Game Grumps
Game Grumps
Other urls found in this thread:
1. E-celeb cancer
2. Oneyplays does make me laugh when everything goes off the rails and they just start fucking around with a game/having a bizarre argument about tiny clones of Hitler. When they just play the game and just talk I get a bit bored. Game Grumps is mostly trash now.
Game Grumps has dropped so poorly in quality over the years. If I wanted to watch some fat guy play a video game terribly I would go watch DSP. At least Oneyplays is new so the channel still has some magic. Wait a few years till Ding ding or Julian leave and they replace him with someone extremely unfunny.
Jon era grumps > OneyPlays
OneyPlays>Modern grumps
Like the god of war guys or the muslim man
GoW was entertaining though.
E-celeb thread?
me husband where
>Disney offers to buy you out
>But they make you replace an Iranian with one of god's chosen
What a coincidence
Jon Era Grumps = OneyPlays >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Modern Grumps
>Julian dumps ding dong
>gets some new weirdo furry bf
>forces him to be on oneyplays
I could see it happening
Danny>Ding Dong>Ryan>Matt=Oney>Jon>>>Arin>Ross>Suzy
>Mario jumps over pit
I already don't like it when they bring new people on Oneyplays. Matt is the only one I like that is a guest on the show. Everyone else is just so unfunny. The day Oneyplays stops being Chris, Julian, and Dingdong is the day I unsubscribe.
I wish Oney did more content with his other friends. Fatso and faggot are so fucking annoying
Oney should team up with Super Mega and do more live action stuff.
Ding Dong is cool, though
>Matt is the only one I like
The only funny thing he did was the Obama impression, otherwise he is really fucking annoying
I liked Ricepirate tho
The lesser evil.
>watching LPs
pls, PLS go away
Try watching one of his streams. He is the most whiny, annoying, cantankerous human beings imaginable.
Unironically /ourguy/
Do you not know how to report posts or something?
Game Grumps is so fucking boring now.
They'll just break out into torturous singing
Danny will talk about shit their audience probably doesn't care about, like classic rock for half the episode
Danny is completely out of touch of video games
Danny will literally just say something funny he saw on TV/the internet, and repeat it worse for laughs
Aaron still just as shitty
Aaron will be intentionally obtuse because "every game should be megaman x"
they are both literally the same people
>DUDE we are I R O N I C A L L Y Let's Players LOL XD
Both toolbags, both trash. Just like this shit thread
Who is Ricepirate. I haven't learned all of their names let.
julian and ding dong run a company together, it would be kinda awkward
Black chinese guy from sleepy cabin that played Bloodborne
Only a nigger could be THIS triggered. Drink bleach.
They make newgrounds flashgames that take 3 years to come out
Oh the guy with the beanie? I thought he was alright. He wasen't funny in the slightest but at the same time wasen't annoying. I would mind him being on the show but I wpudlnt want him on every episode.
Nothing on Sup Forums is primarily about video games anymore
Go to /vg/ if you really wanna talk about your precious "vidya", faggot
>tries to dox someone because they made fun of you using greentext outside of Sup Forums
You know who you are.
end your life, promptly
option 3, not being an 11 year old faggot and watching manchildren play video games for you
>tfw no qt black gf to end my bloodline with
The ONLY Sup Forums approved gaming channel.
i like your scoring maybe move Dan a little lower.
and idk why people hate matt.
Game grumps. some effort/improv skills are involved sometimes.
OneyPlays simply says shit in silly voices as 99% of all jokes. They EVEN cut around and still barely have anything at all at the end of the day.
Same to you and every other person who cries e-celeb cancer.
You can just report and hide buy instead you decide to flop your dicks all over the place and act just as faggots as the supposed cancer you claim to oppose.
You faggots are just as bad.
I've only watched grumps a few times since Jon left, and it's bad. Oneyplays is hit or miss, but they definitely have their moments.
>Crash 1
>Super Mario 64
>Yoshi Dead and Loving it
>The newest Bubsy episode
Mick isn't black, is he?
He's barely irish
Was just about to say this, Phil is and always will be /ourguy/
Having a "stop liking what I don't like" attitude is about as childish as it gets, you dumb faggot.
Boom boom boom let me tell you a tale, this game is Sonic and not very gay haha
Haha stop stop! So this Sonic game, there are more than one?
Yeah, but all of them are terrible
Haha I'm learning so much. Get outta here
you are everything wrong with Sup Forums
I wish they'd focus more on one-off funnies, like Bubsy and Yoshi. DD has talked about sinking watchers, and those always get plenty of views
So am I.
So is most of Sup Forums.
We just get around it by being around like-minded people where hate of all is implied and we move past it.
oneyplays lasted a few more months than i hoped for. that type of humor gets old very fasst
My personal favorites were Crash 2, Star Trek VR, Banjo Kazooie, Friday The 13th, Mario 64, Mario Paint, GTA Mods, and if I'm in the mood Yooka Laylee but there are times where nothing happens in the playthrough comedy wise.
the incredibly fucking dulll outspoken retard who isn't funny at all and was part of the pseuddo shitty newground faggots who make shitty animations
I think Matt's alright, but it's really nice when Julian and Dingdong are on the supermega podcast(which is like 3 or 4 of them) but you get almost a solid hour of funny men
ha ha
Saint is the only good yout
what did user mean by this
>When they just play the game and just talk I get a bit bored
This, OneyPlays is right for the banter they have or the weird shit they say and play.
But most of the time is just Ding Dong and Julian talking about cartoons while Oney tries to make a joke to make Julian laugh like a retard.
Yeah, I kinda noticed that Ding Dong never really laughs at the jokes as much as Julian does.
I just wish Oneyplays or TwoBestFriendsPlay would do a full play through of _______System Shock 2_________
I wish they'd talk about the game more when they're playing dumb joke shit like Kingdom Hearts. There's plenty of time to shoot the shit during the extended grinding shit, why not pay attention to the cutscenes?
Vinesauce Vinny or Vinesauce Joel?
come home for scare
>Dingdong's gay
>Julian's gay
Why does Oney hang out with fags?
Both have their ups and downs.
>Dingdong's gay
Is he? Julian is pretty open about it but I've never heard anything about DD.
>liking Swedish Pewdiepie
Vinny commentary is alright but he fucking sucks at every goddamn game and tends to fellate Nintendo a bit to much
Joel commentary gets grating at times and spends too much time trying to set up jokes that fall flat on its face most of the times but he's good at vidya and plays a big variety of games
Rev is alright
He's sexually attracted to this thing.
>vinny bad at vidya
He fucking destroyed Cuphead
>He fucking destroyed Cuphead
And yet he struggles when playing fucking Kirby
Playing video games myself.
I'd rather kill myself, thanks.
Maybe he's just retarded
baby gam
Is this supposed to be DaS2?
DaS1, versus Ceaseless Discharge.
The biggest fucking twist is that he's the original Tuba Croc guy.
Obama looks like a monkey! Heh Hah!
You hate him because he reminds you of yourself. And what the rest of Sup Forums is like. A bunch of whiny, annoying cantankerous human beings.
Doesn't Julian draw porn or some shit? Or DingDong?
Damn fag that is one big projector you got their
Most people grow out of it by the time they're 25.
Good to know, 3 years left then.
You only see in others what you see in yourself.
I'm not a big fan of either one at this point. At least Julian is sort of funny now. Oney is running out of steam. Ding Dong just sucks.
Maybe if you're completely incapable of critical thinking.
rubberskunktoo is jewlian
>Sup Forums - E-Celeb Cancer for Underage Faggots
>dead inside because he's 30+ and stuck streaming video games hit or miss comedy
>upbeat and genuine, but sometimes unintentionally guilty of being obnoxious or memey hit or miss comedy
I like them both equally, desu
I like Ding Dong when he's having serious conversations and isn't trying to be the funny guy who gets offended. This is why the streams are ten times better than the actual OneyPlays.
Friends Without Benefits
stay triggered, nigger