So guys, I know we've had some funposting in the other threads due to a certain female character, but can we actually discuss Battlerite this time?
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Fuck off shill
excuse me, that faun offends me she is too sexy
Why are you so obsessed with this deer, she's not even the best looking character
D _ _ _
P _ _ _ _
This user gets it
Why make a game that tries to remove traditional moba elements and distill it down to action only, then make heals and ultimates so fucking powerful that every game grinds to a screeching halt from the first second of gameplay? Especially when every character is so slow that you have to burn 10-second cooldowns to dodge a single hit.
Why is her cloth flowing? Did she brap?
wasn't even thinking of her, but Polomo is still cuter than blossom
I'm installing this shit right now. Better not be garbage.
you can rotate her and that happens if you do it fast.
Go ahead, OP.
any reason I should care about this game besides this charactor? I don't give a single fuck about mobas or character shooters.
I was told in the last thread that I would be able to get a refund on steam after it went F2P. Steam told me to fuck off because i played 3 hours 6 months ago. Fuck this shit.
Well unlike Mobas matches are usually less than 5 minutes long.
No fluff, no laning, no levelling up, just straight up teamfights.
>people still calling this a MOBA
It's more of a fighting game than a MOBA
In the barest essence this is a moba it's just games like LoL co-opted the term to describe their game.
Oh wow, I might actually play this shit then!
No, you obnoxious furfaggots have poisoned the well with your months of butting into threads that you had no business in.
She's human with animal features. Nothing furry about her
best girl right here
refund timer is 2 hours. And they fixed the EA to release bug of 2 weeks being reset, so suck shit
A person in the other thread said the developer told everyone that after f2p, founders could refund if they wanted. So yeah the situation sucks shit.
>servers went from ~4-5 seconds to find a match to waiting ~3 minutes in queue
Are the servers fucked up again?
/k/ please stay
blossom's browngirl skins are better than her default
fucking fight me you know i'm right
4k gold, who should I buy? Have Blossom, Jade, Ashka and Pearl
Kinda want to get Poloma since she's a qt but I already have 2 supports. Maybe a Melee character?
this one?
>make your game have cute characters, great animation and art
>make it isometric so you can't see any of it
why do they do this?
dark skin blonde hair...
my fucking dick
isn't her butthole showing?
>some characters have like 3 move/teleportation spells
>while other have 1
>and not a very good one at that
Why does this game want me to hate it so much?
Too bad her voice sucks.
I want to shave off all her fur and laugh at her fleshy bareness while making fun of her disgusting hooves.
why would you ever not play a healer in this game? me and my buddy queue 2v2s and we do blossom and pearl and our record is like 50-3 it's ridiculous. we are platinum.
game could use more waifus
there's only what, 5 females? only 3 attractive ones. with blossom as the only real choice for a decent waifu.
Anyone feel like ranged heroes and supports feel useless in 2v2 matches?
it seems like as long as you have double melee dps or a strong dps and an agile ranged you're good to go
unless you face Thorne or Garren
you probably haven't played a single non-new player
Melee basically outright eats ranged right now.
If a melee gets close to a ranged without any escape the ranged is fucked. With melee it's not that much of a problem
model rip when
>literally no Blossom r34
what the fuck?
it's a really shame because when it was still closed beta I used to main Luciana now she feels like a massive hindrance when me and my pal please 2's
I take what I can get
>it's all powerpuff girls
only 4 of those are Battlerite's blossom, the rest is PPG
The pics aren't even that good
>matchmaking is fucked
Yup something is happening with the servers again
_ ____ __ ____ ____ ____
>don't touch fluffy tail
reeestlesssss spiiiriiitsss
Why would you do that you sick maniac?
why do people post this shitty furry character, just post the character coming out instead
Because there's enough generic dark elves to fill a stadium. But there's so few deer girls they only make me want more.
>another generic POWERFUL WOMAN WHO DON'T NEED NO MAN with turbodyke rainbow haircolor
Blossom is actually really good in 2v2s
You need to hit all your skillshots, but she has consistent annoying movement impairment to screw with melees, hop is a great escape and a solid nuke with the EX, gust is a bit inconsistent sometimes but does an okay job at keeping melees away, and dropping an EX tree between you and the guy trying to hit you and then healing it with the rite that makes it heal you ruins their day
Ashka is also in a decent position, lots of defensive options and his petrify is a really hard punish for blowing cooldowns chasing him.
2v2 in general is kinda jank though. Some comps just fuck up certain characters without the buffer of another character to play around.
I got to 6 minutes so I restarted and it's almost back up there again. I was finding matches earlier today in under a minute.
Rainbow? is there something i missed? Also if you want to shitpost just call her a Samus rip off, which she is.
why are you so threatened all the time, to impose traits and narratives that aren't even there? why do you alter your perception to constantly see things which scare you?
>Tfw Varesh main
>Tfw I play other characters and they all seem so fucking straightforward
>got to 15 before dropping out of the queue without finding a match
This game's launch has been garbage, holy shit
This game was so much better before the shitty update that ruined the tribal aesthetics and the entire battlerite system.
You want to adapt to your enemy's battlerite picks? TOO BAD, PICK FIVE AND STICK TO THEM FAGGOT
The shitty bitch who made the entire UI basically Overwatch should get fucked removed from the development team. Why do women always have to ruin fucking everything?
This will crash even faster than BLC. Now the matchmaking servers shat themselves.
nobody "adapted" to battlerite picks or even what the opponent was doing, people just picked the same rites with maybe 1 hotswap and frequently you wouldn't even see lategame rites
you can still hotswap rites from your loadout pregame if you need to for some reason there's literally nothing to complain about, you're retarded if you don't see how this system is better in every way
>Rook picks right click stun
>Change build to not rely on channeling ability
its a little sad about the battlerites but it just make it play a little better for new players.
They seem to understand the current era of marketing, which is just paying popular streamers to play your game, so it should easily do better then BLC.
BLC did look cooler then this game.
or you could make a better decision that didn't make you vulnerable to that in the first place, which is what everyone was already doing
game is telling you right there, you're a "casual" and doesnt want to find you a match
How has alc been nerfed overtime? I've seen several people mention it but didn't see anything on the notes.
Alright i've done google and fireden reverse searches and got nothing. So now i'm gonna ask for sauce.
[Mizone] Noroi no Shika Senbei
Blossom fucking ruined this game
Blossom and fucking F2P normies tbqh.
How often do multiple support teams happen when you que support?.
It's spelled "queue" and question marks negate the need for periods. Fuck off back to highschool and learn some grammar.
close to never
team with no support if you're queueing as ranged/melee is far more likely
Doing the lords work my friend.
almost never, 99% of players are 13 year old DPS mongoloids who play Le Dabbing Frog or Animu Protagonist Man
never Heard Of Shorthand Manchild?
>random camel case
fuck off back to mexican highschool and learn some grammar.
Nice capitalization.
Low effort shitposting is the worst.
What this guy said
Fuck off back to whatever forum you crawled out of.
If anyone new is here go learn Pearl.
I don't think a character has ever been as annoying as she is.
Threads dead.
she's annoying only against range. I have no problems killing her with croak, raigon and ruh kaan.
So how does her physiology work?
can she get pregnant by humans and have a human hybrid baby?
asking for a friend haha
>Get gifted game
>Get told there's no name filter
>Try Pullthetriggeroneverynigger
>It fucking works
there's no name filter but you might be banned and have your account deleted if you get reported enough
Havent experienced a mute yet, and im calling every brazilian a monkey and saying "ez" at the end of every game