FFXI thread.
FFXI thread
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I don't care about the game at all, just post more mithra
Just for that you're getting Prishe instead.
>mithra used to be my favorite female race
>grew out of it and started liking vanilla humes instead
That was weird.
Nothing beats Elvaan F.
Not now, not ever.
>they just copied the XI races for XIV
>but got them all completely wrong
I think sacrifices in design had to be made for the sake of the updated character creator they were going for.
Leveling other jobs currently in the WCB Campaign, the amount of levels & skillups is ridiculous.
I took GEO up to 50, but then I decided I'd switch it up and head into WKR so I can pick up some HP Baylds for the future.
Is there any wildskeeper reive I can solo with nin/dnc and some trusts? I'm ilvl119 but it was the stuff bought with baylds. The rest of my gear was good for abyssea era but probably lacking these days
Try Morimar Basalt Fields
The one in Morimar Basalt Fields is the easiest one, I think.
But right now there's a WKR bonus campaign going on so you'll find people if you head to them.
Can I still do this if I get back into XI?
I want to play again but I just installed a new hard drive so I'd have to download the game AND windower AND get my gearswap setup AND install that DGvoodoo plugin AND I'm pretty poor so I shouldnt spend 18 bucks on it
>so you'll find people if you head to them.
Not a single fucking person shouting in Ragnarok
The monotony of attacking crabs with copper spatulas has been replaced with waiting in town for no one to do anything
I went to Colkhab first, ended up finding a bunch of JPs their just doing it.
Their rotation seems to be
Bee > Fish > T-Rex > repeat
It might be the same on your server.
skillups are so fast right now, it's not needed. Especially now. If you really want, there are some crabs outside Adoulin that are pretty much the same thing.
>mithra no longer of cat nose or cat mouth
Why even live?
So, not copied?
My friends walked me to yumcax and tchakka a few years ago but we never ended up doing it. So I have the HPs for those at least
I have no idea how to get to the others. I was following this guide that told me to buy some items for survival skills (which I guess are just new KIs?) and several of them aren't even in stock on the AH. The game feels so dead :/
They all have HPs right outside their combat areas.
I haven't done the adoulin stuff in ages and I just resubbed so I can't really help you with the survival stuff.
they are, though
XIV has no original ideas
hey dudes i'm trying to create a smn skill up script but i just cant get it right, im using the command //exec script.txt,
this is the script
alias one input /ma "Carbuncle" ; wait 10; /pet "release"
alias five one; one; one; one; one;
alias twenty five; five; five; five;
alias hundred twenty; twenty; twenty; twenty; twenty;
alias fivehundred hundred; hundred; hundred; hundred; hundred;
alias thousand fivehundred; fivehundred;
etc., etc.
for some reason the character dont execute the pet release macro
I want to get into this game. I'm really short on time so I'd also have to level boost. But I don't have any friends to play with. Sucks to be a loner in these type of games.
thanks based user
I only have WoTG and CH3 RoA so im going to do them and say goodbye to this game forever, unless i get attached ...
judging from the shouts it seems like people only want SMNs for ambuscade for some fucking reason
people only want smn for every fucking thing, the job is broken as shit
i dont think that was the case in early 2017 before i left, what exactly makes them broken?
once they have nirvana they can just spam 99k damage. almost all end game can be summed up to "how many smns do we bring, 2 or 3?"
If I'm looking to get into parties for gear and drops, would SMN be a good job to level up then?
I'm assuming Nirvana is probably a must-have for the crazy damage and to get into parties like that
Trying to collect gear for my BLU is a pain
if you're having trouble gearing blu then forget smn. finishing a nirvana will break you mentally, physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually, anally
Will SE actually nerf SMN or its not going to happen?
Yeah that's what I thought
I can't even finish the Almace for BLU
I don't really mind gear-swapping, but it's hard as hell to get certain gear pieces
Really wish I had a decent Linkshell
>Shantotto opens a portal up during an event.
>You cannot follow her back to HD Vana'diel.
If anything they'll eventually buff other classes to near that tier.
if enough people on asura were interested i'd hand out pearls and sacks and let Sup Forums players fuck around in my shell. everyone else left for other games
I've been playing for 7 years now on and off and i've never found a decent LS to do content with on a regular basis, i've joined a few Linkshells full of new/returning players but they all either quit after a while or never do shit, i refuse to dual box and i will forever be alone so its ok at this point
If anyone's looking for a shell on Phoenix, just leave your name in the thread and I'll send you a tell.
>and let Sup Forums players fuck around in my shell.
It doesn't seem like you have respect for Sup Forums players, like what do you expect us to shitpost on your precious LS or something? i was in "Implying" LS which was the Sup Forums LS on Asura for a while until it died, it was full of well behaved players.
He is talking about implying
To add to this, I'm usually on day to day. More members may pop up for free weekend. If someone wants a pearl just reply and I can get one to you
B-But nobody was there when i came back
>tfw I found out the HD FFXI Announcement was an April Fools joke
Can't even find the picture of it anymore
Maybe it's for the best that I can't
i've had like 15 different people say this. they all keep missing each other lmao
Most of us have subs but aren't as active anymore
What health problems do you have?
What's a good TP/WS piece for BLU?
I'm going to assume it's Adhemar, since I keep people seeing it.
I ran into someone with the Ambuscade version of Homam and it looked nice, but I haven't run too many Ambus yet.
i tp in this. 1157 acc before food/escha zone buffs. there's a few acc swaps i use on high end fights where you need ~1400
herc augs are ta+4, acc/att
That's Almace, right?
I'm still not sure which REMA to go for with BLU.
in long fights, tizona+almace > tizona+colada
in not so long fights, almace+colada > tiz+alm
in really short fights, sequence+colada
i went with almace cause it's a good well rounded weapon and fuck making a mythic
I'm still researching REMA stuff.
I'd like to make one of each category, because beyond grinding Ambuscade that's sorta all that's left for me in FFXI to do.
I keep putting it off because I know it'll be a long and expensive grind, but I may as well get it out of the way.
Relic isn't so bad to grind
Empy isn't bad just wait for a VW event and poop sock it
Mythic you can just kill yourself instead
Aeonic is ez if you have a decent LS
It's not so much that as just not knowing what to choose.
I currently have SMN COR SCH RUN NIN and BLU. I'm not sure what to pick for any of the jobs.
I've also got GEO in the works right now, but I don't think I'll get Idris. I might just stick with Dunna since I'd much rather have Epeo for my RUN.
unless blu is the only job you ever intend on playing, i wouldn't waste a mythic on it when you can just get sequence (easiest option) or almace.
there are way better options for mythics. smn is broken as fuck with nirvana. cor's best weapon in most circumstances is death penalty. run's best weapon is epeolatry by a long shot. tizona is just a very mild dps increase in SOME situations with infinite mp.
relics are super easy to make but only like 3 of them are worth a fuck anymore
there's a few really good empys and several solid aeonics
75 Levelcap FFXI was the best. Fight me.
No one here disagrees with you. I don't know why you would even think they would.
I think lv90 abyssea was the pinnacle of all gaming. The system was brilliantly designed, and you really felt powerful in there. It broke the rest of the game, but there was no need to play the rest of the game. I could have lived in Abyssea
if they made the first 3 zones 75 min lvl to enter, next 3 zones 80 min, next 3, 85 or some shit then abyssea wouldn't have broken old camps and exp alliances would have never been a thing. that and if they nerfed smn burning...
could have kept a lot more people interested i think
All those things were fun though
Key bitch, astral flow parties. Man so many nights wasted. I leveled jobs I didn't even want. I mean I can definintely see how it killed the game for people without a dedicated group of friends. That's where I'm at now. No one I know plays the game so I feel like there's nothing I can do. At least it's free
>lv90 abyssea was the pinnacle of all gaming
I didn't think anyone actually liked Abyssea. It felt extremely poorly designed to me. It felt like a poorly designed mess of ideas brought on by the belief that they were going to end the game there.
I can see people enjoying some of the gameplay elements and the mindless grind for gear, but it had such a terrible story, weak characters, and simply ignored everything else about the world to justify "we ending it here have some theme parks to run around in k"
What's the best way to exp solo at 99? I have some shit ilv119 gear
What job? If you're talking about Capacity Points it could be difficult to solo efficiently at all if you don't have decent gear sets.
I'm not after CP, not even there yet. I guess my idea is to farm sparks to get rem chapters to upgrade my AF as a first step. And I think i can take on the shadow lord 2 BC solo with some trusts, but that needs merit points. Dunno what else to even do solo. Figure once I have i119 AF I can move from there
Go to Escha Zi'Tah #8 I think and kill the big buffalo and little lizard looking guys. You could also try random islands in Escha Ru'Aun.
If you have silt, make sure to grab a Mollifier.
The classic question, How do you make gil these days? I have BLU with decent gear
Right now you can abuse WKR campaign. Or just grind out Ambu.
Soloing lv125+ monsters definitely doesn't sound like a great idea with my gear
scroll up then.
So as a BLU decked out in Reisenjima gear, I should be able to take out all the Tier-1 stuff in Escha-Zi'Tah, right?
Asking because I think I'll spend some time helping out new players get gear and shit. I haven't been playing in a while so I'm not 100% certain just how "strong" I am.
Just finished installing all the shit needed to play and fucking around in POL for ten minutes trying to make an account.
What JOB should I start with? I wanna be able to be a credit to team.
You're not locked into a job with FFXI, so try out whatever and treat it as a learning experience. If you like it, stick with it, and if you don't then you can go back to your Mog House and change to something else and try it out.
Monk is the only job that's in a bad place right now, with every other job being in demand in one way or another.
>I wanna be able to be a credit to team
user...you will play alone until 99
WHM, COR, GEO, RUN are all relatively easy to gear and sought after
If you know what you're doing and have the right trusts and preparation you could solo lots of zitah, some of ru'aun, and some of the t1s in reisen
Thanks, dudes.
What else would I be able to tackle on my own?
Healing or being some type of caster sounds fun since I usually play hybrid or tank/physical DD classes.
Also the only exposure I have of FFXI is 10 levels on the Nasomi server as a BLM.
>Resting after nearly every fight.
>Check every monster or ded.
I had never played a more hardcore MMO.
Can solo some ambuscades at varying difficulties depending on the gimmick of the fight. You'd still need help for things like vagary, sinister reign, omen, new dynamis, almost all of reisen, incursion
how much gil did you buy and which site?
Let's get this shit started
Is there anything even worth getting with Login points if I already have most of the good Trusts?
What's up with all the random pieces of low level gear thrown in, especially at the higher point tiers?
Yeah i dont know what they were thinking, personally i got the exp ring because everything else is shit
Shantotto II is amazing if you don't have her, but who doesn't have her anyway but newbies?
I mean, the Mooncats have fangs, and there's that nose that's kinda like the Mithra. But it's not really the same.
Masque for easy teleport
Mount for variety
sword for vanity
Hello, started playing again for the first time since 2010.
I am on cerberus. How is this server still? Should I transfer while it is currently 50% off?
Secondly, what should I spend my login points on?
So is there literally nothing special about the random equipment pieces then?
After looking, it looks like they can be upgraded to level 99, but what's the point with the whole item level thing now?
Am I missing something?
Yes, Asura is currently the highest populated server for NA players by an extemely large marigin.
I played for 7 hours today, made a new character just to play on Asura. This game is so comfy and makes me forget all about my depression/anxiety/ptsd from being a recovering alcoholic/drug addict. I use play this on xbox 360 a couple years ago, i got into this game pretty late, about 2013. I really love just walking and grinding levels. God if they shut this game down, i'll just kill myself