>post your top five games
>anons guess your personality
Post your top five games
Other urls found in this thread:
Guilty Gear Xrd
Ultimate Doom
Super Mario Galaxy
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005)
Donkey Kong Country
>inb4 shit tastes
there it is
SMT III Nocturne
Doom II
Deus Ex
Suidoken II
God Hand
System Shock
Mass Effect
Fallout 2
You like the first System Shock? Really?
Hotline Miami
Doom II
Sonic 3
Megaman X
Metal Gear Solid
Ninja Gaiden Black
Breath of the Wild
Pokemon Platinum
I don't know what to say about you
Violent guy
Sci-fi fan
Dwarf Fortress
Mount and Blade
God Eater Burst
It's good though, the controls aren't that bad with mods or just the enhanced edition. The worst thing is just that going sideways is fast as fuck and the ending, but the rest is pretty great. You should give it a shot.
Devil May Cry 1
Thief Dark Project
SMT Soul Hackers
Soul Reaver 2
Fallout: New Vegas
Faster Than Light
Halo CE
Sins Of A Solar Empire: Rebellion
Super Mario Brothers 3
in no particular order:
>SMT: Strange Journey
>Pokémon Emerald
>Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story
>Team Fortress 2
>Resident Evil 4
you love spicy food
>WarCraft III
>Megaman 3
>Sim City 2000
>The Sims (1)
>Custom Robo (GC)
Spends a lot of time reading wikis for lore. Drinks too much of some kind of energy drink.
Knows those games like the back of his hand.
Regularly looks for old RPGs to play.
No clue.
Batman: Arkham Knight
Super Street Fighter II Turbo(CPS2)
Megaman Zero 4
Superman Returns(Xbox 360)
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Kirby Super Star Ultra
Suikoden 2
Sonic 3 and Knuckles
Shovel Knight
Chrono Cross
Jak and Daxter
Kingdom Hearts
Silent Hill
Super Mario Galaxy
I'm gay btw
>Kingdom Hearts
didn't need to specify that you were gay, desu
Runescape classic
Runescape 2
Runescape 3
Old School Runescape
Bust a Groove
Spiderman Web of Shadows
Saints Row 2
Wonderful 101
Dwarf Fortress
Running with Rifles
Metal Gear Solid 2
God Hand
SMT III Nocturne
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Metroid Prime
DmC 3
Dark Souls
Mario 64
special mention to dota 2 though as i managed to waste 3k hours of my life playing it, and it taught me many life lessons, such as to never fucking play mobas again, or to never trust russians.
Stupid faggot with shit tast. And fuck this shit 3dpd
Best taste in games and in woman too.
>New Vegas
>LISA The Painful
>Persona 4 Golden
>MonHun Tri
My favorite video games change frequently. I like too many games and picking favorites is hard.
League of Legends
ArmA 3
ArmA 2
(I'm actually not toxic)
Paper Mario: TTYD
Sonic Adventure 2
Devil May Cry 3
Shadow the Hedgehog
Meme weeb that probably likes things "ironically"
Probably a furfag
Warcraft 3
Super Mario 64
Banjo Kazooie
Halo 1
This is mostly a good list, but
>Sonic Adventure 2
>Shadow the Hedgehog
Were you dropped on your head at an early age, or are these just horrible typos?
I'll go with series:
>Batman: Arkham
>Resident Evil
>Ninja Gaiden Black
>Grand Theft Auto
>Crash Bandicoot
Why Shadow the Hedgehog?
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
Phantom Brave
Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
one of those quiet /fit/ guys who hides their power level super hard. You have weird abnormal tendencies and are probably in the military.
No, I actually really enjoy the games all around. The gameplay is some of the tightest in the series with plenty of movement options and the soundtracks and levels are the GOAT for the series. The stories are pretty good too, giving just enough dopamine to make me smile every time I see an iconic cutscene. Plus, the multiplayer in each is fantastic and actually tons of fun. Of all the things I wish they'd bring back in the newer games, good multiplayer is at the top of the list.
Twilight Princess
A Link Between Worlds
Breath of the Wild
Emerald Version
Galaxy 1
Great soundtrack, fun levels with a decent amount of branching paths, second or third tightest gameplay and controls in the series, plenty of movement options, and fun and memorable story dialogue
100% Orange Juice
Sonic 3 and Knuckles
Shadow Hearts Covenant
Devil May Cry 3
Megaman X
That dweeb that nobody has beef with, but nobody really likes much either. Probably browses Reddit and uses Tumblr but claims it's just to look at art and might be a closet furfag
Majora's Mask
Super Mario 64
Persona 4 Golden
Dark Souls
Kirby: Planet Robobot
Smash Bros 3DS/Wii U
Sonic Mania
Batman: Arkham City
Superman 64
Bebe's Kids
Custer's Revenge
Super Fruit Drop
Contra Forces
The Last of Us
Half Life 2
Ocarina of Time
Golden Age TF2
Mega Man X
Nostalgiafag. Might play Magic or Yu-Gi-Oh and probably posts on /vr/. Might be a cool guy, but tastes can be offputting
>second or third tightest gameplay in the series
I'll give you the rest because the soundtrack is dope and I also thought the levels were decently varied for a 3D Sonic game, but that's just straight up wrong.
Anyway, since I brought it up, this shit right here.
Normalfag that likes what everyone else likes. Has likely never played a decent RPG in his life and wouldn't like it if he did
Demon's Souls
Dark Souls
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3
>that's just straight up wrong
How can you expect to be taken seriously when you don't back up your argument OR post the best song from the game?
Devil May Cry 3
Dead Rising
Kid Icarus Uprising
Super Metroid
You are one saint's row 3/4 away from just being yahtzee
Robotron 2084
Diablo II
Space Station 13
Xenoblade Chronicles
Chrono Trigger
Mega Man X
Final Fantasy VII
Polemon Platinum
Probably a weeb. Gets kicks out of shitposting on Sup Forums, but is probably one of those awkward faggots that sits between autistic and normalfag. Probably browses Reddit and shares epic memes on Facebook and Twitter
sonic adventure 2
mario galaxy 2
epic mickey 2
dark souls 2
half life 2
Team Fortress 2
Guitaroo Man
Dead Space
Megaman Battlenetwork 3
Asura's Wrath
A man of impeccable taste. You should be adored, but people find your radiance off-putting.
Probably a cool guy, but has that one quirk that everybody hates.
Original F-Zero is boring.
Probably gets moved by women on the daily but has to turn them all down because he's waiting to find his one true love. Will find her in time if he perserveres.
Dragon's Dogma
Demon's Souls
Severance: Blade of darkness
Uncharted series
Arma 3
This should be good...
NiGHTS into Dreams
Yoshi's Island
Zelda Wind Waker
Donkey Kong Country
Banjo Kazooie
Because it's just common knowledge. Shadow the Hedgehog has slippery shit controls just like Heroes. Your argument might work if it were contained to just the 3D titles, but Mania, the rest of the classic games, Unleashed, Generations, fuck, even Sonic Adventure 2 has tighter controls than Shadow.
I like Shadow's soundtrack as a whole honestly, even the vocal songs.
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Persona 3
I do none of those 3 (anymore). But h-h-hopefully I'm cool
Normie and probably boring. Sorry.
Can't decide whether to micromanage or live his own life which leads to disastrous situations of indecision that are currently ruining his life. Just kiss that girl senpai, do it.
I play it every day for at least 1 full circuit. Something about the game. I keep getting better at it and there's always room to improve.
Advent Rising
Gauntlet Dark Legacy
Metal Gear Rising
Cities Skylines
Alpha Centauri
Ace Combat 04
Supreme Commander
New Vegas
Guilty Gear Xrd
Frequently forgets to eat, and often wonders where the hell the last 4 hours went.
insufferable chad
Devil May Cry 3
Sonic 3 &Knuckles
Metal Slug X
Crash Bandicoot 2
Fuck dude, you're scaring me
Deadly Premonition
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Perfect Dark
I've always assumed that a but of slipperyness was to be expected considering that Shadow doesn't run, but skate over the ground. When you do a homing attack, move around in the air at all or do any sort of slow movement like wall running or grinding, the controls are flawless
Honestly how do you even manage to make that guess, which is surprisingly accurate
FIFA 2k17
Assassin’s Creed Origins
Super Mario Bros. 3
Viewtiful Joe
Star Wars Rouge Leader
Marvel vs. Capcom 2
Metal Slug 3
Taste screams "d-do I fit in yet gaiz". You have never had a strong opinion in your life
the king of fighters xiii
ninja gaiden black
mario galaxy 2
Sonic 1
Sonic 2
Sonic 3
Sonic & Knuckles
Sonic Mania
Probably a clown in real life.
Ran around in gym class with arms behind his back or tucked at his sides. Tried to spindash once or twice. Pretty cool guy, but super awkward
Monster Hunter
Baten Kaitos (series)
SMT Series
Dragon's Dogma
Bravely Default (because of the soundtrack)
Far Cry 2
Resident Evil 4
Dead Space
John Woo's Strangehold
Nobody ever guesses mine anyway
a faggot
You sound like you browse Sup Forums a little too much.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Definitive Edition
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Game of the Year Edition
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition
Has the decision making skills of a woman
Cool guy, knows what he likes but doesn't stray too far from your comfort zone
well that's interesting
New Vegas
Majora's Mask
Ocarina of Time
you're probably homsexual
Complete fucking weeb on the inside, but hides his powerlevel. Wants to find someone to talk to like himself, but struggles because those people would also be hiding their power levels
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town
Fallout: New Vegas
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Fable 2
If that's the case then I'm on the right track since no woman would ever choose you.
Monster Hunter(Series on a whole)
Neir: Automata
Valkyria Chronicles
Devil May Cry 3
Tales of Vesperia
OP here, you have the best taste so far.
Jak and Daxter
Last of us
Uncharted 2
Fallout new Vegas
>guess your personality
not really something you can guess. it's not like your sign or some shit.
Spec Ops: The Line
The Evil Within
REmake/Resident evil 4 i cant decide between these 2 desu
also not in any order