How did this kid survive for 200 years in a fridge without food or water when Ghouls explicitly, desperately needed water to survive in FO1?
How did this kid survive for 200 years in a fridge without food or water when Ghouls explicitly...
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what if he wasn't in there for 200 years
No one gives a shit about FO1. It's aged like milk and carrying over anything from it would be the stupidest decision ever.
Not interested in discussing how realistic things are in an alternate universe post-apoc game w/ talking mutants and ghouls
I know you're referencing that tweet but it always annoys me when writers use "its fiction" as a cop-out answer for why there isn't any internal consistency.
The idea of "willing suspension of disbelief" is funademental to the player actually becoming immersed. Its okay to have fantastical elements, but if you start breaking your own rules about said elements then it takes people out of the book/movie/game and ruins the experience.
"This story has radiation that mutates people into ghouls, but they still need to eat and drink to survive albeit less"
"This guy got put in a fridge for 200 years and survived by being a ghoul"
These are both fantastical, "unrealistic" premises, and individually they're fine. But you can't have BOTH at the same time because they're contradictory. Basic logic doesn't stop working just because it's a fictional setting, if you tell me magic real in your story I can accept it, but then don't break your OWN RULES about how it works and then shrug at people calling you out on bad writing. This happens all the fucking time and it's a universal sign someone is bad at their job
It's best to just understand and accept that a lot of the writers for some quests in FO4 didn't understand the lore and constants in the FO universe so they thought "oh man what if this ghoul survived in a fridge for years and years and the player had to find him? That sounds cool!"
Bethesda doesn't understand that internal consistency is important even if your setting features fantastic elements.
Probably the best I've seen it explained before. Good job user.
Some guy in the staff tweeted about that
Did you know fallout is a game?
Dumbass hes in A FRIDGE. He has all the water he needs, just has to push the button for it.
This. Like how can you be thirsty in a fridge haha just eat some ice. just turn that shit on nigger
I mean a member of bethesda responded on twitter like the lore and explanations behind this do not matter
Did you know Bethesda make video games?
Hi Lorerunner
love your videos
he did the right thing
A guy walks into a joke shop and doesn't find any
sounds like a question you should ask loremaester Peter Hines at Bethesda HQ
these gimmicky quirky quests were obviously made for the normalfag modern fallout fan. I doubt any of the new devs at bethesda give a shit about consistency or even consider fo1 and 2 cannon
This seems like the most likely case.
If you care about things like this then you are not the kind of consumer Bethesda makes their games for.
this is perfect. Sup Forums has made me hate FONV and its fans.
No, no, fuck this. There is a fucking farm run entirely by fucking ghouls in Fallout 4, and it's not hard to find. They canonically need to fucking eat IN THE VERY SAME GAME as this dumb quest. The sole reason he's an ancient ghoul child is because they were referencing both the frequency with which children were trapped and died inside fridges in the 40s and the meme that you could survive a bomb blast in a fridge. They combined the two and bam; ancient ghoul child. The people who worked on fallout 4 are legitimate idiots.
Millons will buy it no matter what.
Why put waste time and resources?
Either that or their truly delusional and believe everything their marketing deparment comes up with.
How is not being an idiot a waste of resources, exactly? Was this quest really THAT fun and interesting that it HAD to be in the game as-is, or at all? This wasn't some mistake they would have only caught late in development, this had a bunch of voice work recorded, and a fucking ghoul child made just for it. They actually SPENT money on making it. I'm not surprised that their official forward-facing fucktard sharted out that dismissive tweet, because when presented with mistakes this egregious and stupid, what are you supposed to say? You can't exactly apologize for being dangerously dumb.
kys desu
>legitimate idiots.
Just lazy really. Getting that level of narrative consistency when you've got a dozen monkeys building rides i mean quests in your theme park they're bound to have internal inconsistencies.
This is what happens when you have 40 different writers doing the quests, each with a different level of understanding of the lore and general writing competency.
Well, if he was to answer thruthfully, he would have had to say "We hire shitty writers and don't care at all about consistency since that's irrelevant to the game sales, it's just a job nobody really gives a shit about Fallout in our company".
Being the PR guy of Bethesda, sounds like a bad truth to say.
if you read about the really weird meta elder scrolls lore shit you end up reading about "god head" or some shit that basically means that whatever you experience in elder scrolls games becomes "your" lore, they call it "head cannon" too i think
it seems like theyve really started becoming much more inconsistent in fallout and elder scrolls games recently though
How did the Children of Atom survive outside the planet of the apes?
Who fucking cares.
>when Ghouls explicitly, desperately needed water to survive in FO1?
Remember the BoS guy who stole to feed ghouls ?
Isn't it just a reference to the new Indiana Jones?
sad to see that the gif you posted isn't even true anymore
what the fuck are you talking about
the godhead is just the dreamer of the dream that is the elder scrolls universe.
>New Vegas
>Simple, jokey reference that only happens while Wild Wasteland perk is on, and doesn't fuck with the internal consistency
>Fallout 4
>Entire lorebreaking marked quest that is taken 100% seriously
which is you
Dude it's a basic concept which gets repeated endlessly everywhere.
Never was...?
no you're the player character. to even acknowledge you're in the dream is a feat accomplished by very few people. the people that fuck it up poof out of existence. you're not and never have been the godhead in any ES game.
Why didn't he go insane in there by himself?
This is what happens when you have 39 level designers and 5 writers making all your quests, each with a different level of understanding of the lore and general writing competency.
Yeah, weird how in the same game with the Mechanist quest they show that robobrains went insane over time due to isolation.
>Letting your opinions be shaped by Sup Forums