Hello I am gamer from brazil and I play old games when they are cheap because new games not really cheap...

Hello I am gamer from brazil and I play old games when they are cheap because new games not really cheap. So I play Crysis 1 with good PC and it looks great. But then I play Crysis 2 and it looks worse??? Can someone explain why next game looks worse? Makes no sense?

Look at bush and trees in background.Garbage? Crysis 1 has better green.

Simple answer.
Crysis 2 was made for the Xbox 360 and PS3 in mind.
The engine that runs Crysis 1 is CryEngine 2 - The engine was built for computers.

Crysis 2 and Crysis 3 run on CryEngine 3 - This engine was built to be compatible with consoles. This means that certain features like the physics and other interactive technologies were scaled down.

why do makers give shits about console gays? Is shooter so mouse is better.


Where the fuck have you been since 2011?

brazil. Where you?

Because they want to make money. More players are on the consoles than are on PC.

In theory because the console base has more players than on PC according to marketers, and PC is full of pirates apparently. All this did was alienate people though because Crysis 2 was more generic than the original in every way possible.


Subhuman pls leave.

suck cocks retard

Crysis 2 and 3 sold like shit though.


>Hello I am gamer from brazil and I play old games

Yea, because of alienation of the original fanbase as mentioned here.

>people still buy consoles in 2017


Didn't crytek also make that spartan game for the xbone, what ever happened to those guys?

Maybe if you PCfags would actually buy more than one shitty battleroyale game, then devs would focus on you.

They're on the verge of bankruptcy. Making VR and f2p games now.

Crytek lost a huge chunk of their staff to RSI who develops Star Citizen. They have their main studio in Germany so it was kind of easy.

You mean Ryse? It was good game, similar to The Order. It looked great but it didn't bring many new thing to gaming world.

Stupid monkey

you use pc right now to talk shit to me. So how funny is that you gay? Suck my ass.

all 3 crysis games are fun, but yeah 2 was weird coming from 1

The worst part is that in alienating their niche, the console user demographic they sought after didn't even bother with it.


Daily reminder that the sopa de macaco guy is Angolan.

BR? BR? Gibe moni or i report u

You're a monkey, w.

Why do brazilians always feel the need to tell everyone on the internet where they're from?
No one gives a single shit, just ask why Crysis 2 looks worse than the first, the fact that you come from Earth's armpits has fuckall to do with the games's graphics

This post is why everybody hates burgers

Not true, I happen to know everybody.

>I don't need to say where I'm from because everyone thinks by default that I'm from a shitty country filled with coward liberals and fat fucks who want to be the next Hitler.

t. tripfag who forgot his trip

You say that you are a BR but you type like a russian/slav.

Wait is he? I'm kinda sad now

t. br

>hello from brazil
Favela monkeys really need to stop doing this, you're the only people in the world proudly announcing where you're posting from like it's a marvel of technology that someone from such a faraway land has the power to communicate with us.
I can assure you that no one cares, in fact it automatically makes me think of you as a god damn retard before I even read what you have to say.

t. butthurt burger

Nice falseflag, faggot.

You don't need to say where you're from because it's irrelevant. You don't see faggots from Belgium or whatever telling us about their neck of the woods before asking which loli game is the best. They just ask, like everyone else but Brazilians.
I hate brazilians so god damn much

I'm a mick, you cunt.

OP is not brazilian

You've obviously never met someone from Finland
>hey hey did you know i'm from the same country as spurdo? FUGGGGGGG :D:D:D

Vile creatures, leave Spurdo alone.

Brazilians with bad english don't type like op is typing. They sure as shit don't use "I". They use "Me". As in "Me is home. Me is playing crysis.

At least they only come out of hiding when this meme gets posted. I'd have a problem with these half-chinks if they started every post by introducing their finnish selves like fucking Brazilians.

>trying to explain how people from a specific country would fuck up the grammar of the English language


Mate that was proper retarded
The word "I" hasn't been hidden from every Brazilian in the world, some of these cunts speak horrible english and some slightly less horrible english.

There are definitely some writing patterns that correspond to certain nationalities, for instance murricans tend to mix up "you are" and "you're" or "they are" and "they're", Russians type like OP "So I play Crysis 1 with good PC" they eat up articles and stuff like that.

>from brazil
there is like every nationality in here but the monkey has to say where he came from LOL
who the fuck cares if youre from brazil you fucking retarded piece of shit

Well i'm brazilian and you're retarded, changing "I" for "me" is not a mistake anyone makes, even people who know no english besides what they hear in pop songs and movies.

>*deep robotic voice* Camo Activated
It may have not been as good but all the Crysis games make me feel like a badass when I play them

The suit aspect is fucking GOAT, cloaking, then armoring up and blowing shit up, then run at incredible hihg speed, all while bullets and shit fly everywhere and your gunning people down and getting new weapons
its a fucking blast, and even if it doesnt look AS GOOD it still looks decent enough compared to a lot of other games

brazil quake players are bros
ima bring my laptop again next time i go to sao paulo

>Hello I am gamer from brazil
Don't participate in any online multiplayer, also tell your kinsmen that they also should not participate in any online multiplayer especially MMOs. Now be a good boy and kill yourself.

>this thread
Boy am I glad I'm not the only one who fucking hates brazilians on the internet with a passion

Is there any difference? They're both equally cancerous.