recipe I could, I think crafting your own gear is the pinnacle of awesome in a game. I wish WoW would've had FFXIV's idea and let you craft gear a tier behind the most current raid for yourself if you went on a long quest and spent a bunch of gold/items on getting it, sort of like the Paladin/Warlock epic mount.
I had that trouble as I approached 60. I'd try and start a group for BRD/ST/Scholo/Strat, people would assume I'm healing and immediately leave after I told them I was a shadow priest. Or what pissed me off more was hearing someone advertise in trade chat "Need 1 DPS/Healer for BRD," I'd ask to join and get told to heal or be kicked. I had friends to do dungeons with back then though, so it wasn't as big of deal, but even when we had a majority of the group, we'd have people refuse to join us for the same reason.
Actual vanilla paladin here, you're all full of shit. Protection tree was completely useless, no threat, no taunt, couldn't tank shit unless everyone just stood back and watched. Nobody wanted it, it was a desperate last resort if there were no warriors or druids, and people literally offered them gold before giving the paladins a chance. Even retribution, that was all about autoattacking and praying seal of RNG procced, saw more action in groups, that's how broken prot was.
Thanks babe. I'll be a good Paladin and heal you nice.
>playing a warrior on nost
>finally time to do deadmines and cuck retarded pallys and dps warriors out of loot
>completely backfires and takes forever getting a group together even though I was the tank and we had a healer
>dps warr and pally I denied stroll right in with another group while we're at the meeting stone
> he thinks a 60 second or 45 second talented stun that anything that would require a tank is probably immune to is in any way shape or form the equivalent to an actual interrupt