Why do people hate the driving so much?

Why do people hate the driving so much?

Plebs. Has the best driving of all the GTA games by far.

they were used to arcade easy mode style driving and got mad when it required some learning and skill

People kept trying to drift like Initial D and fail miserably

They prefer when every car drives like a sports car

You cant really go fast without spinning out on a turn.

Everything in GTAIV is so unsatisfying compared to SA or V

The cars drive like boats. People who've never driven a car think that it's realistic, but it's terrible.

I don't like IV's driving because I think it's realistic. I like it because the cars actually have weight and there's actually some challenge to the driving. In V the only thing that matters at all is how fast your car is, and it's fucking boring.

I love the driving. its so much fun.
the best drifting in any gta game

>shredding tires in a duke down an entire road

Its still the most realistic of any gta game

because it feels like I'm driving a boat

maybe if you're playing as Franklin. That fuckin race where they default you to that el camino and its in downtown los santos. That shit taught me how to use his stupid slow mo ability cus if you didn't and you had any speed you'd spin out on a turn, that vehicle could handle straight-aways like a champ though.

Because they suck at it

A two-ton car at 50 mph has a lot of inertia.

>Sensitive pressure triggers
>People floor it
>wooow why does it controls like shit.

I don't hate the driving. I hate that 90% of the missions are driving to a warehouse, shooting everyone there and then driving away from the police.

The power of the cars is average.

>gta iv
>porsche handles like a van
>gta v
>van handles like a porsche

Because it feels like driving a boat with wheels on ice

I liked it. I was really bummed out by gtaV's easymode drivan

>driving in GTAIV
>not just taking taxis everywhere
have you never watched a GTAIV speedrun?

>speedrunning GTA
why would you do this

>crash my car until it lights up in flames
>go as fast a possible
>jump out car
>watch a crowd of vehicles explode
>0 wanted stars
i cant be the only one that does this, right?

Found the guy who still drives a 1985 Lincoln Town Car

kek. 'strewth

Close. 2008 Crown Vic

>not getting 3 other friends together and competing to see which mofo beats san andreas first