World of Warcraft

>Early twenties
>Handsome as fuck
>Not married
>No kids

What went wrong Sup Forums?

He's into futa draenei. Classic Alliance cuckholds.

don't worry, he'll get with a draenei qt and we'll have a real half-blood prince later on

Jaina is too loose after Thrall got through with her

He lives in a world populated by neckbeards.

>not married by early twenties
Y-yea, what a loser
I just want to get a nice, loyal girl pregnant over and over and raise a family with her

>What went wrong Sup Forums?
he's white

Isnt he 18? Definately not in his twenties

Varian didnt have a wife and kid until he was in his 30's.

Why doesn't he just marry Sylvanas?

Because he's saving himself for Yrel

>tapping undead cold pussy

Can't grow an heir in permafrost, user.

He's saving himself for a super-cute Draenei with fat tits and a cute accent.

The void

Took an oath of celibacy. Or he's just had no time to scoop a bitch.

Really though, the real reason is because there's no lore women that are his age so if Blizzard were to make up someone it'd be as dumb as Thrall's current wife.

Check out the faggot who doesnt like futa horse cock

>the real reason is because there's no lore women that are his age

Why does Blizzard get uncomfortable at the thought of making a young single girl?

He's definitely gonna bang Yrel.

Because the last one they made turned into Jaina, the orc BGC, dreadlord, town bike, etc.

Well, that's less her being young and more Blizzard trying to push an interracial romance subplot.

>what could have been

think he'll make cute half babies with her?

Jaina had all the cock available to her and didn't choose any, though. Now all that dick is gone and she's mad as hell.

forgot pic

If I was a girl I'd fall so hard for Anduin.

Jaina is a prude tho.


Anduin will end up marrying someone predictable, like Tess Greymane or a Kul Tiras nobleman's daughter to solidify ties with the Alliance next expansion.

>What went wrong?
The part where he's seventeen and his dad just died last year. Once he's all settled in, then we're sure to see Queen Yrel.

Yrel is basically the only woman around his age that clicks as a potential love interest, you bet your butt they're going to get together

wish Jaina became a Big Orc Cock breeding slut and sold out her people.

>mfw playing a fair-haired goody two-shoe martial character in DnD and all the edgelords are angry that the population actually likes me

Is there any actuall interracial relationship in WoW that wasn't just a quick fuck and resulted in a regular family? They have never ACTUALLY went through with one iirc. I think it's because they'd have to create a new race every time it happened.

Med'an barely counts.

The dude is probably tired of having to deal with the constant proposals by the power-hungry fucks in the House of Nobles, and possibly the exiled nobles of fallen kingdoms, trying to get him to marry some relative of theirs. It's hard to find a good waifu in a den of snakes.

He should definitely get to work on that soon, though. He's the last of his line and fighting a war.

Turalyon and Alleria had a kid. Remember Arator?

>Is there any actuall interracial relationship in WoW that wasn't just a quick fuck and resulted in a regular family?

The Windrunners take to Humans like the Kardashians take to Blacks.

>playing with edgelords

Why would you do this to yourself.

How are you all going to feel when this white Boi gets hooked up with an Orc or Troll?

Bliz going to shove SJW beliefs down your throats and you're going to beg for more!

Because the only cock she ever truly loved and wanted turned into The Lich King.
Even Kalec feels like something she's just doing out of boredom. Wouldn't surprise me if we find out she dumped him between expansions for helping The Horde get back into Dalaran.

>>Not married
>>No kids

He's gay for Wrathion

I thought that was obvious

Alleria and Turalyon
Vereesa and Rhonin
That human and gnome from Sholazar

Half-races shouldn't be a thing tbqh

the light betrayed him

You'd be surprised how bearable it is to be surrounded by edgelords when you've got a DM actively invested in your character. It's a veritable goldmine of character development and party interaction.

>Turalyon and Alleria had a kid. Remember Arator?

Oh shit, you're right. Always kind of dismissed him as a blood elf sine he looked like one in the paladin hall.

Vanessa VanCleef is his age.

>Tess is tsun as fuck for Anduin
>Ends up uncucking him

user please, if Blizz goes SJW they'll just bring in Wrathion.

But isnt she dead? I havent played WoW in over 5 years.

lemme guess.... Her DEATH was only a SET BACK?

>elf human
>elf human
>gnome human
>elf human

Humans really like the elf pussy.

Vanessa VC is a tsundere working with the rogue guild, now.

Hallucinogens and a fake body in the fire.

>Humans really like the elf pussy.
Consider the alternatives, user.

>Vanessa VC will never steal Anduin's cherry

And draenei are relatively new, just give it a few years.

He’s into Worgen knots

My... paladin was drugged? well played bliz.

Best way to finally bring peace between Stormwind and the Defias.

You know it

worst girl

hello hive mind bros :3


>implying someone from WoD will be relevant ever again

>consider the alternatives
>goat pussy
>midget pussy
>different midget pussy
>furry pussy
>regular pussy

Welp, when you're right you're right. I'd go elf, too.



Goat pussy is better

The reason is he was a fucking priest and a pacifist before Blizzard retconned the fuck out of him.

Aduin going after the horde makes no sense based on who he is.

>mfw those accents




They're really tall and have those awkward legs, it makes wrapping them around your lover's waist a bit difficult don't you think?

he likes draenei women

user, you think you want it, but you don't. one misstep and those hooves'll take you out.

Who doesn't?

Not retconned, developed. Did you miss Legion or something?

Besides, even an ardent pacifist has to respond when cities start to burn.

user, I know you're not new to fantasy worlds, but say it with me;

ELVES ARE MENT FOR BREEDING! (This means ALL races. They have that universal womb)

>Horde attacks first/is framed
>expect Anduin to do nothing after Darnassusl is burned to the ground

>Anduin going after the horde makes no sense based on who he is.
You just need to get creative.

It was just a silly tree. who cares about one tree getting burned amitire?

>one misstep and those hooves'll take you out.

Hooves are sharp as fuck, they'll scrap the hell outta your thighs if she's on top or bottom.

Only safe position is from behind.

Anduin has a major Milf fetish. Is confirmed!

When did this happen as far as i am concerned we do not know who toss the first stone.

>orcs raping elves

Elves are sluts, don't sully orc image like this. They are noble.

Isn't Garona a half-breed? Or was that just for the movie?

>Anduin has a major Milf fetish

Have you seen the options he has in this setting? I'd be surprised if your typical golden-haired youngster didn't have a healthy obsession with older women.

Ew, elves

I say we don't know, all they're going off of is a badly worded statement in an interview.

Garona is a half-breed, but we don't know who her parents are or what they were like afaik. I think she has an uncle or something.

Do Warcraft orcs eat human?

Genn did, in Stormheim.

Stop besmirching Elves just to prop up your Green Meme race user.

>but we don't know who her parents are or what they were like afaik

I don't think it matters, she was the product of some Orc breeding a Draenei slave.

>The King of Stormwind gets killed
>His son needs to take over
>get given an armor fit for Kings

>Thrall was a full fledged Warrior
>became a Shaman

okay user

His father was too weak to secure a political alliance betrothing him to a strong house. The entirety of Alliance nobility are omega male cucks.

Some interview revealed that the burning of Teldrassil happened before the Siege of Undercity. Doesn't say what caused it, if the Horde was responsible, or if anything happened before, but that's all we've got. Well, and that chapter of the book that's supposed to release next year.

Genn has literally done nothing wrong.

Certain troll tribes do, but not orcs.

No, Garrosh him self even criticized Vol'jin's people for doing so. Canonical cannibals are Forsaken, and Trolls.

He showed signs of being more aggressive even in Legion.
He sent the newly repaired and armed Skyfire with an elite Legion, and led by Genn himself with permission to engage Forsaken forces "if necessary."
Its obvious he knew what would happen, and wanted those undead fucks purged.

first hybrid of the francise, her surname is halforcen
maraad's her uncle, I remember before WOD hearing yrel was garona's mom in the MU but that never happened

Not trying it hard enough, love beats everything.

Has Genn been at his side in legion?

>His father was too weak to secure a political alliance betrothing him to a strong house

Motherfucker he is the KING OF STORMWIND, he needs not chase any house. Bitches will trip over themselves to receive his seed.

DId forget that thrall was trained by humans and a fucking slave all his life and medivh told him what to do.

+ Grom and his Bullshit, and he was already a fucking farseer holy fucking shit.