I'm about 28 missions into this game. It's beginning to get a little watered down with the endless "extract so-and-so" missions, but hot damn is the core gameplay fun as fuck. I really enjoy the weapon development/fulton/buddy system they have going on. Am I about to get dunked on by even shittier missions as I progress?
>inb4 "why would you ask Sup Forums for advice just play the game
MGSV thread I guess
I'm about 28 missions into this game...
>Am I about to get dunked on by even shittier missions as I progress?
By the time you reach half point, the game practically ends, and the fact that it is severely not finished + just copypaste-patched to resemble a game become more and more clear.
Hope you love tacked on MP elements affecting your SP performance as well.
The game is basically over at mission 31, there are a few more missions that appear in Chapter 2 that are alright but the rest are recycled missions with gimmicks like no equipment or extreme difficulty.
Yes it get's even worse. Chapter 2 is a mess with horrible pacing.
Don't get too downhearted OP. Chapter 2 has some emotional moments albeit there's Chapter 1 rehash missions in there too. But you can skip them as well.
Just enjoy it for what it is, and expect a rather abrupt ending that no one asked for. It's still a lot of fun. Probably top 10 games of all time for me.
you should have just waited for the rumored complete edition that's said to be coming out
that shit's literally only going to be GZ and TPP lumped into one pack. MAYBE with Survive as bonus.Nothing more, nothing else.
Thanks for the feedback, kind anons.
The gameplay is pretty staggering to me, yeah. Shit is really tight. I can definitely see where anons were coming from when they said it was such a great game with so much potential ruined by Konami being faggots.
>Probably top 10 games of all time for me.
So sad.
>but hot damn is the core gameplay fun as fuck
that's why i'm hyped for metal gear survive. the story can kiss my ass, i want more of that gameplay
It was as much Kojima's fault as it was Konami's. No sense in worrying about it though. We got what we got and Death Stranding will be amazing
Anyway, it's a very fun game that's kept me busy for longer than most games I own. Are you playing on PC by chance? Mods make it a lot better.
"complete edition?" Is this a time glitch back to last year or is there another one of these coming out?
A host of sorrows. And you are one of them for not enjoying MGSV
You're about the play the same missions all over again.
Hell you have to play the painful tutorial level all over again just to finish the game.
Kojima is the biggest hack in the universe.
you've literally played all the unique missions except one at this point, the other 32 are all repeats
after mission 31 you will get literally 7 more story mission, rest are just mission you have already completed, with different difficulty
>with different difficulty
with the training wheels removed
Fuck, I bought this like 2 months ago and it's just a drag to get through. The base management is tedious but you need to do it to upgrade equipment. Core gameplay is tight but missions are repetitive. I've loved the previous Solid games but the story in this one is uneventful and the cutscenes have a really obnoxious shaky cam style. Then halfway through you have to manually go through your entire base to quarantine the infected soldiers, followed immediately by the bullet sponge bosses that are no fun I've put this game down to beat other games until I have motivation to finish it.
>Are you playing on PC by chance? Mods make it a lot better.
I am yes, what would you recommend?
>rumored complete edition
difficulty mod
Did you beat tank commander 44.
I don't think I'm that far yet, my dude
I'll check it out user, thanks.
this is the current state of gaming......and the future looks even more grim
What do you mean?