Raita's designs are fucking disgusting. This bitch is literally in every one of his works with that same face/hair/personality/ with tits that look like a fucking cruise missile.
Raita's designs are fucking disgusting...
So just anime
I agree
>Raita's designs are fucking delicious
nigga that's hot
I agree.
Shuten Douji is superior
Weird shaped bodies are hot
Raita and donaught are twitter are gods
tits too big
as it should
Can you rephrase that?
>not liking torpedo tits
You guys are SO fucking gay
>not being gay in 2017
Not gonna make it user in life user.
they could be a little bigger
gays not welcome
you dont love mommy?
Dem Feet is what I like.
im gonna make her into a mommy
how big we talking about here?
like, how many gallons of milk could she hold?
hey so is there porn in this artstyle
Let's be honest here they're too heavy and big, just think about how cumbersome they must be to a girl like that? She should get a breast reduction pronto.
Why do the jews want to take away everything I love?
Because they don't want you to be happy, just a miserable shell of a man. Makes you easier to control.
I want to see her feet.
this is fiction, homo
Raita is based /ourguy/
only numale lowtest cuck omega """""""""""""""males""""""""""""'''' hate his art
Raita and Asanagi are literally entry level
This is literally for hambeasts and amerifats.
so am i, help a bro out
>hentai site of choice
>search by artist
Fuck this gay earth
like i have a site of choice
mom, your tits too big
Raikou have fucking shitty proportions with shitty ass banana tits that look far more like malignant tumors, fucked up knees, breasts too low on the body, fucked up skeleton body frame that doesn't fit the breast at all.
Funny how the shitty fanarts still try to avoid Raita's shitty ass style, because its too much for even them.
not to mention she ALWAYS have the same stupid expression.
Ugly ass mutant AYY LMAO cow
You guys pretend to like Raita because most people rightfully shit on it.
It's sad.
son, you're gay lol
I only like his hungry skeletons.
please wash me mommy
good fanart though
The real question is, when are we getting a character designed by Rindou?
I feel bad for you.
How do I get a banana tit gf
This would be hotter if her body wasn't skeleton tier.I love large tits as much as the next guy but a skeleton with balloons attached isn't hot
That's just, like, your opinion, man
Find a saggy tit gf
OP is a faggot.
t. brainlet
>raita's x-ray doujins
post em
Raita's best character designs are the ones with flat or modest chests. Shuten-Douji is a dick breaker.
literally just sadpanda that shit
at least half of them are
I love Raita's boob skeletons.
or Aiue Oka
>being this lazy
i hate u
I love mommy.
She really does remind me of my mom.
I want to fuck your mom.
I want to kiss and marry your mom!
Can you introduce me to your mom, user?
I love how posting Raita easily baits out all the gays
Raita should just design males.
somebody post that milky copy pasta, you know the one
Us faggots actually love his male designs. Kintoki and Moriarty are awesome.
Hatred for his female designs are a universal thing.
you gay mate?
yeah, again, among gays
>Hatred for his female designs are a universal thing.
speak for yourself
reminder back pain from large breasts is a biproduct of weak stabilizer muscles
His designs would be perfect with even just a bit more meat on the torsos. They're 9/10 nearing 10/10.
As of now t looks midway between sexy design and caricature of what people find sexy
mind if i mating press your mom?
his designs are perfection incarnate, off yourself homosex
I'm 99,9% sure you guys are the special needs people who would use OP's anatomical and artistic abortion to argue that "no really games are art, just look at this."
american i take it?