Is SCH secretly the most fun class in ffxiv?
SCH players are the most intelligent healers and are most likely to dps
Should I level SCH, AST, or WHM first?
I was thinking WHM looked the most fun so I was saving it for last. I have them all at 60
Healer balance is really great at the moment so they're all fine.
Pick a main + an alt healer
Yeah I main BLM (which apparently is shit but I don't raid right now anyway). I just got RDM to 70 so I wanted to get all my other magic classes up to there for the title.
Alright, I'm working on broadening my horizons so that I can be more useful to my FC. I have WAR at, SMN and SAM at 60, and I'm considering grabbing MCH for that sweet sweet ranged DPS. I'll know for myself soon, but how does it feel to be a gunman? Also, how does NIN feel while leveling it these days?
NIN starts being interesting at 35, that's all I know so far.
So Sup Forums, how did you make your millions? Did you craft and gather your way to the top, or did you engage in Market Board shenanigans? I'm considering buying up materia and reselling them.
I just sold some 320 crafter legs I got from Khloe. Don't really know what to do with all the money.
What did he mean by this?
Why would you want me to unsub, Yoshi-sama?
Clearly, the answer is to invest in some seemingly innocuous bullshit, then resell it later when the demand increases. Alternatively, treat yourself to that minion or glamour tht you always wanted.
Haven't been around when SB hit so now I'm a little overwhelmed by the whole "role actions" situation. What skills do I take with me as an AST? Is cleric stance even worth it anymore? Do people actually use rescue or is it just a troll skill?
I mostly use Rescue to position bad tanks correctly
So what's the best way to level a 60+ job to 70 now?Do those squadron command missions give good exp for lvl 60+ as well?
I'm not ballsy enough for investments. Especially since I might drop my sub a few months and not be around when it pays off. I think I might just invest in our FC housing.
Just do your dailies. 50/60, leveling, trial and alliance are worth about half of your level. Besides them you also have Kugane Hunts and Kojin tribe quests that add up to a flat 2.4 million exp.
Arenvald best boi.
One question, why do people get so mad/territorial when you imply this game isn't perfect? Is it because they've sunk so much time into it?
>three xiv's threads up
pray return to the waking sands
this is the case for every mmo, the sunken time fallacy is very real
we must needs flee, lest the beast devour us all
Quality post friend.
Damage mitigation is a whole of party effort
I'll keep using addle to fish wyrmwaves and you can't stop me.
Zhloe is my cat wife
Zhloe is a mooncat and is probably a lesbian.
She loves my dick very much
The hunting community on cerberus is cancer.
Worth it to get back in if I haven't played since mid HW? Played AST in HW, but would probably play MCH or RDM for Stormblood.
Why did you quit in the first place?
A lot has changed
I love WHM gameplay the most but I get turned off from it knowing that it's unwanted when prog is over
I eventually get bored of raiding and dailies and just eventually drop off, but I always enjoy getting into new content. I just don't know if Stormblood is actually worth it.
here we go its the..........
haa haa
REALLY love seeing this on page 0 everyday
Thanks mods!!!!
That's a long time, so sure.
1-2 months to play through everything and then you can drop it again.
SB story isn't as good as HW though.
Just sub for a month and run through the new content. The endgame is still the same so you'll just burn out again if you stick around too long.
Why do other "generals" not attract retards like that? What makes them come to XIV threads only to tell everyone they don't like to come to XIV threads?
>SB was colossal shit
>threads dying off before hitting bump limit
>WoW expansion is looking great
will SE finally drop the piss poor support for this game?
It's not really worth it, the game is the exact same and SB is really bad. At the very least I'd wait until 4.2 or 4.3 so you'd have more stuff to do.
WoW fans
Literally what the fuck do you do in between heals? Unless the tank is horribly undergeared and isn't using cooldowns there's huge stretches where you could DPS and in fact the class trainers tell you to do so.
Like I can't wrap my mind around a WHM not using Holy spam on big pulls. It's like the only fun thing the class gets to do.
It's a mainline game, they will continue to support it until the next MMO comes out, and they they'll simply put it on life support like FFXI.
Very unforgiving rotation that is a latency nightmare.
I think the job feels very counter intuitive, but I've managed to learn and a get a feel of the rotation. You're basically setting yourself up for a huge burst every 60s or so. If you misalign your CD's though, your DPS takes a nose dive.
I'm curious as well
Male bunny outfit would be a-ok with me if you could make a legit twink/trap character in this game.
You can't though, so the fact that people keep demanding it puzzles me. Surely there are more important things to implement.
>WoW expansion is looking great
Just play what you want and get good parses. No one will mind a WHM that way
King's honor, friend
catboys and one of the male elezen faces can pull it off depending on the hair
>that feel when you desperately want to get into this game but have no one to play with
>join a guild and they want you to plow through all the content to get to the endgame stuff to play with them
I miss RO. At every level there were people around in the most popular leveling spots, so you could easily pick up a group.
Khloe looks retarded