Time is running out for you to pre-order, Sup Forums

Time is running out for you to pre-order, Sup Forums

Why haven't you pre-ordered?

What're your bullshit excuses this time, Sup Forums?

Pirate niggers needn't reply

No reason to pre-order this late. No bonuses, retail stores have solidified whether they're doing midnight releases, and you'll probably get the game late from online retailers.

Is there any real reason to even play new Pokemon games? I mean jesus it's just been nothing but downhill since X and Y came out, what's the point anymore? Just go back and play the older games if you really want to play ANOTHER playthrough of Pokemon. You want to know what's going to happen this playthrough??

>oh boy, guess I'm the new kid in town with a single mom YET AGAIN
>time to meet with the professor and also make some new friends
>oh shit a Pokemon is getting up in my face, ka-pow motherfucker the professor gave me a Pokemon to deal with your ass
>wow what a new and strange local, guess I'll have to figure out my way around it
>oh shit a gym.png
>oh it's INSERT GYM TYPE HERE, better get the INSERT GYM TYPE'S WEAKNESS Pokemon then!
>repeat oh shit a gym.png about 7 more times
>wow they weren't that tough
>repeat these steps until Elite Four
>haha, time for postgame depression! better fill up that national dex for the 6th time in my life!

I seriously don't fucking get it Sup Forums. How does anyone go through more than three times and want to continue doing it, over and over again. Playing Pokemon games after having played 1 is insanity. I can't believe I even took the time out of my day to make this fucking post

People like the formula

I diddn't like sun/moon that much and the game is still very simmilar just with a couple of new bits, think i'll pass until the next gen

>They removed lillie scene at the executor's island
>They removed the mother beast battle
>The battle agency is a crappy version of the battle factory
>They removed anabel role and now she is just in vacation
>Rainbow rocket is disappointed as fuck, you beat them and they send back to their universes
>Instead of battling based kukui as your final opponent before becoming officially the first champion, that cuck named hau replaces him with a crappy remix of his lame theme. When you beat him, he actually cries like a bitch

>no new meaningful content
>le edge story super ultra maximum bad guy clusterfuck
>rival designed to make you angry at gamefreak for not implementing pokemon following
>let's take one of the series' best facilities and take away everything fun about it and turn up the tediousness
>oh you guys liked alolan forms? fuck you. ultra mega super beasts appeal to ten year olds better
>godawful mantine surfing. might as well be on rails.
>only redeeming quality is more bestmomdom

>Post gen 6
>Designs post gen 5
>Fucking up even more than megas.
>GF getting more lazier with each installment

I got off with gen 6, maybe grab it when it will be at $20.

Happy now faggot?

I still have not beaten Sun

I am waiting for sun cia

You don't need to, because this is just an alternate retelling.

I thought the original Sun and Moon were pretty shitty and don't really want the shitty expansions.

I want to get into Pokemon again but I haven't played since Ruby (the GBA one)
What's a good newer title to play?

>Why haven't you pre-ordered?
because I'm playing right now :^)

>tfw can't even be bothered to pirate them
Man my interest in pokemon has just plummeted after ORAS

I feel like OP is just falseflagging and also realizes how shit the games are and wants to let it out by shitposting.

>They removed lillie scene at the executor's island

What, really? Lillie was like the only good thing about S/M?

I grew out of Pokémon.

HG/SS (Johto remakes)
B/W2 : Probbably you should torture playing B/W to experience first hand why it is pretty much the best.
Platinum : D/P fixed.

peak pocket monster kino are Emerald, Heartgold/soul silver, platinum and BW2.
I think BW is solid as well since it was a very soft reboot of the series, since they started to count the routes from 1 again and you couldn't catch pokemon from prior gens.
You might want to try out XY or this one if you want to see 3d pokemon.

I 100% agree. It's getting completely stale when they have this amazingly crafted world with such huge potential. Makes me sad.

Sure, if you only use the strongest/the same pokemon every time you play the games it is pointless to play the games again. What I like is experimenting with different teams every playthrough and trying to win with the ones that are middle of the road or even weak.

Also, Nostalgia, self insertion, and character design.

They've gotten lazy with how they handle shit, the only thing you can do now post game is online or fighting matches at the maison.
They even gotten lazy with legendary capturing, legendaries used to be hidden on the map in some cave or some shit, but since ORAS all old legendaries are now in some rift or some dumb shit.
Also the battle facilities used to be way more fun.

What I usually do on my first playthrough is only using mons that are native to that region.

>supporting nu gamefreak

>instead of going through the character build up and story leading up to getting your starter you literally just walk out of your house and LOL COUSIN HERE PICK ONE XDD

What the FUCK where they thinking with this change holy shit

Platinum or B2W2 from DS, XY or USUM from 3DS

fuck all three remakes honestly

It's basically the same game as SM

I sincerely hope their next game causes the franchise to crash and burn to the ground so they can make an amazing comeback with heart put into it.

pretty much, the same way emerald and platinum are the same games as RS and DP, but appearantly not as good.

>Kukui isn't the final trainer anymore

Why would I pay for a downgrade?

>He would rather sit through a 30 minute cutscene before picking a Pokemon

How about no?

I had preordered the game already, then I saw the leaks. Canceled it and usted I bought a pre-order for MonHun World.
GF should seriously go duck themselves and wait a few years before releasing a new game

>They havent already beat the entire game
lol purchasefags

You in a hurry to mash Ember for 5 hours or something fuckface? last I checked you play these games for the story. If you just want HURR POKEMON BATTLE NONSTOP go play pokemon stadium

Is ultra sun cia out yet?

I agree, but I still really enjoy the training and competitive aspect for each gen. But yeah, buying the refreshed version with more """feautures""" is a waste of money and pure marketing ploy, worse than DLC and micro transactions could ever be. It's quite difficult to just ignore the original versions and wait for the upgraded one, since you lose all the hype.

>retard alert
meta is the only reason anyone should play. The games a pants on head retarded.

Because the formula can be applied to amazing stories. The problem is that the 3D team is fucking lazy. I also preferred XY/ORAS to SM, I feel like the "anime" style would lend itself nicely to a more fleshed out Switch world but it's just a downgrade in every way on the 3DS. In my opinion, Gamefreak blew their load too early, should have saved the artstyle for the Switch title.

Honestly I think the only mainline pokemon game with a decent plot is BW, but most people here are going to disagree with me.