Which MOBA is the best? League of Legends or Dota 2?

Which MOBA is the best? League of Legends or Dota 2?


warcraft 3 : DOTA only answer

league has better hentai soooooo

What is better eating shit or eating garbage?

League is more casual and Riot is a shit company, but Dota 2 playerbase is made up almost exclusively of Russians and Chinks

Heroes of the Storm

Dota 2 Turbo

Which is best? Getting raped in every hole by a troupe of horny and thorny cacti or slicing off your nipples with a cheese grater and shoving needles into your eyes until you can't see anymore?

This is the 24th time you've posted this thread with that image.
>>>Sup Forumsrules/4


First one could be better than the other.

dota isn't a moba lolbab

league; I've never played dota but I heard things like limited turnrate and that alone is shitty.


this. i've played both games but one thing that really sucks about dota is turning speed

and why does batrider exist

Which fans are the most butthurt: Dotafags about LoL superiority or SMTfags about Persona superiority?

Smite's unironically better than both. Not too hardcore and not nearly as much suffering as Dota, but more enjoyable as a casual game than LoL thanks to the 3P perspective and more entertaining skins. VGS menu is a godsend to communication in vidya too, more games should have the VGS commands. Especially LoL without its voice chat.

dota and smt are god tier though

Dota is definitely the more unforgiving and more indepth one of the two. But I still feel like League is much more enjoyable to play. I might just be style of substance but League has a really good thing going for it compared to Dota's strange aesthetics.

>more entertaining skins

I got that skin and it's not nearly as cancerous as the art portrays. The VGS commands are nowhere near as good at being annoying as kawaii bastet.

if you're seriously saying league has better graphics then you're blind

I don't think smite is even copying another game and yet it feels like a poor man's version of an existing better game. It looks like such a mess everytime I see videos of it.

Aesthetics isn't graphics, Dota has a notoriously weird and unique style compared to the cookie cutter art style that league has.

Neither game in particularly enjoyable but League is moreso than DotA2, as is Smite. I don't like the economic aspect of these games nor do I like having super long games. Battlerite is much more to my liking.

Paragon, made by the devs of Fortnite.

I'd rather play Paragon if I wanted to waste my time

what's notorious and weird about dota

Never post again.

dota is faster than lol, smite and battlerite you dumb fuck

You don't like REAL MOBA with ACTUAL GRAPHIC my dude? Are you one of the dead /parag/ legacyshitters?

Unironically kill yourself.


Smite was the most mechanically fun moba because that top down view is just a poor man's RTS. That said Hi-rez doesn't deserve any players. And all my time I spent on that game was making new smurf accounts to tell new players to kill themselves doing my part as revenge for Tribes.

>shit gameplay
>the only redeeming factor is grafix but the artstyle itself is bland
Like I said, never post again.

They're both a bit shit.

> shit gameplay
that's wrong user
> artstyle is bland
... no? that makes no sense, artstyle is a fantasy/sci fi mix because of the lore where it's three moon: Letha omeda and zechin letha is fantasy moon omeda is sci fi moon zechin is jungle moon with monsters and shit

Sorry boi, in the time you were right clicking minions waiting to be worth half a shit, I've already finished a game packed with happenings

> "muh HotS is watered down MOBA and it's not even a moba even the devs are saying its hero brawler *shit himself*

Paragon is a dumbed down Smite and you know this.

>arstyle is a fantasy/sci fi mix

>with happenings

Yeah, pveing isn't a real happening.

Imagine being bad so bad at easy real games, that you're forced to crawl back to fucking deadass HOTS. Just embarrassing.

>why does batrider exist
To fuck with the very mechanic you're complaining about.

No it isn't. Battlerite matches last around ten minutes tops, and it's just combat. Match length in the other three games vary wildly but on average you're committing 30-60 minutes per game an the actual flow of these games I do not care for. But in general, fuck DotA2 and fuck you. There are cool as hell things about it but I hate the game and its players.

This genre of games is tedious and not very engaging for someone as impatient as myself.

>has perfectly good food in it, as long as you don't try to eat broken glass, you're fine
>literally shit, you're almost definitely getting sick after eating this
You retarded or something?