Is this the most soulless game ever?

Is this the most soulless game ever?

NSMB2 exists

Ugliest protag ever

So second soulless game ever made.

what do you mean by souless?

Zero dawn? Does the night never end?

Even with it's problems, the robot dinos show some creative passion by the designers.

I'd say something like a recent NFS.

A program to restart humanity and the ecosphere via group of INTERLINKED ai's after robots consume all the biomass

I still haven't played it, been too occupied with PC games to check the backlog of PS4 stuff, what gameplay I have seen seems pretty alright. Fighting mecha dinosaurs in some sort of post-post apocalypse setting seems pretty neat too. It kinda reminds me visually of Enslaved.

Also everyone seems to think that Aloy is unattractive but I think she's cute.

Not OP but the game has many Standard triple A mechanics but refrained from going in depth with them.
So through out the whole game you got basic tutorial level mechanics flooding the game with no spin, unique, or in depth use of them.

Makes me feel like playing virtually anything else because anything else does what it is not trying to do better.

Nah Medal of Honor's reboot. Felt like the developers were all depressed and tired as fuck.

Have you seen her as a child or speak for the matter.

Far from cute.

No, that's Destiny 2


The new Battlefront or any given modern Need for Speed game takes the cake.

i dont know theres a huge wait at the library to get it. Im not expecting much and if the library didnt have it id never play it as it looks gay but ay its free so might as well try it out for 5 mins , y'know?

It's another Sup Forums finds a new way to shit on games thread

Dunno. Seems like a game with a lot of soul.

you can borrow games from the library? I used to make fun of poorfags but now that I quite my wageslave job I might do this

The game isn't bad.
It's fucking boring and uninspired.
I Lost all will to continue playing after they kill off all the built up supporting cast members in a single cutscene.
Makes you think feel like you shouldn't give a fuck about anything or anyone you see in the game because they will be quickly dispatched.

I still hold a theory that Aloy was not even a female character until somewhere in the mid-development cycle.

Aloy is cute in that kind of dorky female friend you had in high school sort of way. I'm a homogay so my view of cute is obviously different, but she seems fairly realistic for just an 'average' girl, which in my opinion makes her more appealing.

I'm actually playing the game right now. I do have some complaints, like the fact that at some times the game genuinely gets too fucking bright and detailed to make out the lightly colored items or even robots sometimes. Also quick movement around the landscape takes for-fucking ever because you have to actively hunt down a robot as a horse to ride around on, which means if you're in bumfucknowhere on the map with no horse enemies you have to walk or waste a fast travel item.

However, I enjoy the sheer amount of exploration and discovery the game has to offer. It reminds me a lot of roaming the wastes and surviving in Fallout: New Vegas. The first hour of the game, maybe two hours if you take your time, is an obnoxiously cutscene heavy on-rails portion that pissed me the fuck off, but the game gets much better after they take off your damn leash.


>Supporting cast members
You mean blatantly going to die father figure, childhood bully that you meet for three minutes, or only friend you meet for three minutes?

I was actually relieved that instead of a stupid rivalry/girl power thing that I thought they were going for, all of those characters just got gunned down. Aloy has to earn her damn allies after that.

Does Aloy show any sort of emotion at all? I made it to meridian and every fucking interaction is just Aloy constantly sighing and being reluctant to help any one. Nothing interesting has happened. The robots are a chore to fight. I'm constantly fighting with the camera because the robots jump over me and one shot me into a rock wall. Aloy is the most boring protagonist ever and I have no investment in her even after the long opening. Ashley Burch's voice acting is so monotone and lifeless is it supposed to be like that for a good reason?

She's androgynous enough that if you removed what little breasts she has and made her voice a bit deeper she could totally pass.

no. it was your mom when I fucked her.

Sonybros never have any argument do they? Smh.

Nah, the game does a poor job of giving her any real character or personality other than survivorgirl who cares about losers and outcasts. I also kind of dislike how her speech pattern is so different from Rost. Until she turned 18 the only people she ever had any interaction with was a young boy for 3 minutes, some bullies, Rost, and Odd Grata, and yet she can be snarky and sarcastic. It seems very out of place.

You say that like the first wasn't soulless as well.

Destiny and Overwatch exist

Robot dinosaurs is at least slightly original.

Are you genuinely implying there is some sort of debate or argument to be had here? You just made this thread to post these images, didn't you?

If you're that bored, man, go play some games you enjoy. May I suggest Megaman Battle Network 3? Great game, tons of content, end-game content so expansive it rivals the main game. Or perhaps Panzer Dragoon Orta? I just want to help you, user.

Yes. The Father Figure that was built up to go missing.
The bully that was built up to be a antagonist that would be in your way multiple times in your game.
the Friend/rival you would fight along side with.
But lets just say fuck all that far better writing and have you care about the beta male that pissed his pants in a bush and now knits you armor.

>there's a 300 reply thread about the new Mario being soulless
>toddler immediately makes a Horizon thread in retaliation

Are Nintendo "fans" the most mean spirited and petty cunts around?

Already playing something better for a superior console but thanks for the suggestion, my african american friend

I primarily play on Ps4 and I think Horizon is trash and so many other better ps4 games came out around it that people should have payed more attention to that this mediocre piece of shit.

also fuck you Wojak.

>s-stop trying to ruin my shitposting thread
kids these days

yea thats how it goes when somebody made a thread shitting on zelda they make a thread shitting on horizon for some reason


They're all robuts, op.

Why are Nintenbabbies so salty over this game? Is it because their consoles never get third-party support?

They still seem to be angry about this

>Already playing something better for a superior console

Don't even own a Nintendo console. Games bland as fuck.

I saw some gameplay of child Aloy, she looks a little weird, but kids generally look weird, at least in video games. Don't think I've seen a single game that's gotten them to not look off.

Her adult voice isn't terrible, but it could use something. Like when I look at Aloy, I feel like she should have a more fitting accent. Maybe sort a sort of welsh tinge to it?

That's sort of the feel I get from her too, she seems a bit more believable because of her average feel. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but I dig it.

Kinda surprising they make you do a think to create a mount instead of just give you the option to have a permanent one to call to you, like TW3's Roach, because that does sound pretty annoying. I know of at least one other game that does something like that and it's a bad system for the exact reason you outlined. The first hour or two being like that seems like it would make the replay ability of it a bit more annoying to deal with, too.

Also you have fast travel items? That kinda gives me a Dragon's Dogma vibe, with the ferrystones.

Love or hate it it's not even close to soulless. Now Killzone, that was soulless

nice false flag

>They still seem to be angry about this
Yep i would be angry too if someone posted a shitty bait image every day

Horizon has an 89 though

>The bully
>built up
user, the bully threw a rock at you when you were 8 years old.

You didn't see the bully again until you were 18.

He made fun of you in a cutscene, bullied you one more time, then ate a dozen rounds of minigun ammunition.

And hell, you're still talking about the 'beta male' that you fucking save from robot raptors, whom you also only really see for a few minutes of the game. Why are you so butthurt about those non-characters? Varj and Sona are far better than them, and they're limited to one quest or two.

You know it's possible to play one game, then play another game on a different system right? Like my PS4 and 3DS don't fight each other at night like Toy Story.

Yeah, I'm no fuckin Wojak poster.
I bought Persona 5 and Nioh around horizon's release.
Seriously. The game is so fucking boring.
Shooting giant robots is only so much fun when your character won't shut the fuck and you are crafting arrows every 15 seconds because the developers didn't want to give enough of a fuck to flesh out any of the mechanics they lifted off of other much better games.

No Mario Odyssey is

>imagine being this fag who spends his weekend writing these long posts about a game he never played

>he bully that was built up to be a antagonist that would be in your way multiple times in your game
you retarded?

the 2 male AI turns evil. all men characters are evil or weak or cowards or buffoons. game is nice but it has an agenda.

Yeah, though fast travel items are fairly cheap to make and by the time you run out of them you usually get two or three of them from an enemy camp or quest reward.

As for a permanent mount, it's tied to a skill tree thing. You learn how to override the robots fairly early in the game, but overrides are not permanent and usually your mounts will just fuck off if you dismount and try to find them again. You can make a permanent mount with a maxed out Override stat. But it's kind of a low priority on the skill tree compared to other more valuable places to put your points.

>i never played the game

Guy hates you simply because you are a outsider.
Next time you meet him still fucking hates you.
You beat him and he still fucking hates.
Could have built on that.
Kill everybody off.

That's not STALKER.

It's definitely not the best thing ever but I don't know how you could think that in a year with yet ANOTHER Ass Creed, CoD, licensed Disney game, etc.

are you fucking stupid why make him the bad guy and he is not the only one thats hates you for being a outsider

We're just talking to each other user, he's not even really complaining. What's the problem?

Varj isn't weak. Aloy was raised by a single father in a strict matriarch society that abandoned her and shunned her as a fucking newborn baby. I've yet to see anything agenda-worthy in the game. There's an equal number of shitty males and shitty females.

inb4 "b-but the lack of soul and charm is the whole point!"
Still doesn't make for an engaging universe, STALKERfags

Why are you so obsessed with a pointless character that is more or less just there to show the player that outcasts are mistreated by the Nora?

Hell, did you even play the game? Did you miss the part where you join up with the dead girl's mother and brother to track down the murderers, blow up their supply of gasoline goo, and have a final showdown with them and their corrupt machine army in the ruins of a fucking football stadium in Colorado?

Then later on, her mother comes to rely on you despite her reservations about outsiders?

You don't need to be so salty, maybe you'll get to play BotW someday too

He is one of the most Vitriol ones.
And I didn't same bad guy. Antagonist.
Not mutually exclusive.

Honestly user I think the other guy who lets the bully get away with that shit is more akin to a rival. That fucker hates your guts. You save his ass from a giant metal scorpion that shoots insanity, and he still hates your ass. That's your damn rival.

I'm not.
You all seemed mighty quick to jump on him specifically out of my list of shit that would have made the story much better in horizon.
He was being pointed out as important in game because they was shown multiple times and him and Aloy hated each other. They could have capitalized on this but instead decided to make everything she was doing prior to the proving complete fucking pointless.

I already played it on PC though, it's ok 8/10

What if I own and play both?

i hate the game, but the game has some soul. really overdoes it with mario being a jew
Sup Forums would love it if wario or waluigi was protag

Yet he does nothing. all he does is despise you. Never throws a punch, Never actively gets in your way. Just tells Aloy straight to her face that he don't like here.
That guy is just an ass.

But that's why I'm disagreeing with you. The boy was very barely built up, he only showed up twice really.

The point of everything prior to the proving was to prepare Aloy for the world. She needed to experience loss, she needed to experience fear and uncomfortable situations, and she needed her main driving force: Who am I and what do I have to do with the machines?

>using "soulless"
Can almost hear a fedora tipping from anons using that argument.

More built up than that Beta male sewing machine. Yet that shit bird lived.

Not when CoD AC and watch dogs exist

You can actually see that they used to have a different body for her, in some of the early cutscenes. I think they're pre-rendered so they aren't using the actual game model.

Her breasts are noticeably larger and I believe her waist was thinner too.

That's a good thing you fuck
The opening of the game looked predictable and boring, "he's gonna be the shitstain rival," "she's my cool sidekick"

Fuck you they're all dead, time for something completely different

So instead of one predictable route they went another one. such a grand improvement.

Even if that was somewhat true, Sonic Forces just came out, you can't compete.

>Jap game
Nigger what?

I get it.

Gooks have no soul, that has been true for a while now.

>predictable route
>you are a clone of a scientist who developed a web of artificial intelligences designed for terraforming and promoting the growth of life after all life has been extinguished
>the killswitch goes rogue and influences new humans to believe in it as a deity to help it achieve complete extinction

I'm sure you saw all of it coming, user

Poor westacuck is buttmad that his people can't produce anything of artistic worth without it being relegated to pixelshit.

Is that why their games all have it while the white man's does not?

I was talking about Main character losing everything in their life and then moving on to greater things Trope.
I wasn't talking about the story as a whole but the mase of the story and how it started to unfold.
Horizon pulled a over used JRPG trope of losing your lively hood to the fucking big bad at the start of the game instead of the less used development of the main character and thier newly acquired supporting cast.

It's either that or Mario Odyssey.

All that was missing from the fucking trope was being set away from the village holding a magic Mcguffin only to come back to the Village burning and the Mcguffin gone.
The skipped the parts about leaving the village and having a Mcguffin but kept everything else.

What is that even supposed to mean? Playing it now, getting close to the end I think, the game is enjoyable enough, nothing amazing but hasn't lost my interest. Story is interesting enough for pop sci fi whatever. It's not deep on really any level, but soulless I don't understand.

I still can't believe that this wasn't ghost developed by Ubisoft. Its literally another mediocre open world by the numbers ubisoft game.

seriously what the fuck happened with this game? did they hire a bunch of ex Ubisoft employee's or are they just die hard fans.


Horizon is legitimately good. Goty contender. Respond and I'll explain.

Are you the most triggered poster ever?

If it is considered a GotY contender than It would have to be the bottom rung of the competition.
So many other far better and more enjoyable games came out before, during, and after it's release.