Is she right?
Is she right?
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>Mega Rayquaza user Dragon Ascent
Single player? Yeah. There's no reason to be a min-maxing faggot in single player.
Doesn't really work in PVP though since my fave is shit
after i beat claire i used to stand behind her and the pixel created in that space to my fucked up brain made it look like i was giving it to her
>tfw my favorite is shit and even his exclusive move is shit but I still use him
I just pick the ones I think look cool.
>is she right
>pidgey fainted
this but unironically
>comparing animals to people
>people aren't animals
Humans don't live in nature. Every day we stray further and further away from it. Because nature is shit.
Explain how equality is not a social construct, or for that matter why it's logical in the first place.
I mean you could try to win the Tour de France on a unicycle, but your strategy is flawed from square one. Obviously you have a much stronger strategy beating the game with a tyranitar rather than a caterpie.
does /vp/ still have smogonfags vs karenfags threads?
You think we accomplished that by putting the weak first, soy boy? No. It was forged in sweat and blood.
He's right
>australian man attempts to walk to the store
>not a video compiled of the most dangerous creatures to ever grace this planet including emus as an aussie tries to reach a store
fake and gay
Oh please, everything is nature, our cities are biomes, and not even remotely the least inhabitable on the planet
if you shook a city you'd be surprised at how many animals fell out
smogon is cancer
In a sense, yeah.
In PVE this works like a charm, not so much on PVP. BUT you can have fun.
My friend and I used to do this. Train and do all the autistic hatching and whatnots with our prefered ones, not the meta ones.
Not that person but humans are naturally social creatures, compassion for each other is inate to some degree, it's as much an instinct as hunting is for that eagle.
>playing pokemon glazed
>pick riolu for starter
>realize the error of my ways hours in
At least I get to sweep npcs with jirachi
Smogon is the only site that actively tries to give the lesser used pokemon their place to shine with their tier lists
but sure go ahead, try to use your favorite shitmons against anyone with the brains to put a decent team together
>pokemon red
I got my ass kicked from the elite 4, but wartortortle came through in the end
considering she's the worst E4 member in a lineup that includes fucking BRUNO, she's full of shit
a good dark type E4 would have at least had a motherfucking tyranitar
Pretty much.
Any one who goes on the internet to look up strategies to get an edge over the average player is a massive try hard no matter what the game.
It really annoys me that game freak puts so little effort into the singleplayer nowadays because the multiplayer is cancer where only like 2% of pokemon are used
Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. Favorite Pokémon.
That is only the selfish perception of people.
Truly skilled trainers should try to win under nuzlocke rules and no healing items during battle.
Pic related would have to be nerfed harder than Gengar to be anywhere near as nonviable to alot of mons.
Also why he's my favorite.
>competitive Pokemon
what a fucking joke, seriously
Whats a matter, can't handle a little RNG in your competition?
What are you, bad at video games?
been there, done that, there were still captures I only brought to get killed against gyms because fuck trying to make ledyba work
Those two statements don't contradict each other. A truly skilled trainer can win with their favorites, but a trainer who lifts a lot will have to sacrifice.
>everyone using the same min-maxed shit
wow what a complicated and mind-invigorating scene to get into i bet it must be hard to grasp all of it's complex concepts
>strong/weak pokemon that is only the selfish perception of people
Objectively wrong.
>truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites
>multiple setups with different sets for different pokemon to run different roles on different teams with different themes
>metas are bad!
Ok so now i know you're just bad at video games and you dont actually know what you are talking about.
No, if you use only your favourites in the battle tower/maison/post-game battle facility of any pokemon game you'll get your fucking face stomped unless your favourites happen to not only be OP but work well together.
Yeah, try actually playing a new Pokémon game. Smogon =/= VGC
>tfw some of your favorite guys will always be story pokemon only
Ledian will never be cool ever
You better switch to an on meta poke right now or I'm going to report you for throwing
Enjoy your ban
this statement has absolutely nothing to do with the dude's question though.
gb2/vp/ nerds
Sorry pokemon isn't overwatch, you're just going to suck ass if you dont pick well.
But feel free to make another salty thread about how you pick trash and people wipe the floor with your shitmons :^)
I would try to win with my favorites if all of my favorites were in the fucking game. But nintendo keeps adding more and more of the fuckers and I care less and less and no game in this series will ever be as good as G/S/C was so why the fuck shouldn't i just 100 my starter and train a couple of OP backups on the side with 2 in the pocket for HMs?
Yeah, but some pokemon are just too shit to work. I dragged Beedril's ass all the way to Claire before I just had to give up on it because it couldn't pull its weight
>one single move removes half your favorite list from the game forever
Genwunner here. This is one of the few new pokemon I actually like. How fucked am I?
She's fucking wrong. I played with Pikachu as a kid and didn't evolve him, and he kept fucking dieing to everything.
Better example:
Pretty sure he evolves into a decent phys atk / phys def. But if you want to keep the cute one you're pretty boned I think.
Very. It has 60 in every stat. 100 is kinda the baseline for "decent". But here's a silly video about a gimmick set.
Don't listen to , Spinda has no evolution. And he's garbage. I love him too, but he's garbage.
congrats, your favorite ranks among the likes of ledian, delibird and castform as the bottom 1% worst last stage pokemon in the game
like there is literally nothing he does no other pokemon doesn't do better, he doesn't have a niche of any kind and even the majority of nfe pokemon are better than him
if you look him up on smogon you'll see they haven't even bothered to make a competitive set for him and merely have themselves a big laugh about how terrible he is
seriously: you choose poorly
>you like this pokemon
No big deal. Who gives a fuck what your favorite is.
>I like this pokemon, i intend to use it
Very fucked.
Yeah I was thinking of this qt
His perception is so selfish you could put the truth right in front of him and it will still be invisible.
That is so dumb, I love it.
I did the same.
I mean, the sound effect didn't help.
>Food analogy
Why do they keep insulting us? There's really no other reason to bring it up.
That's why she got beat
>tfw your favorites are Lurantis and Tropius
50% of this shit game is just rng anyways
Lurantis is getting contrary Super Power at least.
>competitive pokemon
you get Contrary Superpower memes where Superpower boosts all your stats every time you use it instead of lowering them
except that's not even a good meme
You want to actually properly use that ability use Serperior
you want to use contrary superpower there's malamar
you want to meme it there's lurantis and shuckle
no need to bring poor ol spinda into the deal
>taking advice from someone who just got their ass kicked
The goofy shit I've seen done with that fucker almost makes me want to use one
Well, you can't take advice of anyone since you beat the crap out of everyone, including evil organizations by yourself, and get their money
If you want logic behind why treating everyone equally is more preferable to not I would only have to say that nobody wants to be treated unfairly and if everyone was equal while no ones higher than anyone else nobody is below anyone else either, including you. Equality for everyone is guaranteed safety from the bottom for you(everyone). Not that that is how people actually act, Ambition and jealousy drive people to reach for greater heights than others, competitiveness is hardcoded in us, its how civilization progresses.
Why didn't you actually answer the question he asked instead of repeating some platitudes they taught you in high school during nigger month?
metas are bad.
>one is just some old man
>the other is a member of the elite 4
i wonder which one would know better
This kills the competfag
>humans don't live in nature
This guy, hahaha.
>watched the new Pokemon movie today
>OP pic is literally the message of the movie
Is this a covert shill thread?
>just some old man
That is an an area on accessible after you beat the elite 4.
This is true, but it only supports an individualist anarchist perspective.
>You think we accomplished that by putting the weak first, soy boy?
Yeah. We became so intelligent in order to protect our young.
He means we're able to shape nature to benefit us.
Most of the things we follow are human constructed. We follow them because they are useful.
So what?
Why isn't he elite 4 champion like the player then?
Its the whole point of pokemon overall
Most animals adapt to their habitat and live within it, few select animals alter their habitat to create their homes, We are an extreme version of this.
You have failed. Fair is not the same as equal. If you treated people fairly, we'd have meritocracy, it's only fair for those who put in more to get more.
Nature is a weak bitch
what about people born with crippling physical disabilities that make it impossible for them to do as much as able bodied people
they could put in the same amount of time as someone else, but accomplish less through no fault of their own
You cant have a pecking order without unfairness.
you what
the point is you don't judge by class, race, sex, nationality. You don't give privileges to the nobility, or your best mates. you treat people the same -- so, if one person is an idiot, you deal with them just as you would deal with any other person being an idiot.
it doesn't mean "I will act the exact same to everyone in all situations"