The Walk

Will you do it again?

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Landing

Of course not, why would I play a shitty night elf?
The only reason to ever play them is if you want to be a druid.

>not doing the chad climb

enjoy your virgin walk

No I'll do darkshore and a bit of ashenvale then go there at the right level, no point in skipping zones

never played the game but i know what you're talking about requires autism even most of Sup Forums isn't interested in

I remember doing the walk several times on a night elf character that I kept remaking because I wanted to change the hair

I literally just did that 10minutes ago to some random nelf rogue who was level 10. He asked me to escort him to IF and I really didnt have anything better to do.

No idea why the fuck he didnt just do human rogue to get faster to his friend at SW

I want to do old Ashenvale again, I also want to be a slut though.

>requires autism even most of Sup Forums isn't interested in
It really doesn't, you could easily get through the wetlands with only 1-2 deaths if even those

>not swimming to the edge, dying, then spirit healing

The virgin walk
The chad climb

The wizard drown.
Go West from Menethil, you'll find some water that counts as Dun Morogh. Drown, spirit res

>ADD kids that can't stand walking around a little in a fucking game about exploration (yes, it was about exploration back then, kids. sure as fuck isn't now.)


I'm talking about being human/dwarf/gnome and going to menethil not night elf

>I also want to be a slut though
Then play an elf you can be a slutty erper, do ashenvale and get your fill of green cock up the ass while there and by the time you finish you can easily run through the wetlands and meet up with whoever

"the walk" always refers to night elves going to ironforge.

>I'm talking about being human/dwarf/gnome and going to menethil not night elf
What are you on about? The run was night elves going from menethil to ironforge to either meet up and level with friends or just level easier in general
The Drop

the walk is still the same either way

unless u do the chad climb at loch modan

No, I already played the alliance hardmode in 2006.
Going to roll horde this time for easymode PvP and to have something different.

Slut (female (vagina)), Slut (male), or Slut (female (male))?

Q. Why are Forsaken uncircumcized?
A. Will of the foreskin xD

if you're playing horde on classic then you're going to have a very very bad time.

>at least another year
The wait is already killing me

Why did they do that to night elf players when forsaken could just take the zeps?

back to neoFAG

:( okey
*goes back*

Played vanilla on release. Rolled a pally, had no idea what spec was, didn't know I could toggle walk/run. Died so many times.

The last one.

why's that?

When I first played this game in 2004 I remember being level like 15 or something in Westfall. Ran into these two other guys in the northern part of the zone and for some reason we hopped into the ocean and started swimming north. We swam for hours. There was this one place with a house. No NPCs. Just a house. It was weird. Kept swimming and eventually got to Menethil Harbor. I never did "the walk".

I looked it up and apparently the place with the house has a name:'s_Landing

I must have been one of the very first people to have been there.

A much longer walk to Blackrock Mountain, lower population, and barrens chat.

*blocks your path*

tfw you realize you forgot loch modan flight path as you start to see crocolisks

>keep going while dead

oh no please

if only they all were as smart as you

Never played wow, downloaded it for free this year, did this walk and really enjoyed it although i got pretty rekt in that swamp area
WoW is pretty top notch for exploration, wish someone had told me

You really expect Blizzard to just keep it like that.
"""""Classic"""""" will be literally vanilla quests/world with modern day balance and gameplay.
>everyone can play any class
>flying mounts for everyone
>free teleports
>can solo the game ez
>dungeon finder
all will be included just you fucking watch

>make classic servers so people have an alternative to nu-WOW
>make the gameplay exactly like nu-WoW
They would have to be braindead, but I wouldn't doubt them making QoL changes after a month to appease forum whiners.

>lower population
No there won't be, most people are claiming they're going to roll horde from previous threads

The average forum whiner will refuse to play classic. Remember how much they bitched over just losing flying mounts?

Yer darn right I'll be doing the walk from Durotar to Mulgore.
Mulgore is comfy as fuck but I plan to be a Troll Mage.

There are a few things they could keep that would make me not try classic.
Flying mounts is one.

They're gonna try it at least. Even the ones that insist that modern WoW is superior to the older content.
Then the threads about how they can't solo all the quests and how they need to keep restocking on ammo, etc.

If they wanted flying mounts they would have to completely redo the entire map again.

What kind of retard backtracks from Thelsamar to Northgate Pass? Just moving on through to Southgate is both quicker AND safer.

You get the flight point at thelsamar then head to algaz pass.

>wanting to play an ugly midget for one shitty racial

Get the fuck out of my way before you get hurt.

And I'm saying if you just go to Thelsamar via Southgate before heading up Algaz way, the trip is both safer and quicker.

is new WoW easy for rogues? I only ask because I used to play when WoW was just a baby and it was never a cakewalk like this is. I'm playing the free month to see if I want to keep it up.
Still not sure. I'am enjoying myself but I've been playing for three four days and am already level 27.

Long journeys on foot like that fascinate me. I've never played Wow; are there a lot of opportunities for long trips like that? I'm not too interested in getting into an MMO, but I could see grabbing the game just to create a few low level characters and go on long pilgrimage style trips.

>3-4 days on nu-wow and not even 30 yet

You're doing something wrong. It takes like a day to get maxed now.

Current Rogues are substantially easier in PvE than they were but much harder to play properly in PvP.

They've always had pretty terrible defense, relying mainly on passive dodges or cooldowns to stay alive.

Not really.
Zones in WoW are densely populated with hostile creatures so unless you're max level you're going to aggro everything and die every few steps.
This is why everyone complains about "the walk" when overall is barely 15 minutes long, because you'll probably die several times during it.

Ive just been doing the quests as they are given to me plus herb gathering which honestly I get a shit load of exp for some reason.
I've died once trying to fight that big legendary fishthing. It was level 15 in a pond surrounded by murlocks and I was at least 14 so I figured I could take it. Not so much.
After that I started to wreck everything they put in front of my.
Questing is a breeze to.
I'm a dwarf as well. Game is pretty easy but I havent been doing any dungeons yet.

Nah it doesn't. Takes about 60 hours to get to 110 at the moment with full heirlooms and flying unlocked for all zones plus epic flying.

I'd imagine 100 hours for a new player would be reasonable.

if I sat and played all day I could see being a higher level but I take breaks and shit.

Dungeons from 15-100 are like a race to the finish line. Everything dies as fast as you can pull it. People running ahead of the tank and pulling is pretty common.

Everyone will be playing UD Rogue, the population will be fine

used to play vanilla and this is bringing back memories except everything is a little different and everybodies on fire.

so comfy. i can remember all the quests along the way. once you see crocolisks you know you're getting close. Menethil Harbor is so comfy.

Are you dumb or just pretending? Have you seen the Private Severs? Every successful one runs on 1.12

Ie. The patch that ended Vanilla WoW

Overpowered talents and class changes make raids way too easy since they're not balanced for it and the game is full of the QoL changes you claim to hate.

Blizzard really was right, "You think you do, but you don't"

People don't want Vanilla WoW, they want dumbed down casual Vanilla. They couldn't handle it how it actually was, as evidenced by the fact that the older patch Private Servers all died.

>people not wanting to explore the world

That was one of the many things that made the game fun. Having to journey across territories on foot to reach new settlements and cities. It was the journey that made WoW fun in the old days. Now it's just people jerking off to stats.

I literally am in the process of doing this on light's hope. Vanilla Quest Guide has me in the process of switching between darkshore/ashenvale, redridge and loch modan/wetlands.

There's a few instances where you're forced to. The Warrior class quest for example sends you deep into Horde territory to meet someone who can teach you Berserker Stance.

Warlocks have to make a huge pilgrimage to Southshore too, there's plenty of things like that. The Hunter class quest has you hunting down various demons all across the far reaches of the world, and the Onyxia attunement quest has you scouring a mountain range for the keys to a Black Dragon's lair. Etc

If you play a class like Druid or Hunter, you can go anywhere pretty easily, you will wanna level up a bit though.

For real, this is one of the main things that pushed me away from the game. You never have any reason to talk to anybody anymore - never have to ask where a quest objective is, never have to ask directions to a dungeon, never have to walk to a dungeon at all for that matter.

The game turned into a Skinner box where you just queue up and wait, or you pick up a quest and then just follow the arrow.

Sure, a lot of things sucked about Vanilla, but the fact that the game forced you to interact with other players was not one of them.

>be me, nelf rogue
>got class quest about going to Stormwind for some bullshit
>call my two buddies, priest and hunter, all nelves
>we took boat, walked to Ironforge
>arrived, looked in awe and amazement
>ask for directions about how to get to Stormwind
>"got to take the train buddie"
>u wot m8?
>took train to Stormwind
>holy fucking shit

And that's why I'm playing classic. Pure nostalgia.

I literally cannot wait for vanilla

I've been waiting for 10 years for this moment

I remember there was a goblin in this house selling shit after an update

it won't be what it once was

will you be playing with your friends?
if not ill play with u, i dont got no friend

Launch is going to be a shitfest. Nobody will be able to get anything done efficiently because everyone is going to be tagging shit. Herb/mining nodes are going to disappear as soon as they appear. Quests that you have to interact with stuff to progress are going to be a nightmare. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if it takes people a couple of hours just to reach level 2.

Loch Modan is such a shit zone

>join up with a few friends
>start exploring Azeroth and get FPs along the way
>level 5 in no time and can skip the hell that is the starting area


with any luck blizzard will plan ahead for this. they should do it like eq2 did and just instance all the newbie zones to spread everyone out and after all the nostalgia tourists quit everything returns to normal.

>not this

>"melts your face"
woah been a minute

doing instances in BRM was more convenient as horde before they added the neutral town to searing gorge. kargath was actually pretty close

are you implying that it would take more than 15 seconds to kill someone as a max-geared shadowpriest?

>Will you do it again?
absolutely. and when im established and have money i'm going to back patrol it from time to time on my mount and escort lowbies then randomly give them gold too just like i did back then.

>he doesnt fear ward priest

what a fucking normie, get out.

If you walked/mountain climbed for long enough in classic you could enter an entirely unfinished, all white zone which was completely flat and textureless
i realise too late that this area was a beta test for WoD

Dude, there are several of those areas.

I won't because I will be a femgnome that is cute!


Take your pick. They're all over both continents in areas shown on the map but not readily accessible.

You can find the outland test area in souther eastern kingdoms somewhere, just google it on youtube.

>wanting to get stuck playing an ugly as fuck race when having 40man raids means you're going to have a spot anyway
Just let another sucker take the bullet.

>he isnt into dorf females

I'm into some sick shit but not into that, no.

Theyre an appreciated rare breed.

Man of taste

god elysium was a shit test of patience because of this problem

>Not playing Druid and going to STV and then swimming to Westfall and then walk to Elwynn

I hope the one thing they dont keep the same is to keep some of the nicer updated textures and and effects

I'd also like that but last time I said that I got bogged down by a wave of "m-muh vanilla experience" posts so I wouldn't count on it.