Did Sony win 2018 already before the year began?
>God of War
>Detroid Become Human
>The Last of Us II
>Death Stranding
>Days Gone
>Ghost of Tsushima
All games that you can play ONLY on playstation. Damn...
Did Sony win 2018 already before the year began?
>God of War
>Detroid Become Human
>The Last of Us II
>Death Stranding
>Days Gone
>Ghost of Tsushima
All games that you can play ONLY on playstation. Damn...
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I unironically prefer Microsoft's and Nintendo's lineups.
Looks like they are stepping up the software game.
>I unironically prefer Microsoft's lineup
what lineup? you need more than 1 game to have a lineup.
>Death Stranding
They literally only just started developing the gameplay. It'll be out like 2020
This must be the worst timeline!
Mediocre moviegame garbage.
Same with every other console and most of the PC.
Gaming is dead. Move on, kids.
>implying I or anyone else is gonna play their games on Windows 10
>can't play them on PS4
Good enough for me. Still prefer it to Sony's line up.
All of these are QTE ridden shitfests with no actual gameplay other than mash X. Monster Hunter World is the only good upcoming game for the PS4 and it's not even an exclusive. At least Nintendo still makes games.
>I don't like things so nobody else is allowed to like them
You should kill yourself.
Why does Sony have like 4 games that are all basically last of us with different skins ?
How does anyone find this appealing.
Yeah, if you're not into weeb games or third person cinematic's, there's really not a lot it has to offer.
>Monster Hunter World is the only good upcoming game for the PS4
That's not guaranteed, and I say this as someone who's buying it day one. Casualized and whatnot
Even counting Windows 10 Store games what does 2018 offer for Xbox? Sea of Thieves? Crackdown? Crackdown looks like shit and doesn't even have the physics anymore.
As to this
>implying I or anyone else is gonna play their games on Windows 10
I play Forza Horizon 3 on Windows 10, it's nice at max settings with 8xMSAA at 60fps.
>forza, halo
>thats literally it
>microsoft had halo wars 2 xbone bundle
>a fucking console strategy
lmao microcucks have nothing.
There are some good upcoming PS4 games but none are exclusives. Sony are really going all out on the Last of Us clone bullshit. I hope Ghost of Tsuhima is different but I'm not holding out much hope as cool as the setting is.
>but none are exclusives
What did he mean by this?
>Did Sony win 2018 already before the year began?
Well, it IS the end of the year, almost, so 2017 is decided, but as it stands it's hard to tell just yet if they won NEXT year.
Nintendo made a complete turnaround with the Switch, which is turning out to be really popular. Lots to offer and it's made Nintendo relevant again. Also, the XB1X is selling pretty well so they seem to have injected some life into microsoft.
Still, you could argue that both came too late in the year to make a difference this year. Sony has way too much of a head start for them to catch up before the end of the year, unless they sell ridiculously well on Black Friday, Boxing Day, and Christmas. Sony might pretty much won '17 but with the other two starting to pick up momentum it's as of yet undecided how '18 will go.
The only upcoming PS4 "exclusive" that might not really be exclusive is Death Stranding. Everything else that's hyped is developed by a Sony owned studio. I guess Yakuza could theoretically come to PC or something but it's been years since a Yakuza game released on anything but Playstation.
I've seen some shit on this website but you take the cake.
>exclusives are not exclusive because they are exclusive
PS4 still gets all the upcoming multiplats but the exclusive lineup is ass. I feel like as the Switch sales continue in Japan the support for it will lessen over there since they don't even like consoles anymore.
>Sony might pretty much won '17 but with the other two starting to pick up momentum it's as of yet undecided how '18 will go.
Depends on what you mean by win. In terms of units sold PS4 is clearly going to finish 2017 in first. Second place is going to be Switch or Xbox One, at the moment it looks like Switch will be #2 but those $190 Xbox One S black Friday deals might help. In terms of games, Switch got 2 of the best games in years, PS4 had a bunch of okay exclusives but nothing super groundbreaking, and Xbox One had another Forza game.
Listen faggot, I said "exclusive" because there are retards on this site that call Xbox One games that play better on PC "Xbox Exclusives". Then there's the issue of "Playstation Exclusives" that are on PS3 as well, do those count as PS4 exclusives?
Why do casuals keep buying games with barely any gameplay in them?
We are talking about the game in the OP. Are they on PS3? No? Then why bring it up?
Death Stranding will have a PC port.
Spider-Man, God of War, Detroit, Last of Us, and Days Gone all look like shit.
Because they only play games once, a game with no replay value, impossible to fail gameplay and an emphasis on story is exactly what they want.
I think Microsoft gave up on exclusives this gen. Hopefully next gen we see some crazy shit like the OG gen
Sony owns the IP. It will have a PC port if sony wants it. And I doubt it would be the same year as the PS4 version.
The only games on there that I'm even remotely interested in haven't even had gameplay shown yet, Death Stranding and Ghost of Tsushima.
Spiderman's too Arkham-y, God of War's too TLOU-y, a fucking David Cage game, TLOU never looked interesting to me, Days Gone looks even less interesting.
Look, you might hate sony or god of war but unless you show me the part where you actually throw a magical axe around in TLOU you're talking out of your ass. It doesn't look impressive but this is NOT TLOU.
They say shit like that because it's now 3rd person instead of fixed camera.
Personally, I didn't like this change either, but I expect the game to be good. Took me a long time to actually play GoW and I enjoyed playing the games a lot actually. Contrary to Sup Forums's retarded idea, the games actually have pretty good gameplay if you play on hard modes
Ghost is probably out in 2019
That lineup is so bad that it forced me to buy a Switch. Switch lineup is way better. The games coming out for it in 2018 are actually games and not cinematic SJW experiences.
My PS4 is good for the third party but the first party is shit now. They should have brought back their more prolific franchises from the ps2 era.
Your opinion is so bad it made me throw up violently.
Not him
I need to see more combat footage to be impressed
Barlog said there's going to be 100 enemies and a much bigger scale than the trilogy with the Paris footage just being a sliver of the combat