Why does everyone love 2B but nobody likes A2?
Why does everyone love 2B but nobody likes A2?
2B's got that fat ass
once a chick who looks exactly like 2b except dirty blonde hair wanted to suck my dick. she told her friends (also my friends) that she was in love with me. huge tits, huge ass, nice thighs, dick sucking lips.
but theres one catch.
her gums extended really far down on her teeth. it was a total turn off. so this chick was in love with me for like 6 years before I finally got her to fuck off.
A2>2B, this isn't even up for fucking debate.
Lots of people like A2, but the Nier fanbase is a lot more courteous about spoilers than most, and it's nearly impossible to talk about her without getting into major story spoilers.
2B has a cute bubble butt and perky C-cups, I hate all these artists who give her braphog proportions.
reminds me too much of Zero
I loved her or maybe I just loved berserker mode. It made the DLC arenas really fun.
Most of 2Bs "fans" are ironic weebs who never played the game, let alone any other game in the series.
Goddess tier short hair > shit tier long hair
I'll be honest, I never used B-mode outside that one time you're forced to.
Everyone loves A2
A2's butt is bigger and her hips are wider
You aren't really forced. I did it first time I fought that boss and died because of low energy. Skipped the berserk mode and it was fine
no schwanz
A2 is best girl
I wish she had more screentime
A2 is my waifu but 2B is the OG qt.
Because she's hardly in the game and her entire backstory is relegated to a text log on a computer.
Skirt>Hot short shorts every time
A2 is so much hotter holy sh1t
Because I've only done my first playthrough and I'm waiting for them to patch it before attempting the second as I am tired of the game randomly slowing to a halt.
Nice power fantasy loser.
I love A2
A2 is more surly, I like her quiet a bit more.
I think 2B can become alot more likeable if she ever had a chance to open up.
Edgy personality and a literally broken body.
I like A2. 10/10 would make my comfy robot housewife.
Do A2 and 2B have the exact same face? They look really similar when 2B takes her blindfold off but I still feel like A2 is finer.
The only bad thing about A2 is her autistic fanbase.
It feels like after 2B was revealed to be a passive kuudere in love majority of waifushitters decided to cling to another character and A2 was perfect for that.
because only few can be men of culture
>perky C-cups
She's nothing more than an A cup, you delusional piece of shit.
Probably because a ton of people played Route A and then dropped it, or played Route B and then dropped it. People have no patience. If you tell them Route C, things get crazy, they spout off some line like I HAVE TO PLAY THE WHOLE GAME TWICE TO GET THERE?
>Do A2 and 2B have the exact same face?
That's called a pacing issue and a very valid complaint.
Rina Rukawa - My Roribo Idol Who Is Just For Me
At the initial trailer A2 looked so cool and mysterious, I wanted to know more about her!
why do people like this game period
Well there was that one fag who shit up Autonama threads before they went full wifushit
I really wish Route B would have skipped the overworld and just be played through a mission structure instead. We'd miss out on sidequests like the redhead but you'd get through it a lot faster and more likely pay more attention to the differences 9s had during encounters.
u think im lying?
better question
what would happen if a human... say for example (You) were to be transported to that universe?
what would that contact between human and android be like?
>We'd miss out on sidequests like the redhead
No, fuck you, route B side quests are the best in the game.
Yoko Taro drunkenly made a good game
A2 is like a worse version of Zero or Kaine
They could have easily been available in Route A since most of them require both 2B and 9S to participate. Not saying it's the perfect solution, but one I would have preferred.
in a perfect world they would offer their bodies to me as the last living representative of their creators
But they'd probably kill me or some shit
Vast majority of route B side quests involve hacking or even inner monologues of 9S to actually work, you can't show that on route A without screwing up the tone of it completely.
I just beat route C tonight. I'm gonna get to the "true" ending some time later.
Hope some shit really ties it all together at the end because right now this is a strong 5/10 for me
Good point. It also makes me wish you could make 9S hack for you in Route A so I didn't have to wait for Route B to unlock all those damn chests.
The ending is something special, bumped it from a 4/10 to a 7/10 for me.
>But they'd probably kill me or some shit
you sure? i doubt the killing part. it would be like if you were thirsty af and suddenly a nice cold jug of water appeared in front of you only for you to break it.
id say it would be more likely for them to go apeshit and start killing eachother just to have you
Really? Damn okay, that's encouraging
So basically what you're asking us is, 2B or not 2B.
I dunno, how could they verify I was even human? They'd probably think I was insane or something and off me
Although I guess by not being able to hack into me they could figure it out pretty quick
Honestly I thought the pacing in Automata was completely fine, and playing again as 9S didn't feel like a chore to me.
If you want some real pacing issue, the first Nier definitely had that.
Le edgy contrarian faggots
The first Nier's pacing is bad too but I don't think the amount of new content added in Route B in Automata warrants enough to essentially replay the first act of the game just from 9S with some new sideuqests. The amount of people who have dropped the game exactly due to that should be a testament that it has pacing issues.
I think this user, , has the right idea. Something along those lines would've been better in my opinion.
I've never heard anything more incorrect this entire week.
i guess it would also depend on how (You) react too, i mean if you act with hostility im sure you can expect a similar response
I see no reason they couldn't have just merged A and B into one playthrough.
Probably the same way they verify moose and boars are animals and not robots without killing them.
One of my biggest complaints (not the guy you're responding to) was the feeling like emotional development was largely just kind of phoned in. [spoiler[]A2's development in route 3[/spoiler] just kind of happened with out any outstanding events to really elicit that kind of change imo (aside from her relationship with pod the entire time, which evolved pretty naturally[/spoiler[)
2B and 9S just sort of...changed over time I guess? Aside from the third playthrough when 9S just goes fucking insane - which I think is warranted because he saw his only love interest die their relationship developed in what felt like a pretty cardboard manner in the first two playthroughs
this game has so far been a waste of $30 my dude. unless the ending wows me this is 100% my worst purchase this year
2B, not A2. Even A2 is a modest B-cup.
A2's development definitely felt like more of an afterthought, like they needed her to act as a plot device to advance the story forward but didn't have enough time to develop her as a character.
Oh please the vast majority of 2B's fanbase is waifufags. The only people who actually like 2B jerk off over Taro's side materials more than the actual game.
yeah i feel like they established her shitty attitude towards everything by repeatedly bringing up how her squad got wiped out or something but her lightening up towards the end feels mostly empty
The story and characters are good, you get to stare at nice butts and legs most of the time, the combat is enjoyable enough even if it isn't complex, the OST is nice, and it's wonderfully surreal/bizarre. It's got plenty of flaws, but I'd say it's a flawed masterpiece. It's the Evangelion of video games.
I don't think you virgins know how cups work
2B has B cups and A2 has, very obviously, A cups.
Can I have videos of A2's butt? I would really really like that video(image).
I recently got the E ending but there were 2 story things I have questions about.
Why did A2 kill the baby forest king?
In the religious machines commune why did the leader die at that very moment and cause half of them to go crazy?
I've never played this game but I want to give A2 a hug.
i wanna know the deal with the machine cores
normally id say she would reject it but i think she wants human contact the most out of everyone in the story
picture a very tsundere hug
She might arguably be a more interesting character with more development than the other two, but nonetheless, she's still just obviously a third wheel in the context of the story. While she's struggling to cope with past traumas, the other two have a more obvious bonding story that's just going to stand out much more.
>Why did A2 kill the baby forest king?
She hates machines.
i like A2, shes pretty
because she can't have my babies
long haired or short haired?
i prefer long haired
long hair
switch kaine with 2b and this'll be perfect
>character introduced halfway through game
>basically just 2b except flat ass and no personality outside of being an unfunny bitch
really all 3 of the main characters were weak compared to the first nier, but a2 was legit awful
It's a Sup Forums meme to waifufag over the sub-par girls so try and be special snowflakes.
Zero is a fucking slut.
Shitty Edgewood who changes because the script demands it.
In general, lesbians are incredibly uninteresting.
A2 is truly a creature of beauty
I prefer A2 with long hair.
>really all 3 of the main characters were weak compared to the first nier
This, the banter between your party in the first NieR when doing side quests was god tier and totally absent from Automata.
Plebians the lot of you!
>draw a twig
>call it thicc
Still superior to any other character
Probably didn't play far enough into the game