Ban Overwatch from Sup Forums

Ban Overwatch from Sup Forums.

Get out twelvie.

>Defending banning people for playing the game

How about Mods will ban you?

lol wut

Just shows whose pocket they are in.

overwatch is a shit game but they are far from being the most annoying fanbase, unless you mention TF2.

Overwatch isn't a game, it's a Tumblr safe space that uses skinner box manipulation and progressive overtones to sucker people.

Ban OP from Sup Forums for being a faggot

>This man speaks out against Blizzard, seize him!
I'm fucking Spartacus bitch.

Have you ever even played it? You run around and shoot people and everyone calls you a dumb nigger if you do poorly.

Then don't play doomfist

>I really hate seeing people talk about Overwatch on Sup Forums!
>how can I remedy this?
>I know, I'll make an OW thread on Sup Forums!

And they're all banned for being ""toxic"". At least they didn't main Torbjorn, the monster.

>I'm fucking Spartacus bitch.
You didn't even think before you said that, did you? This is probably the most autistic thing I've seen someone say all day.
You're just being a whiny faggot.

>We have to stop SJW
>Let's just not talk about them and hope they go away

did anybody watch the new game theory?
I can't believe he's back on the mario shit right after fnaf

>You're just being a whiny faggot.
Where do you think you are?

Does anyone know of a cheaper way to get loot crates?

>Where do you think you are?
The deep web?

Damn, you Blizzdrones are really showing people how pacified you are with one of the worst companies in the industry.

fuck off back to disney xd

A cleaner Sup Forums devoid of shitposters who only want to see certain games discussed?

Yes. Purge the normie shit. Nobody here talks about CoD for that very reason.

ankle deep

In a kiddie pool

>is a retard
>muh SJW bogeyman
I want underrage to leave

I want post-Habbo raid normies to leave. We used to have WoW banned but the Blizzdrones reversed it like the cancer they are and that opened the doors for Blizzshit to be advertised here every day.

It's called a filter ya big "oldfag" lmao

>s-stop liking what I don't like!

Not good enough. That's like saying "just filter it" when the MLP autists invaded.

Stop gambling altogether?

Well go tell the mods on IRC what your demands are then. lol

I will. Don't worry.

Bethesda games, Horizon, Bloodborne, Overwatch, Call of Duty and Ubisoft should honestly be banned from here. It'd clean up the board.


>Banning discussion of games I don't like would clean up the board
You two are fucking idiots.
If they banned anything like that, more and more retards would start clamoring to have every single game they dislike banned.

Nintendicksucker pls

>Ban Overwatch from Sup Forums.

Naw threads bitching and talking about what other fucking forums are doing/talking about should be all sorts of banned.

Cause fucking damn i never ever really got the point of whining about echochambers being echochambers by nit picking the worst and stupidest of the worst.
Like god damn aint that some faggy shit. Fucking want to talk about games but fucking nope fucking loser as fagity nerds gota shitpost and spam about what the fuck what nerds, even mod or dev nerds, are talking about in their lil echo chambers like it fucking mattered in the sense that anything productive at all will come from out aside from gay as circle jerking about how supposedly stupid it is or whatever.

Fock you?