How many people can you stab Sup Forums?

How many people can you stab Sup Forums?

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why is this fun

I'm stupid, how do I play this?

What buttons do I have to press

click to run, space to stab, shift to sprint. Otherwise I have no clue how to not run out of stamina

post the other one with the sniper rifle carnage

Arrow keys move ya around.
You can also confirm stuff with Enter. No need for mouse at all.

This is the kind of stuff I come to Sup Forums for.
Reminds me of when Nevada happened

>Arrow keys
Why won't japs just accept wasd


13 kills, how do I get good

14 dead niggers before the captured me.

Why do you have to be a lil' bitch nigger?

Arrow keys + zxc(asd) is the superior platformer control scheme

you mean chin chon win wan

My ancestors are smiling at me imperials can you say the same?

18 but I can't get higher than that


14, at the second stage you run out of stamina way faster it seem

Japs aren't Chinks

Holy fuck even a simple fucking game like this has a 10 min opening and tut for retards this is why japan needs to be nuked into orbit.

15 heh... pretty ebic

Not quite.

You can't arrest me just for having a knife you assholes

>dem tits
>dat ZR
>dat ahoge
Slasher-chan a best girl. 10/10 would enter Valhalla with.

Is this the power of Anime?


>live in unfree country
>some nutso anime girl tries to stab you
>have to defend yourself with some weird rack things instead of just shooting them like a real patriot

Why is this allowed?

Japan never was the same after the war.

>no mass shootings

because no real patriot has actually saved someone by doing that
and if they do its already too late

Guro stuff always fascinates me. Imagine going through the effort to learn how to draw, and this is what you end up creating at the end of it all.
Is it just some deep-seated thing that Nips are drawn to? I can sort of get the appeal behind ryona stuff, but shit like this and Demonophobia baffles me.

>not knocking her out with only your dick

Instead of shooting them they lock them up for a month, rape them, then dump them in a barrel of concrete somewhere.

Japan tries to be america after WW2 but they realize they cannot be america when america is already america so they turn to crazy shit. True story.

Actually, you can be legally shot for that.

14 too lazy to keep trying

Got 17

Senpai will never notice you with that kind of attitude. Grab your knife and make Jack proud.

They have this shit, we have tortureporn shit like the Saw series.
Not a huge difference desu.

>mass shooting multiple times a year
>thank god for those well behaved citizens with guns protecting us, amirite?

It ain't sexual like guro though.

>black bar in the middle of the game

"Real Patriot"? Nigger I just want to be able to shoot someone who assaults me or tried to rob me. What the hell is wrong with europeans that they think they don't deserve the right not to be beated, robbed, and raped?


Can't make it past floor 3

>no rape scene


I miss Sup Forums being close to 2ch and seeing this kind of stuff regularly

Wasteful with her bullets.

The hell kind of gun is that supposed to be?

How come America is too cheap to have anti-murder sticks?

Why are Japaneses so obsessed with school shootings?
I can understand Americans because that happens all the time there.

>Doing a school shooting with a gun that is meant to kill shit like squirrels and rabbits

First thing i though.
Maybe i've been playing too many porn games.

Have you ever seen Jap suicide rates?
If they actually could buy guns it'd be a bloodbath.

It's a Ruger 10-22


Japs wish they had the balls to actually do a school shooting.

This reminds me how much I want a smaller scale PUBG set in a Japanese town with common anime locations like shopping arcade, high school, etc. And you are all cute anime girls.

I'm satisfied with 17.

because they've never used a keyboard+mouse combiantion for gaming in their life, it's either or

Because it's just fantasy to them, and people enjoy fantasy because it lets them watch something that they'll never do because they're not violent gunloving militaristic asshats like most Americans.

I must have missed that this game took place in Nevada

They deal with some hardcore bullying there. Adults don't really care.

It's probably a hate-kill.

I'm sick of these bitches running away when I get them to 1 health god dammit

A 10/22 you retard

What's a good manga about yandere yuri. Surprised there was no nevada-tan manga

I imagine that workplace shooting would be their equivalent of school shooting in america.

Ruger 10/22

If you tazed somebody like that, wouldn't you both get shocked? That's pretty hot but I don't think you could keep the thing on while getting shocked yourself.


>they're not violent
Not on the outside because they don't have the guts.

>wtf that doesn't look like either an ak47 or an m16
it's a pretty generic .22, dude

>tfw nevada-tan has been free from jail longer than most of Sup Forums was born

>it even works on IOS

Exactly what I mean. Americans are violent outside and in but JP just likes violence as pure fantasy.


Nips in school take out their frustration by ganging up on a single person and psychologically torturing them until they try to kill themselves. The staff and parents know about it but they don't do anything because they're all spineless.

I want a yandere yuri bullying manga damn it!


So passive-aggressive violence. Neat.

how do you get more than 10 without getting caught?


Bullying in Asian countries is more psychological than physical. Bullying in AMERICA is just telling someone to kill themselves over and over until they do it.

Its like grass is greener on the other side type of fantastical fantasy to them.
It is something weird and borderline exotic to them that it makes interesting and a bit of a fantasy for them to think and picture and whatnot.

>being an actual weeb in 2017
wew lad

git gud. Keep in mind stabbing drains stamina so don't just spam space. Also once stamina is drained it takes longer to full back up so don't let it get to zero

learn how to work that energy bar

Damn I wonder if she's even more hot now that she's grown up and crazy.

git gud

It's a cultural thing. They lash out to social conservatism and repression with gore porn. This has been a thing with them as far back as the 30s.

this please

It's because shootings don't happen in Japan.

Just because Lions don't live in the USA doesn't mean we don't have Lions in our media.

Got myself a score of 15.

I guess it depends. American bullying is pretty weak sauce because of 0 tolerance. If you so much as look at someone the wrong way in front of a counselor you get suspended.

>tfw I realize that Nevada-tan is only like 3-4 years younger than me and could have moved to my area after she got out of juvy, she got out the same year I moved to Japan

Neat. Imagine accidentally dating or fucking Nevada-tan, what a weird world.


Post soundtrack.