Tank is lalafell

>tank is lalafell
>vote abandon

>not letting them pull and watching them die
as befitting every Lalaell.

>Server is DDOSd
>Lose connection

Great game.

I wonder who's behind it?

>Not mael in frontline
>Leave or waste 20 minutes.
Bots ruined PvP.

>tanks pulls one pack at a time

>wipe once in a raid
>leave without saying anything

>log in
>log out

literally me

>get the game last week
>trying to keep my armorer up with my level but I'm almost level fucking 30 before I can even make level 20 gear HQ
>Have to level every other crafting job too apparently
>Crafting materials cost an arm and a leg on the AH
>Still only on level 22 quests. Doing dailies now has me at level 33 and in level 20 gear

This crafting system is really weird and levels are gained so fast I barely have time to use a sword before replacing it with something better.

>join roulette
>it's a single pull tank
>no dps healer
>no aoe dps
>reciprocate by using 1 ability the whole dungeon
>get pulled into jail by GM because they reported me for griefing

>doesn't have rubberband or lag like other people
>every once in a while i just straight up fucking disconnect and take the whole LB3 with me instead
>can't relog unless i exit the game completely
king's honor friend

Stick to getting dungeon loot. Crafting shit is only good when you're experienced and have a DPS at 60-70 and are levelling up other classes.

Funny because PotD and squad missions can be done in level 1 gear and they're the best way to level alt classes.

>producer releases new update with some new stuff to do
>tells me to unsub as soon as possible

Light be with you.

>shinny finally drops my katana
>swap the i340 with it
>+150 skill speed, -300 direct hit AND a drop in weapon damage and main stat
>my dhit/dcrit rates in ACT visibly plummet
>overall dps still goes slightly up
i'm getting faster

Crafting is meant for endgame when your autism with battle classes is over and you actually have some money to spend on shit you'll have to buy for crafting

I hate this meme
Yoshi is a lying fuck
Everything about the game promotes logging in every day, from ventures to squadrons to wondrous tales, not to mention endgame, its fucking everything

Endgame is every week, not every day, and that's even more cancerous. You can't dedicate a weekend to get it out of your life forever, and you can't unsub intermittently because your sub is monthly while your weeklies are, well, weekly
What a hack. This is the last time I'm falling for the treadmill meme

>use BRD LB during a mid-sized pack in expert
>get vote-kicked after the pull ended with nothing said

It's mostly "every week", actually logging every day just to do endgame shit will make you hit the weekly wall before the weekend. Very few things works with just daily limits.

>This is the last time I'm falling for the treadmill meme
This isn't the last time you will say this line.

>People still saving LB for the last 3% on the final boss' HP in the year 2017
>You kill it before the LB even lands

If they could votekick you after the final boss dies somehow I'm sure they would.

>doin some o3s
>ninja casts the prefarm lb3
>bard disconnects, nin standing there dumbfounded, everyone loses their shit
and my favorite
>playing smn so I res somebody who fucked up
>they dc as the res animation plays
>this happens twice

>doing extreme ARR primals
>have garuda on farm mode
>do decent first time on Titan ex, down to a little over a quarter health
>get slowed and knocked off
>thirty times afterwards I just keep getting knocked off before the heart phase
>switch it up and decide to do leviathan
>keep getting knocked off
Can you save the railing in leviathan ex or do you just have to run to the far end of the platform every time?

This FUCKING deflect duty in the last quest of 4.1 is FUCKING bullshit

I'm going to stick around until they lift the weekly cap and see if I can still get parties then
If yes, I'll only be subbing at the end and the beginning of major patches. This saves both money and time while the end result is the same

Dyslexic-chan, is that you?

No, you have to either move to the other side or use an anti-knockback skill like surecast

Opposite end of the platform. Generally if you're pass the circular pattern around the shield device in the center on the opposite side of the boat you won't fall off from the knockback.

>tank is a lalafell
>report him
>he actually gets banned

Doing God's work.

>I'll only be subbing at the end and the beginning of major patches
Make it "beginning of major patches" only and we will have a deal.

Why do MMO's always turn to shit?

mmos are based around people and people are shit

Games aren't supposed to be played forever, but MMO devs are paid to find a way to make this happen.

>Turn to shit

But... it's always been shit.

Bad gameplay invites bad players.

>even needing to sub
They always give enough free play time between catch-up patches for you to burn any new MSQ/trial shit.

Seriously fuck this piece of shit fucking game and it's fucking curve ball retarded fucking stupid fucking duties.

Fuck Yoshi, fuck you, fuck all of Japan, fuck California and its shitty FUCKING servers, fuck me for supporting this stupid as fucking fuck fucking company.

Why the fucking FUCK would they fucking throw a curveball mechanic in a long as SHIT FUCKING duty where you have to fucking rely on FUCKING NPCs to do a task that if you fail ONCE you FUCKING fail the entire FUCKING fucking thing?

Not on that but there's no fucking pause before Fordola shows up so if you fail the second portion guess FUCKING what?




You fucking failed that duty? lmao

How the fuck did you fail that duty? It's all about hitting sprintg and mashing the duty action between balls.

Controller players, everyone.

I know you're trolling for a laugh but there are legit people on the forums who apparently needed 7 tries to do this solo duty.

My fucking sides.

The funny thing is that every solo instance in the game gives you an increasing echo per duty wipe, similar to that of trials.

This is why the playerbase is shit. Because they didn't pass the content, they were just given a recurring boost until raw stats overcame ineptitude.

>solo instances have echo

Huh, learn something new every day.

Since late 3.X they started adding Brilliant Conviction buff which is just a super potent regen, probably because they got tired of scripting healing AI/skills into the instance NPCs. Even the NPCs get the buff now.

>got kicked on floor 58 of potd when I was the only one alive, and had a manticore pom, while the other party members ran off and got themselves killed
>only one other person had above 60+ aetherpool
>another was french
fucking fags

Why are the Stormblood zones so fucking dull compared to heavensward? The colors are washed out, there's not nearly as much detail, and for some reason, they feel even emptier.

why would they kick you? has to be more.

I'm guessing you being an insufferable asshole had something to do with it.

it wasn’t even that. I was quiet. Got no fucking idea why they did that.

>waste 20 minutes

No matter if you win or lose you still get the same shit to be honest, unless you are farming Wolf marks, which are fucking easy to get anyway.

I just don't understand how these people can be so shit at this game. After clearing Shinryu EX two weeks ago, every group fails in phase 1.

Must've been asspained that you didn't go down with the ship. Idk why they wouldn't stick with the manticore but I guess they're retarded

>join a static after not raiding since t13
>clear deltascape savage in 6 hours

Lol nice raiding community you fags have.

good evening, im gunna do some potd today.

Wasn’t really worth it anyway. They were idiots that all seperated on a lower health, gloom floor. Honestly, it’ll probably be quicker to level using my squadron, anyway.

This, what the fuck is it about Adders and Flames and having shitloads of bots on Aether? I thought this shit was a meme until I swapped GCs for fucking glamour purposes.
Pretty much every time Maelstrom wins, and I rarely get them while freelancing.

squad to 50 then palace




>mfw 60 hours plus wait times to do the entirety of deltascape with pugs
nice artificial difficulty fuckers

Yea, what I did with my Warrior, and What I’m gonna do with my ninja. It’ll feel slower, but probably overall will be quicker, anyway. Also means I won’t have to deal with more idiots like that.

>tfw healing o2s

I don't know if it's me or the other healer but almost after every mechanic if I didn't have a swiftcast cure 3 and PI and assize ready someone was dying.

it's exactly the same on Primal

>tfw you will never pound a lalas sweet tight potato cunny and cum inside him
This is a fate worse than death

The competent players quickly beat the content and move on, leaving ever shittier players the more time passes



Not 100% true. It's basically first come first serve it's just not many shitters are ready to raid on the first few days. Even in learning parties with 2 chest I'll see some greatness while in duty complete required parties I see pure trash 340s.

>buy house
>afk in limsa because you can't decorate worth shit

>o4s enrage to clear party with 5 bonuses
>kill easily
>o4s loot party with an orange tranny in BiS
>constantly loses his shit over trick attack not fitting his burst window and attacks other people with "show ur logs"
what the fuck?

>capped Creation
>no idea what to do for the rest of the weekend

running dungeons before reset feels like a waste of efficiency but I need Verity

I need to actually do potd. Got to floor 40 on sch like 9 months ago after coming back from a 4 year long break, now I don't even remember what its about

Outside of Hinterlands, most 3.0 zones were washed out and extremely copy-pasted textures.

This. HW zones bar Hinterlands were shit.
Coerthas: all gray and white
Forelands: Peaks 0.5
Churning Mist: nondescript rocks
Sea of Clouds: nondescript rocks
Azys Lla: enjoy your septic tank filter

Azys Lla was comfy fuck you. The only area in HW I felt like screencapping as I was doing MSQ

>he enjoyed the septic tank filter

Well, whatever the case, they where a lot more interesting to look at than the Ruby Sea. Or one of the 3 identical canyon zones that make up Ala Mhigo

Oh yes. Place looked toxic as fuck. Loved the music.

Which is more than I can say for the majority of Stormblood.

>healer is male miqote
>they dress like an ugly faggot
>they don't know how to play the game

SBs music is great tho

Figured you'd love it because it reminded you of your room.

>he enjoyed the unique content

wow fuck me right?

it has the most people on it, and actual people will still kill bots. bots just freelance and get the shit GCs.

>Churning Mist: nondescript rocks
Don't forget MSpaint quality texture application.

More good than bad at least.

What Morrowind mod is that?

That was legitimately PS3 limitations though
>256 MB of vRAM

So instead we get:
nondescript rocks
nondescript rocks
nondescript rocks
empty ocean

>allagan's garbage aesthetic that has been inflicted on you since 2.0

Do you need me to post examples of where they did the same shit in 4.0?

Not sure why people give BRD's HW amd SB quests such shit. WHM's HW quests were worse.

Compared to all the other zones, yes.

they should just get rid of zones and make FFXIV a full on lobby game

Every area that isn't in Alanistan has more color
Every area that isn't the steppe has more background vista and terrain depth than anything in 3.0

I can't even remember the PLD SB quests.
HW's I can remember clear as day.

PLD quests were garbage in HW. You help some fuccboi do something because the Roe paladin died but didn't because he wanted a sword to glow or something. It was so shitty and pointless that even the paladin fuccboi says the whole thing was pointless.
SB job quests were gladiator quests 2.0: tournament arc

HWs PLD quests were SHIT

I must not be visiting the zones at the right time then, because they look dull as shit compared to HW's more varied terrains.