post vidya scenes that women will never understand.
Post vidya scenes that women will never understand
Do numales understand the legion? I feel like them and women will probably never understand the appeal
>why doesn’t he just shake his hand
That was a shitty game.
He shakes the presidents hand, he dosen't shake the cia directors hand because he is a conniving dick.
i know, couldn’t find a proper pic
I'm a woman and I understand all these scenes
I know this is just a bait thread but I'm convinced that girls actually do not understand MGS at all. Every female that i've talked with about MGS has only ever talked about how they think all the male chjaracters are gay for each other
tits of GTFO
Only nerds understand Kojima's works, he is a reverse weaboo that wants another nuke on his ass, he is literally beging for it.
Trannies don't count.
I'm a woman too, ama I guess tee hee
man cod is terrible but MW2's singleplayer was so fucking good
You think you do
But you don't
All of them.
Just fuck off already shill
they will never get it
Not even men understand these scene, except for one jap.
This is why I love Sup Forums
I understand what unfinished content is
this fucking scene man
I'm still astonished that Kojimbo didn't shorten the ride or something. At least it would've gotten rid of the 3-minute iPod listening segment.
No woman could possibly understand this.
I don't think anyone understood that.
He is dead, the ice dildo injured him gravely.
I liked Sup Forums more when it didn't feel the need to try so hard and the misogyny was a matter of fact instead of autistically forced
post feets
Preferably with one sock on one sock off
What, that Final Fantasy VIII is garbage? Sure they can.
oh sweet jesus. This was the one scene that really got to me.
What game is this?
The problem is there are new people here who don't understand the point of this board.
I don't understand the hostility and shitposting when the gender of the poster literally relates directly to the thread. Yeah if the thread was about cool vidya moments and they said "I'm a girl and I love all these!" then yeah.
Looks like Original Sin 2.
Since you're new here I'll let you in on a secret
Women don't care about games
Open breast
Well that's a blanket statement. I would argue on the whole gaming is still primarily male oriented and dominated, but it's so popular nowadays that there are a lot of women who play vidya.
They don't play for the same reason.
>women who "plays" vidya
oh, we have a lot of those, there mostly on the twitch irl section
The woman that play vidya wont state they are woman because they know thirsty betas are worse than cancer. Also attentionwhores arent woman, they're just cunts
Divinity Original Sin 2
The dialogue option makes sense due to the information you get about that specific guard, who is super into lizards
What are some scenes men will never understand?
Again, I would say that it's silly to think that there aren't a lot of women who play vidya. Hundreds of millions of people all over the world do, I would imagine at least 40% is female.
I think that's just a vocal minority, I do agree that it's sad that they even get the views and donations that they do.
True, any MMO as soon as you say you're a girl you'll get swamped by people giving you gold and shit, must suck.
are you a woman
This is a boy's only club, kid
No girls allowed.
No I am not, thank you for asking though user.
>vocal minority
>400K views each with over 1000 streamers doing the same thing everyday
>Again, I would say that it's silly to think that there aren't a lot of women who play vidya. Hundreds of millions of people all over the world do, I would imagine at least 40% is female.
1. you keep repeating the same point and ignored what I said in my last post
2. I'm sure if you count phone "games" than yeah 40% would be close
He is a woman
that is Sup Forums's meme
Scenes that involve betraying your own countrymen so that they can sleep with the enemy like pic related.
Ive seen that shit happen with a few girls who accidentaly out themselves and they have to switch characters or switch names because betas would chase them wherever they would go.
just ignore the false-flaging retard
here's your (you)
shut up and show me your tits or if you're a girl (male) show me the equivalent
Someone post the Shepard/Garrus scene with the rifle, that scene made the whole game
>1000 streamers
>maybe 10,000 streamers combined on other sites and different times as well.
Yeah, out of the millions, that is a vocal minority.
What do you mean I ignored your point? I think I addressed it. Also I'm not sure what your point about phone games is? Look at the most popular game of the last few years in terms of sales, GTAV, around 80 million copies have been sold so far, lets assume that 40 million are repeat customers for the sake of the argument (HD ports of the game to PC, Xbone and PS4), a good amount of that is probably women as well, and that's for one videogame, it's not hard to imagine that quite a lot of women play non phone games and Bejeweled type stuff as well. Here's some statistics too;
I'm aware Wikipedia is kind of sketchy but you can just click the sources. Even assuming an error margin of 10% (which is a LOT), there's still quite a large amount of women who play games.
How am I suppose to tell which are the prime numbers?
>defending women
>What do you mean I ignored your point?
Holy shit, I guess asking females(males) to read is too much
My bad
Women play video games for different reasons than the average Sup Forumsirgin
What reasons are those? I'd be interested to see your data for this. Also your image is kind of silly, the one on the right looks like a middle aged woman, which isn't exactly a demographic that plays games, and one woman who looks like she could play games answering the question wrong doesn't exactly mean anything.
It's useless user, they're just going to keep screeching and flinging shit. This is why women don't talk about playing games unless it's privately with other women.
Have you seen the results of Obsidian survey? Less than 10% are women who play core games. Most femoids play shit like Candy Crush
Women can't understand Yakuza beyond "TOTALLY GAY GUYS WRESTLING WITH EACH OTHER!!!"
>Arguing this much on Sup Forums
You're a man
> I'd be interested to see your data for this
Are you a faggot?
more like a tranny
Whatever the video game equivalent of this is.
New Vegas really would have benefited from a hamfisted dialogue where Caesar explains how a morally just civilization that is unable to safeguard its citizens from internal threats is actually less just than an amoral civilization who can maintain peace within its boundaries.
>tfw one of your friends just plays phone games
>tfw your other friend only plays Xbone
>tfw your other friend only plays Second Life
Yeah, I mean, don't get me wrong, there's a lot of cringey inclusion for the sake of inclusion with female and LGBT characters but I don't get the autism for a regular woman who plays games (meaning not a camwhore).
That's a survey done by Obsidian user, meaning that 10% of women who responded to that survey play regular games. I would argue that because the target audience for that survey was already from a relatively niche company that it holds less validity than something like the ESA.
this one
Yeah, I know, oh well, I'm just killing time for a few more mins til I go to bed.
No? Are you?
>video games
sorry i thought this was the video game board not movies
>there was a time when the world was massive and unknown and men stood side by side against it
>when a man's love for his comrades was considered the purest love there was
>even deeper than the love that could be shared between a man and a woman
>Gilgamesh wept for Enkidu
>"I weep for Enkidu, my brother"
>"You were the axe at my side"
>"My hand's strength, the sword at my belt,"
>"The shield before me"
>"A glorious robe, my fairest ornament;"
>"An evil Fate has robbed me"
>insecure faggots now snicker and giggle at male companionship while either ignoring or fetishizing female closeness
>"lol, bromance no homo jk"
Here's a good source user, I think it's worth a read if you're still ITT:
A shining light to our brothers in arms
is Sup Forums appealing to the male fantasy?
Wow user, as a girl I just wanna thank you for sticking up for us
I wish i had dated more guys like you in high school instead of tyrone
life is strange