stop liking cuphead
Stop liking cuphead
what the fuck does that even mean
I agree, the 1920's sucked, women went out in tuxedos and mini skirts. Men acted like girls, gay bars started opening up, women weren't legally property anymore.
that cuphead shares an affinity with the video games from the 30's
Cuphead is racist
#Resist #Impeach45 #DevinKelleyDidNothingWrong #RefugeesWelcome
So what they're saying is they wanted some watermelon-munching negroid as a boss?
>damned if you do damned if you don't
it's a no win situation with these fuckers
Allow me to translate Nu-Journalist to you:
>Cuphead artstyle is from an era where there was racism.
>That means that Cuphead is racist.
Add 1000 words of padding where you include some words that you don't know what they mean (Whitewashing, enabling, etc) and you have an article.
King Dice is literally impossible
Stop posting trash threads.
They wanted that specifically so that they could yell about it.
Grim Matchstick is cute. CUTE!
>if you make it true to its roots, you're racist
>if you modify it to fit modern sensibilities, you're whitewashing
>if you try to make it a critique of the original source material, you did it poorly and didn't do the subject justice
You can't win, so why even try?
>Devin Kelley did nothing wrong.
Except kill more people.
I'm pretty sure the cuphead devs haven't played into this game at all, so hey, can't lose if you don't play right?
fuck you retard
Is this because the Devil had black fur and King Dice's face looks vaguely african-american? Fuck these people, don't give them the attention they so desperately crave
rely mag u thing
Not the user who asked, but I'm still left with questions...
An era of unabashed creativity and experimentation before the animation industry was established enough to stagnate?
Or are they just whining about something vaguely racist for sjw points?
Man they're really grasping at straws to make a mountain out of literally any game that gets popular for the clickbait (you)s.
>it's yet another obvious clickbait thread
I honestly hate the retards who make these shitty threads more than the writers they're whining about, because at least the clickbaiters are getting PAID to make drivel.
When people tell me I'm racist I tell them race isn't even real, liking whites over niggers is like prefering cats over dogs. Except whites aren't animals but whatever
That article hardly said anything at all. people get paid to write that?
The way I see it, making something that people genuinely enjoy while it also pisses off idiots like that is a double-win.
Wow, how could you fit so many racists in one image?
I want to say it took Mike Matei around 6-8 hours to beat King Dice, but he beat the devil super quick, using the pea shooter +2 HP and tracer, basically doing everything wrong.
this is why trump won
Do these people find joy in anything nowadays? They're just as whiny as Sup Forums.
Apply this logic to music because blues was slave music but if new blues artists don't reference slavery they're whitewashing history thats fucking stupid people are allowed to build on old things and only take the good parts otherwise no medium would evolve
culture of critique. these journalist are marxists.
What does that even mean?
This is the SJW cancer that's caused videogaming to decline. This is the monster that Sup Forums and anti-SJWs have declared war on. This is why we're always shitting on SJWs, because they're responsible for bullshit you're reading here. Cuphead is the single best looking game of the past 10 years, but if it were up to SJWs we'd never get another game like this again because it's "problematic".
Fuck SJWs, their influence needs to be removed entirely from gaming.
It's racist and so are you for liking it
SJWs are just the symptom.
The premise of their article is absolutely fine, and anyone who thinks it isn't is unused to the way art works. However, their arguments are completely wrong, as the main inspiration was racist Japanese war-era propaganda. They whitewashed nothing, and there's a reason the game's dark.
>hating on based Fleischer Animation
i.e. if you reflexively cringe at their arguments then you're making a mistake, but their arguments are nonetheless bullshit.
>girls in tuxedos
I will smite you with the wrath of god
>Call a game racist
>One of the bosses is a figurative Nazi
People used to make caricatures wich are widely considered racist nowadays to the point some companies even censor them. Cuphead's style is based on cartoons from the time so the journo is trying to convince people Cuphead is racist or something.
Which is why the only winning move is not to play.
with them.
Everyone is so fucking cute, I love it. Especially Werner and Grim
>Please click my article where I talk about how the current flavor of the month just happens to be problematic.
Holy shit gotta eat some fucking Espinach
Don't forget to have a good hard wank over how enlightened you are after you post it on your blog!
that's the most important part.
He is modeled after Imperial German soldiers though.
The bible says not to cross dress, I wouldn't even consider marrying a woman who thinks it's okay to wear pants. Such a woman needs the insanity beaten out of her in my opinion.
People were racist in the 1930's.
People were racist in ancient Greece.
People were racist in ancient Egypt.
People were racist in the 60's.
People are racist now.
People will be racist for years to come.
It's not pleasant, but get used to it, accept it, or just kill yourself.
I loved the Superman shorts. They were my favourite cartoons that I used to watch all the time when I was younger.