What are some games that feature a redemption storyline?

What are some games that feature a redemption storyline?

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pre-order cancelled.

They had some real balls to pull this after everyone complained that it was going to be the same defection story you've seen a hundred times already.

I love how the triggered cucks get angry because she betrays the empire

>I play as the good guys?
>In MY Star Wars game!?
If this shocks or angers you then you are beyond retarded

Offcourse they wouldn't have the balls...

I was never going to buy the game, but damn that is pathetic. So much for the "imperial perspective" they pushed in every single video. Not even worth a pirate.

Iden is infiltrating them, stop posting this

And then there is this faggot.

its fucking Disney property that did not originate from in house and was bought.

Like untill they get that money back it would be insultingly dumb and faggy to think that they would not go with predictable shallow safe shit at the very least at to start of all the shit they plan to do with it.

And I bet she calls them white nazi bigs.

Nope, defection story like we all expected.

i wish i knew how to cancel a pre-order on origin

What evils did the empire actually do?

Did you watch IV-VI?

I like how the EA/Origin Access trial has you play up until the mission before they defect, great way to bait people.

This proud mystery meat WYMYN obviously wouldn't be a bad guy you fucking white male bigots. Women are never the bad guys #opentheborders

Just make a ticket and ask for a refund. Origin just tends to give you whatever the fuck you want when it comes to support. I asked support if I could I get extra time for the first trial thing and they just gave it to me without asking any questions.

Not him but the only thing they do in the OT that's arguably evil was blow up Alderaan, which even then was somewhat justifiable. Everything else is literally just waging war on an insurgency.

I don't really remember, did they actually blow up a planet. I haven't watched Star Wars in over a decade, the games were so much better than the movies I stopped watching them.

Blew up planets, oppressed people, killed all jedi order, you know, the usual.

guys, what's the proper way to pronounce AT-AT?

They use the Freedom Star to liberate Aldeeran from an oppressive Monarchy.

Red Dead Redemption, it's currently the best western game ever made, too.

Good job.


I literally cancelled my pre-order because of this leak.

Fuck DICE.







All Terrain Armored Transport

Hey thee, Hey thee

To think I was actually going to buy this crap for the campaign. Fuck that, good thing I hadn't pre-ordered yet.


>Story is announced
>Literally everyone says Iden will defect
>N-no that won't happen guys we swear, it's an Imperial focused game!
>Well alright now we're interested
>Surprise she does defect!

more of an Aye-Tee Aye-Tee or an Aht-Aht?

She is ugly

Alderaan was the only flaw of the empire as it was a means of gathering intel regarding the rebel base but even then it was a dumb move.

People were oppressed by the Republic aswell, they had to flee to Serenno and other Separatist systems if they didn't align with the Republic values, they were fascists dressed as democrats.

And what they did to the Jedi was, to me, nothing more than cleansing the galaxy by destroying a cult that segregated people and was controling the whole political enviroment based on their religion.

I really like that meowboy, even though puck is superior

>woman dindu nuffin and gets away with it again
Oh boy I sure do love this new trend in video games.

Imagine how much more interesting this garbage-tier franchise would be if the Jedi and Sith were all exterminated.


you don't play as the good guys in the first Battlefront 2

Sure thing, fascist.

The Galactic Empire did nothing wrong.

Hands up who just cancelled their pre-orders?

It would be generic as fuck then


>What should we do?
>idk...what did we do in the last movie?
>Wait I have an idea

Do...do you not know how to pronounce english letters.


SJWs hold nothing sacred

>kill literally billions

Last thing I pre-ordered was Shadow Warrior 2.

Never again.

Jesus fucking Christ. Why even bother with the story if you're gonna do this.

Just no.
Star Wars's only selling point is the force and the Republic era is the best for vidya and comic material. Everything after the battle of Yavin is fucking bland and boring.

Without the thing previously mentioned SW would be another uninteresting sci-fi with nothing remarkable to talk about it.

Alderaan was like the beach resort of the Galaxy, everyone loved Alderaan.

dem face animations

>Operation cinder
>sheev literally wants everything destroyed if he dies
>wow i want to save these civies
>well I guess I have to join the rebels just to live

Its the empire at fault here.

>preordering at all


It literally isn't. This shit was datamined weeks ago.

I never had it pre-ordered to begin with.
>pre-ordering EA games
>buying EA games

God help me, I miss the 90s.

You don't play as the bad guys either, that's the point. The Clones are programmed to obey whomever is at the helm, so the first half of the campaign you're liberating and the second half you're subjugating. The Clone Soldiers can't really be classed as good or bad, they're just soldiers who do what they're told.

Which honestly was another point in favor of BF2 and where BF2: Electric Boogaloo failed; instead of trying to shove another poorly planned and heavy handed "HUUUURRR EMPIRE ARE THE BAD GUYS PLS REMEMBER HOW BAD EMPIRE IS" down our throats, the original BF2 just gave a mission, gave some background, and expected you to get the job done because you were playing a soldier. Not some special snowflake with huge moral quandaries who has to sit and reflect on the cruelty of life, just a soldier who has a job to do and hundreds of other soldiers relying on you to get it done.

It would be pretty dope if the story was actually about some filthy rebels seeing the light and joining the empire.

Reminder that games like this were cancelled so we can all enjoy Star Wars Social Battlefront 2: The Mary Sue Rises.


Titanfall 2 was worth it, and then EA killed any hopes for the future.

i'll try that

It actually is, sorry to disappoint you user.

We all do. But try and look at it this way, we grew up and got to play vidya through the golden ages. At least we can laugh at the kids these days missing out.


I'm afraid not friend.

How fucking boring & generic, one game where you play as the bad guy, why is that so much to ask?

Is that Leia on the left?

They're basically the Nazis in space. Actual Nazis, not 2017 "Nazis."


He's not your friend, guy.

See this would actually be all kinds of enjoyable and original and even though it could still be classified as a 'redemption' arc from a point of view, people would probably massively more enjoy it for its sheer originality.

Keep believing then.
And watch this if you actually want to see the truth. www twitch tv/videos/200357357

Each day the disturbance in the force grows bigger and bigger.

Welp, this just means more money towards Switch games for me.

aye-tee aye-tee

its not the same thing but im sure this video can help you figure it out

The fuck some random online website have to do with prequels being the low point of this franchise?

I just want to gun down rebel scum for FUCKS sake.

>majority of the planet is sympathetic to the rebellion
>planet's leaders widely known to be major supporters of the rebellion who actively supply it with manpower and materiel
>world is well-fortified on top of housing said anti-empire population
The empire is left with three choices to prevent Alderaan from continuing to support the rebellion. It can demand diplomatic capitulation to surrender all control to an imperial governor and occupying force (which would only result in Alderaan openly declaring independence and further empowering the rebellion). It can launch a traditional invasion that would be extremely costly and likely wouldn't be entirely successful, occupying a planet that large, that hostile, and that developed would be like a futuristic Vietnam/Iraq/Afghanistan situation. Or it can blow the entire planet up and be done with it, eliminating a major enemy while also sending a signal to other rebellious worlds, hopefully frightening the rebellion's support base into submission and ending a galaxy-spanning insurgency that will continue to cost lives and resources for both sides.

Blowing the planet up was the most efficient solution to the problem in terms of lives and resources lost in the long term. It's no different than dropping the nukes on Japan.

>mud did nothing wrong
Fuck off.

>prequels are bad meme


I was sitting on the edge of my seat to play as an imperial strong black woman, but knowing she joins the good guys ruins all my enjoyment

red dead redemption

but that's true

>tfw want switch
>tfw don't have $429


It's a story about forgiveness but there's redemption too

I'm sorry you're Australian.

>yfw there will never be another good Star Wars game because of Disney/EA


>Blowing the planet up was the most efficient solution to the problem in terms of lives and resources lost in the long term. It's no different than dropping the nukes on Japan
No. Its more like if the Union in the American Civil War had access to nukes and dropped a nuke on St. Louis, Missouri to make the Confederacy surrender.

The city has a largely pro-confederate population ya, but it also had a largely pro-Union population, a large enough one that it stayed in the Union.

Alderaan was an Imperial world with hundreds of millions of loyal Imperials. The destruction of Alderaan was a message to the galaxy "look at what we do to worlds that do not fall in like perfectly. Imagine what we would do if you openly revolt."

THIS! Why aren't there more games where I can call people "rebel scum".

Got the EA Access to try the story, liked being the empire. Was holding off until the story was leaked cause this is exactly what I feared would happen.

Be nice about it and you might get a 15% general discount code off something.

Don't put the blinders on, the Empire was pretty hardcore especially in the original EU and movies. They were flat based on the Third Reich, and people ran with it from there.

However at the same time, there's plenty of ways you can argue in their favor if you want. Considering they emerged during the Clone Wars when the galactic economy was down the literal toilet and half the systems were leaving the Republic and taking their resources with them. Sheevy-B declaring himself Emperor and saying that he wouldn't allow any separatism or defections so the galactic economy could stabilize was super well received at the time, doubly so since he had just gotten them through a pretty shitty war and everyone trusted him. On top of that, the authoritarian measures the Empire put in place did, as usual, completely crush out a huge chunk of crime and unrest in the core, forcing more and more smugglers and shady sorts to the outer rim and shitholes like Tatooine. And on top of THAT, the massive sinkhole left when the Rebels slapped the Empire's shit, if I remember from the old EU, destabilized so many systems and regions that the fighting went on for goddamn decades after that with plenty of systems WANTING to stay Empire, with systems having lost all their trade and stability, etc. And that's even before the shitty 'New Republic' had to start going up against massive threats like the Yuuzhan Vong who they were just flat out unprepared to handle and whom the Empire could have dealt with much better.