Sup Forums I wanna play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, you up for some races?
Sup Forums I wanna play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, you up for some races?
that's the tournament code, not a friend code btw
Let's see if OP is dead
So what happened to Sup Forumseekends? Did some faggots start drama?
I'll keep it short and say "yes"
oh shit, we got 2/12 now
How do you start drama over fucking Mario Kart?
typical attentionwhoring tripfaggots and discord
divide over 150cc and 200cc
otherwise attentionwhoring/circlejerking by a small group of players
good race btw
Same to you, I need more practice
up to 3/12
>200cc toad's turnpike
>ice level
jesus christ
that part with the flags feels like some DIRT rally type shit
I'm surprised you held that red shell as long as you did Morton. I was at your mercy.
I had two, I think.
that felt like an unreasonable amount of red shells to be given
I left to piss and the room emptied.
I started this thread kinda late in the day unforunately
>all dry bones
my niggas
dry boys
kinda feeling like a dick just for doing well
I would join but I refuse to buy Mario Kart 8 for the switch when I already have it for the wii u
you're a smart man, I bought both plus all DLC like a good goy and I never even liked battle mode that much
Just got a race going and got disconnected 10 seconds in.
we have to pay for this online in a few months
Are there two rooms right now?
>unanimous baby park
that's what i like to see
>200 cc baby park
>not going fast
Looks like there are, and I have no idea how to rectify this.
I'm not sure, my current room has Rogue Cop, Kevin, and Scrungus.
exit and rejoin?
how many are in your lobby? Maybe we can all get into a single one.
There are 3 in my lobby right now, including me.
my only gripe about 200cc is that rainbow road classic is done in under a minute
We've got four now.
Should have been like Wario Colosseum in DD, just 2 laps instead of 3 sections.
I keep getting put into an empty room and have no idea why
Weird, maybe try restarting the Switch or restarting the game? Switch Online is usually alright for me but it's dogshit in MK8.
holy shit that was a close race
This using the old Sup Forumseekend room codes?
nope, check the OP
This is on the switch right? How many we got?
Finally made it, restarting the console and software multiple times.
>tfw lost to Wario BRAPPPPing on me
I like that you can outrun red/blue shells in 200cc
>My performance these past few races
>last second victory
>5th place 3+ times
At least you get a consolation point
>it only takes one person better than me joining to relegate me to last place
Games are still running, we need more to join in!
Holy shit I didn't know you guys played Mario kart on the switch. Is there voice chat too?
I guess it's technically possible but I don't think anyone here would bother adding friend codes.
No voice chat, I imagine it's better if we bitch here and don't here anyone's nasally voice.
I think he's brapping on all of us at this point.
There any Black Friday sales for this game?
>voice chat
playing with faggots on a peruvian wine-tasting imageboard is gay enough without having to hear their voices
But I have a feminine voice and want to talk with yall
Gonna leave for now, but thanks for the fun bros. I'd say we should do these more often but the drama would probably just continue if we did.
What the fuck kind of Mario Kart drama was there?
nice playing dude, it's really not hard to avoid drama if you just fucking ignore it
man I fucking HATE when boos steal your deployed shit right before a shell hits you
Keep coins in slot 1
OP here, this will be my last race
nice playing you guys
>another last second victory
shit's like heroin to me
I'm out bros but that was awesome, I'm gonna start hosting more of these. Have a good one guys.
good races ya'll
added everyone I played with
Lobby status?
probably 0/12 my dude
you're late as fuck
6657 9944 7285
Let's do dis.
>starting new tournament
for what purpose?
It's a friendcode
Well no wonder it wasn't fucking working
not really necessary seeing as there's a tourney in the OP and you can add people that you've played with from a menu
I don't have a Switch, someone wants to play something on a SNES emulator via netplay?
What's your vr?
that's so incredibly optimistic it almost makes me want to do it
but no because netplay always sucks
Oh shit
Get in here
200CC is easy as piss, I can't play 150 anymore it's just a crawl
Y’all still playing?
Just got a 2/12 going
>using a star on NBC
I fucked up
>right before the S-curve, even
Not even a chance
>5 red shells in a row
jesus christ i just want to drive
That'll be it for me
Good races
Nice to play against someone good for a change
Thanks for stomping my shit, I don't have much practice with 200cc.
It's pretty impressive for someone with not much practice. You were usually one red shell away from winning.
Perhaps, however I mess up a lot more in 200cc so I can't maintain a lead / a close trailing distance without using items. ggs