Things that make you not buy a vidya

>look up developers on website
>they have a group photo and they all look like numales and dykes

What a retarded mentality

>nu males
what's up with this buzzword that the cowards of pol keep forcing?

>game is released on an annual basis
Yup, not buying lol.
Soy is the gretest enemy of our time.



Why should I care who made the game
The only thing that matters is the quality of the game

THIS JUST IN: Nerds who make games look like nerds


>developer complains on social media about Steam refunds

Far too accurate.

>I look up gameplay and the game doesn't look fun
>The game costs a lot of money
>It's a genre I'm not interested in (strategy, fighting, most JRPGs etc)
>It's not available on a platform I own
>I'm just not interested in it

>Sup Forums buzzword
Sup Forums uses "soyboy"


>hirez in a nutshell
good thing their games are free

fucking kek

>left calling the right cowardly

I don't have any pictures of election night but...


>HAHA look our game is done because we used a marker on this blank CD lmao people are so stupid they won't know we completely ripped off an existing game

I spot about three relatable people in this photo and they're all doing a great job hiding that they clearly hate taking part in this. dude drinking straight from a wine bottle is my spirit animal


Because game devs/techies have the fuck all time to lift, right?


samefagging but check out the hyper evolved autism in these facial expressions. like what, are they pretending they aren't deliberately posing for a still photo? you can see resemblance to all kinds of memer sub-sea creature IQ inside jokes.

these people are so retarded it's disgusting

Feel like there should be a plate with food and a used tissue in the male pic.

Yes they do have enough time

if you took him out, would he die?

soy is delicious mmmmm

>skinnyfat nu-cuck

Are you kidding me look at those pecs and those arms

and a dog in the background

>all those buzzwords
wew do you know how to form a sentence?

Yeah thats what we call skinnyfat sweetie

>the chad cuphead dev

>I make decisions based on stuff that has nothing to do with what i’m trying to decide on
Didn’t realize people this retarded exist.


Do you know how to form a reply that isn't a meme

Welcome to the internet friend

>what's up with this buzzword that the cowards of pol keep forcing?

Males with no masculinity, who accept feminism, and compensate with beards.


There's a difference between being a neckbeard nerd and a soyboy faggot.

steve is too pure for this world

That girl looks nice.

That just looks like a guy with a beard. How is that nu male? Sounds like a made up word really

>one of the main characters is a black girl with an afro

These days the phrase "numale" has lost its meaning, like cuck did and a bunch of other shit because of how often it is thrown around
like at this point pretty much any potential common facial feature like a beard of any kind or glasses is grounds to call someone a numale
hell even a lack of unique featues is grounds for retards to call someone a newmale

Imagine being so insecure that you don't buy games made by people that look like you

Trust me, she's probably a slut, and/or nuts. Nu-males get unstable "feminist" girls at best.

Is there a story behind these guys? Did anyone ever dissect this photo and allocate blame and shame for the people who created this picture and tried to market their piece of shit as some kind of accomplishment for them and for their mouth-breathing target audience?

It's not a strictly Sup Forums thing. I never go to that place because I'm not a nazi but I've seen these very feminine bearded "guys" with receding hairlines everywhere and I never realized how many of them they are. Nu-male is a pretty accurate term for them. I don't care if it's a Sup Forums thing because I've had to deal with a few of them and they're really unpleasant people, very annoying, passive-aggressive and looking for any chance they have to call you a "bigot" (does that word even mean anything anymore?)

its popular

>opening mouth to smile for pictures
>lispy femine voice
>craft beer
>vegan and supplements soybeans for meat
>lives in a city or wants to
You get the idea but the numale/soyboy/bugman can be identified easily.

They look happy.

>>lives in a city or wants to

Cletus. fuck off

>the amount of low testosterone in the room

>t. nu-male
it's so easy to spot them just like the people that get mad at the word "cuck"

you forgot
>calls people who dont live in big cities "cletus"

That was my thought too

t. cuck

Does anyone have an answer to this?

>trust me
Okay, as we all know Sup Forumstards are masters of sociology

Stream where?

muh pol boogeymen

Yes, because alot of Sup Forums's favorite Japanese developers looked like strongmen coding with their GRORIOUS YAMATO SPIRIT

theres a girl in this picture?

>the personal lives of someone affects if you like a product or not

Suburbs are the superior form of living. Don't even pretend your 500 square foot apartment you spend well over 1.3k/month for in a place where owning a car is difficult and everythig is expensive is a life worth living.

Heh... lemme clue you in kiddo

numale is years old
soyboy was the word until the normies found it
new word is bugman


2 more nukes should reverse the effects of the last ones
we can make japan great again


He'd probably love to have you fuck her in front of him

It's mostly the three guys in front and the dyke making them all look bad.

When will you realize that NO ONE on Sup Forums likes you Nazis? You spread your misinformation, stupid, racist bullshit, and then expect us to like you. No, how about YOU fuck off, you pathetic, low-test beta male? Imagine being you, at your local high school. A normal girl walks up to a normal guy, and then they begin hugging and kissing. Enter you. You arrive on scene, with your disgusting cheeto-belly, your flabby, weak arms, and your nasally, high-pitched voice, crashing into the hallway from your special education classroom. You see the couple hugging and kissing and you scream, at the top of your lungs, "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER!" You look at what you have done, and give yourself a pat on the back for fighting racemixing. The other kid looks at you, in your pathetic glory, and burst out laughing. Fuck you and your racist drivel so fucking much. And fuck Sup Forums. Stay there, you edgy underage. And no, I typed this up myself. It's not pasta, I (like many others on this site) dislike your kind.

>waaahhh opinions I don’t like :’(

omg kill yourself faggot

stuck a nerve huh?


Shouting nigger over and over is classic Sup Forums humor.

They were happy nerds at least.

Now most are just slaves, though that goes to any dev team from a big company.

Bringing back negative memories, anons?

Nice pasta, I'm gonna save it

evolution of the nerd developer my dude
deal with it or keep playing old games made by people that would look the same if they were from a newer generation

does this bother you?

No it doesn't. I just want to tell Nazis that they aren't welcome on our board. No one likes Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums.

I can fap to this.

then why are you here?

>falling for this shitty bait

Sup Forumstards are beyond retarded.

Nazis are very welcome on this board

I honestly agree, who the fuck let these retarded kids in?

the question is, "who's falling for what?"

>nanny state multiplayer
>"social" integration
>twitch integration
>early access
>open world
>pre-order DLC
>season pass
>loot boxes
>lootboxes/DLC/microtransactions for an early access title
>censorship of cleavage and lewd clothing
>censorship in general
>SJW devs with a forced political agenda in the game
>walking simulator
>locked 30fps
>blocky voxel minecraft clone #35920582
>"""""pixel"""""" graphics

>guy on the left looks identical to the "how numales take a picture" meme guy

>our board


>game involves zombies

I am so fucking tired of zombie media. The past 10 years it's been ridiculously overdone and played out.

It's probably based off him.
The meme was gaining force during the No Man's Sky fiasco.

Sup Forums was never for Nazis. The mods would agree.

As an official representative of Sup Forums and also video games in general, I can state that the video game community and Sup Forums welcomes anyone including nazis, but no niggers

we will accept even gays, including gay niggers, but please no normal niggers

>Implying Sup Forums is for anyone.

Sup Forums was never for scolds telling people that they can't make jokes because they're offensive either. Go back to neogaf, tranny.

Can you imagine saving someone else's photos onto your hard drive to try and spew drivel out of your retarded mind into an anonymous image board and act like you're above the person in the image when they're out enjoying life and not spending their lives autistically shitflinging insults to them in an echo chamber? It's time to go back.

also no Jews and trannies please