Are you hyped for Pokemon Switch, Sup Forums?

Are you hyped for Pokemon Switch, Sup Forums?

Depends who's directing

Let the lack of replies be your answer


I would but after seeing how lazy Gamefreak has become, I've gone cynical

I'm hyped for the people's reception upon checking my 3

>we didnt include BF because phones exist

pokemon is shit and needs to die. how do people even play that utter garbage? hurr gotta catch them all durr mudklops or whatever wow childish garbage

Ill laugh when its another sun/moon release


>The look on Ohmori's face

He realizes whats happening, doesnt he

the last 4 pairs of pokemon games have been shit so no

Yes, mainline games off of the 3ds will be great. Hopefully, I am expecting an improvement from sun and moon though

I'm hyped for the 9th generation. Everyone knows the 8th one it's gonna be another beta version like XY until Fame Freak gets it shit together and release the better one.

How can GF keep getting away with it?

It's also why the new games have been becoming more and more easy over time.
They don't want kids to lose and play something else on their phone

I can only assume with USun and UMoon bombing that the dude currently directing pokemon will step down. Somebody post the chart of pokemon directors and what they've made because the Johto Remakes director is top tier.

>greater, ultra changes

fucking shitty marketing

>give games less content
>be surprised that people spend less time playing your games

I just love how some neogaf cynical post about wanting a home console mainline Pokemon game was used by Masuda to say that they're literally making it.

post "Hahaha, I don't really know.".


Third versions have never sold well.

Masuda is the cancer killing pokemon.

I think the Switch game will follow the tone and aim the older half of the audience.
It means Hard mode may be back.
It also means tons of gen 1 pandering, maybe even a remake.

>one of the industries top selling titles annually
>could easily demand high budgets and hire the best of the best pushing technology with each release akin to games like grand theft auto
>doesn't and instead wallows in filth pushing games that would make capcom blush

I full expect Pokemon Switch to use Unity or Unreal 4 and to look like a Wii game in HD but perform like Life of Tiger.

Hyped is too strong a word, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it. I'm a casual fan though, despite having played all the games. Never asked too much out of Pokémon.


I've been considering just dropping the idea of buying a Switch and getting HG/SS.

Why do Japanese people have no souls? Is it just their repressed culture and they're hiding having actual feelings? Masuda should feel like a piece of shit for decimating his own work. This series that used to have a lot of soul. *laughs*

You could wait on that, with any luck Nintendo assigned Monolith's b team to Gamefreak and the game isn't a complete mess, but HG/SS isn't a bad choice.

Christ, is Masuda as cancerous to the brand as Inzuka is to Sonic?

can someone please tell me what BF even is

battle.. something?

Battle Frontier


Actually, if someone works at Game Freak and their names aren't Takao Unno or Shigeki Morimoto, chances are, they are a cancer on the brand

hopefully nintendo will actually pressure them into not being lazy fucking hacks

Why would they?
Pokemon still makes money and Nintendo will think they can live up to the expectations of Pokemon on the Switch


Will HGSS, Plat, and BW2 ever be topped?

Do the retards in Japan know little kids don't play Pokemon games anymore? In America it's mostly Millennials who grew up playing R/B and G/S/C

Are you kidding? They're going to do the opposite of that, they're going to make them fart out gen 8 next year for the holiday season because Pokemon sells alot, the crappy 3DS games despite their ridiculously easy and low content still sold millions. If not gen 8 it'll be remakes of gen 4, They seem to be gearing up for that with the lack of gen 4 pokemon available in the 3DS games, the shitty card game focusing on gen 4 mons for their next set

So what are the Pokemon games actually worth experiencing? I had fun with XY.



>The vast majority of trainers in USUM only have one Pokemon
What the fuck Gamefreak

>shrunk the image down so people wouldn't see that 3.5% of 800k email recipients make up that infograph

>3.5% responded
>it's still a bunch of older males
>and males in general

I'm fine with this
I don't care about the battles in game aside from bosses

the main reason I play is for the monster collection. A switch game will be great if it gives a nice world to explore

>thinking girls and kids even use email anymore

They do. They need one for Twitter and Snapchat. I doubt the dumbasses know how to install apps without the botnet store apps.

having =/= using

hey i'm not pirating the game until the release date because i got a 3ds banned last time because of stupidity

how is USUM's postgame? still just a battle tower?

B/W, no contest.

>gamefreak doesn't give a fuck about the millions of american young adults who grew up enamored with pokemon
fuck you too gamefreak

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


>Porting Platinum's Battle Facilities and a useless minigame center
>Top tier

The cult of personality around HG/SS needs to die.

>and then not fixing the level curve
>nb4 angry "all mainline pokemon games are easy" apologists

What is it about the 3DS that just made Game Freak give up all together? Every mainline game on it were just so half assed and don't fill me with confidence that they can handle an HD console game when they're struggling so much with the fucking 3DS.

Cautiously optimistic.

Basically that in the face of casuals being more casual than they used to be, Pokemon doesn't need or merit a real postgame compared to a more polished core experience.

It is clear to me that the developers want to find success with new ips. They dont want to be labeled as just oh the pokemon company. They will just keep diluting the pokemon experience until everyone hates pokemon just like them.


Fucking Filia is too hot.

sasuga, user.

didn't they literally say not to have too high a set of expectations?

Ive never played a bad pokemon game. But the newer stuff seems worse than the older stuff.

It actually started a bit before. You see, they wanted to go off in new directions and Black/White was supposed to be the start of that until the fanbase REEE'd in anger and disgust. B2/W2 was a half-hearted apology full of things fans "wanted" [More old mons, traditional story, challenge mode] but the damage was already done and they doubled down on the same old, same old for X/Y with an added adrenaline shot of Kanto pandering and Lucario wank for the oldfags and the kiddies.

>the boss is an uncatchable 754 BST monster 10 levels above you with +1 in every stat and a powerful offensive movepool

What happened to Masuda? He used to be based...


Where the FUCK did Pokemon go so wrong? X/Y was the beginning of the end and everything since then has been genuinely awful.

*blocks your path*

4 = 2 > 5 > 3 (that includes the Gamecube games) > 1 >>>>>> 6 >>>>> 7

Platinum and HG/SS were the pinnacle of the series.

Unironically this. Persona 4 Golden was when Pokemon could never appeal to me the same again.

Also, Digimon Cyber Sleuth is better than any recent Pokemon game.

Bring back Morimoto

it fell victim to what ever complacent franchise falls victim to, corporate greed and never being able to speak up when something obviously wrong is happening remember this, corporations own your fucking soul and will screw with it six ways to sunday so they can continue raking in profits then, when sells start to slip rather than fix things, they'll throw in a gimmick like a special pokemon like the jojo one that was recently found out or maybe add in a waifu character in hopes that waifufags will love her and buy the game for her story like how Gen 6 had Shauna and gen 7 had Lillie,Zinnia and Lusamine and in case that doesn't work, they'll resort to an old popular character cameo which is why Cynthia,Red and Blue keep showing up in some fasion be it promos or battle enemies.

It all started with gen 5, that had it's roots on gen 3 and add a tablespoon of gen 4.

Mix the ingredients with a bad director and BAM!! You got a dissapointing remake of gen 3

I miss Autismoshi Tajiri : (

Megaten beat it to the Game Boy near five years earlier and even when it was trying to ape Pokemon's hype, it did it better.

>It's a Unovabortion STILL salty over the fact that the first gen that they played when they were 12 was the worst selling, worst received, and the one the least looked back at fondly

I'm certainly interested to see what Gamefreak makes.

Quit trying to spin those exaggerated statements EVERY thread

Absolutely not. Pokemon hasn't innovated since inception.

EVERYONE bitching about "genwunners", X/Y and S/M is a Gen5cuck, though.

Actually, the earliest instances were from people who trashed R/S but then claimed FR/LG were gifts from the gods.

So did anyone here actually like SM?
I see lots of complaining about it but I found the new Pokemon designs to be really good compared to the last gen (which was lacking in bugs).

I enjoyed some of it. New Pokemon we're pretty cool. Liked the starters. Didn't finished due to not having time.

Definitely going to crush the ultra one though

Iwata died. I wouldn't be shocked if he was doing a lot of work on the games in general

i'm an rsebabby though
still doesn't stop you from needing to kill yourself

I hated sm, but i can't ignore the fact it added best bug. Honestly it feels more like i stick around for the pokemon designs rather than the games themselves.

Considering he's the person responsible for adding Kanto on gen 2 (and some retards complain of being unfinished) this user has a point.

Dont forget he helped code the battle system for Stadium. I have to wonder just how much work on the series iwata actually did.

Story was too handholdy but I actually liked some of the designs.
Though the crap post game basically ruined it for me.
"Here have some trophy UBs, you don't really have a place to use them except the rigged battle tree. Enjoy."

If you enjoyed the worst the series has to offer then feel free to pick any of them, it's only up from gen 6.

gamefreak is the sonic team of dark souls

I just want to live in the pkmn world

This. Does the new president put as much love and care into the games anymore? Even Super Mario Odysey was not the usual quality (in some aspects)

>you are goin troo frar!!1
>if you go troo frar then how can we keep up or make it better????

Better release half-baked games. That's how you extend things.

So what I get from this is if the game isn't directed by Morimoto, Kawachimaru, or Unno, then I shouldn't expect a good game

>Game Freak hires fans to make a new game that is a throw back to previous gens
>pulls the IT ALL COMES TOGETHER much better than they could even try to achieve
>the game they launch not only is mediocrebut a complete piece of shit in comparison
I want them to pull a Mania so bad