Final boss can one hit kill you and takes no damage

>final boss can one hit kill you and takes no damage

inb4 autistic spic circlejerk

>tfw i missed his show in LA

and also a few hue hue hue that gather with us

inb4 mexican weebs share their personal information

we never do though, except for the tijuana furries that I think they are dating eachother by now

and the autistic fuuka faggot

>final boss has its own drummer whenever it wants to make a point

nah, he's quite shy and discreet, he isn't even on the discord group... yet

Subs when

>he doesn't know about the old group

hopefully never

Cual es el punto de estos hilos? Nadie habla sobre juegos, solo de sus problemas personales

>boss heals itself
>after every turn

No me importan los videojuegos, pero si me gusta conversar con mis amiguitos de internet

what the fuck is going on in this thread

underage mexicans

>boss creates multiple sources of healing that heal each turn

>final boss is literally unbeatable

>i miss LA

do you think El Buen fin will make the switch and games affordable? I remember buying my WiiU like 2-3 years ago because of that

You can literally find a switch for $380 in Mexico City Frikiplaza

>enemies can hit you without trouble
>but the only chance to do damage to them is attacking them right before they attack you while taking the risk to be hit
fucking dark souls 3 pvp im sick of this

What games you recommend me for el switch?
Already have odyssey but after I finish it im not sure what else to get

>get your ass completely kicked by a boss
>I guess Im supposed to lose this fight
>you are supposed to win

Splatoon 2, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Mario Rabbids, Arms, Zelda, Doom, SKyrim, etc

>boss has 4 areas in the arena that heal him over time when near
>you can only remove 3 of them if you've been playing correctly

preferiria estar en el reclusorio norte desu

el buen fin es una estafa para brayanes


>you'll never watch Otro Rollo when it was in its prime

Me escupo a mi mismo, tbqh, lads

Ragna is cute!

de que ciudad son?
como estuvo tu dia?
que planes tienes para mañana?
cual fue el ultimo juego que jugaste?

Fuck off

It was shit tho. Black and White on the other hand... I will never be 15 again...

Son bien putos,deberían banearlos por estar de aw

Aun no es hora, user

>the final boss is nigh unbeatable and the boss before him was the true final challenge




be humble son, let other people have fun

>It was shit tho
>I will never be 15 again

Malditos millennials

you didn't miss much, Otro Rollo was only worth for the monologues, everything else after was shit

subs up

>final boss brutalized your ass and you made it by with a sliver of health
>the true final boss starts immediately after and you’re at the same state you were in at the end of the last fight

>Otro Rollo was only worth for the monologues

Pretty much and Consuelo Duval, she was THICC

Estaba a punto de blogpostear mis feefees, pero creo que tienen razón, así que no lo haré.


>Final boss is mega fug with totem boost
At least you did that part right, Game Freak.