WoW Classic

Come my friends let us discuss about this upcoming greatness. Let us share our thoughts.

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If i play a healer, will it make it easier to make friends?

If I have to pay a sub to play it I won't. One time pay only.

I'd do it if it wall 5 bucks but then I wouldn't expect 60 ontop.

>Hear about WoW Classic
>See people unironically asking for/expecting patch 1.12

What the fuck

>They keep talking about the Nost experience
>Apparently Nost ran on 1.12

Nani the goddamn fuck. 1.12 isn't Vanilla, I thought you fags said you wanted Vanilla!

You realise what absolute hypocrites you are spamming "Change nothing, keep it all the same!" While asking for the Patch that turned it from Vanilla...

Goddamn, it was live for only a few months, killed practically every Naxx guild and was pretty much just a fun, fuck-about time.

Absolutely no-one took 1.12 seriously, there was practically zero progression, because it was the end of Vanilla, it was the Epilogue.

I'm not saying they should use the release patch, but it damn sure shouldn't be 1.12. At least have some dignity and use 1.11

guys, where is mankriks wife? i can't find her.


This is your brain on 1.12

Alright, though exercise.
What would be the worst possible version of WoW classic? All of that will be the final version.
Reminder that you wished for it, now you need to understand there's a price.

>humanoid mob
>runs away in fear into another one
>repeat 3 times before you just end up dying

fuck this shit

>leveling as a resto druid in dungeons
>always need a pally or a priest along because lolnorez
>arms warrior says they can tank
>they pull
>I heal them
>I'm the tank the rest of the fight

No you dumb niggers, you can't tank. I hate you all. I hate myself even more for playing a resto druid. Fuck druids.

backpedal while u fight them

>blessing of sanctuary
>shield block
>holy shield
>ret aura
>seal of command
>hand of justice

>have to pay 100g to switch to pvp spec and back until the end of time

I dont know if my autism can deal with this.

might be cheaper to make a new toon

the old
>i want vanilla but not *vanilla* vanilla

Make a new PVP toon,
or alternatively, accept your guy is a PVE character made for boss killing 40 man.

He is not a 'login' to a 'minigame' system like steam or something where you can just spin up different games and play them for 30minutes.


>playing with scrub tanks

I didnt switch to prot spec till AQ40. Never had an issue in BWL, MC, or ZG. 31/5/15 all day.

>blizzcon 2018: beta soon!
>blizzcon 2019: beta soon for real this time!
>blizzcon 2020: okay guys its... guys?? hello???

Yes, of course i thought of this too, but isnt there no pvp gear in vanilla? You would need to gear up the pvp character as well since gear binds to your character, so why even bother?

I understand its a good gold sink, but its just hard for me to accept. Because its like this, every time i would want to pvp i would have to settle an internal conflict between actually doing what i want or being more efficient with my resources.

Refresh my memory on 1.12, what was that patch I don't remember

Don't just say "that's when it changed", like I legit don't remember a damn thing

lol so this is the new narrative of legioncucks eh? they finally announced it so you're reduced to desperate "THEY'RE LYING IT WON'T COME OUT" memes. pathetic lmao, nostbulls win again

It added World PVP objectives to Silithus and Eastern Plaguelands.
That's it.

It's a separate team doing it.

nuBlizz better not fuck it up. HANDS OFF. make everything exactly how it was. it will be a gank/shitfest. it will be imbalanced, but it will be great. you fuckers!

I think you're thinking of the pre-TBC patch which wasn't 1.12, that was 2.0.something. The one where you could 5 man loatheb with 4 shadow priests.

If classic servers were to release within about 6 months or so, I'd probably play for a couple months at least. The problem is that we likely aren't going to see this until at least late next year, by which time I'm sure I'll have even more shit in my backlog.

I dunno, really. My hype will surely be mostly gone by the time the servers are up.

there is pvp gear in vanilla
there's no resilience
technically end game in vanilla would be to be fully naxx geared and pvp, since pve gear was superior to pvp gear
pvp gear was just epics for people who didn't want to raid


Don't reply to shitposts.

>it will be a gank/shitfest
Incorrect, high pop PvP server on launch and skip STV by going to desolace, and it was basically PvE

Are you having a stroke? Do you need an adult?
Let's see your class builds then, Sup Forums!
Feel free to include what race and professions you plan to roll with.
I better see each and every one of you using Fishing

Y'all niggas gonna be sick of it in 2 months tops


Spread those asscheeks cakeboy

Possibly. It will also be next to impossible to level.

Looking forward to it, gonna make a Druid and get a feral set and healing set. Couple of friends are gonna make rogues and do some BRD stealth runs to get the barmans shanker 2.0 base wep speed dagger for some sick crits. Stealth healer with 2 stealth rogues in BGs capping flags in AB and running flags in WSG is gonna be hella tight

>underage thinks 15 dollars a month is alot of money

>implying an arms warrior wouldn't be a better tank than a prot warrior, pally or bear druid/

Tauren Warrior or Human Warrior.

Either Sword or Axe Spec. Maybe Alchemy for FAPs or Engi for reflector/bombs.

Well you have to be somewhat skeptical. The details they've released aren't very substantial.

Found the BR

classic with modern QoL "improvements"

getting fucked by chuck norris

>waste resources
>literally just vomit out the data that other faggots put together and just put it on a server

>Be paladin
>Hit level 4
>Have all your combat spells

>Human Warrior
>Herbalism/Alchemy + Cooking + Fishing + First AId
>End game: Something like that not 100% sure yet


I am curious if I will have to buy the next expansion in order to access the Classic WoW, or do I just have to be subbed?


Keep imp SB at 1.



How would you guys feel about new hidden places to explore that are hard to reach and offer no quests or loot but are just odd?

>all these numales and roasties crying on the forums about how we need “QoL” changes for vanilla
What is wrong with these people? Is it the soy?

See you in PvP Allycucks lmao

Muh dual spec
muh repair costs
muh soulshard farm

they should all fuck off.

>hey remember that thing that was pretty interesting and nostalgic because it was free?

>yea what if we charged you

Just use a DPS spec on a healing class. I was Elemental Shaman, and I was often asked to heal. Shaman is comfortable to level too, Ghost Wolf at level 20 makes travel fast and self heals means you don't need to worry about bandaids. Good Armor too, so you don't die instantly when you're hit

There are way too many falseflaggers and copypasta fags talking about changes and what not, but let me make a very sincere question:
Would you rather play it with the vanilla realm cap of 4.5k players or the current 10k+ player capacity of megarealms?

In one side, the Day 1 early game really wasnt balanced to handle that many players, on the other, it makes mid-late game much more enjoyable

There's so much shit that was in vanilla that I doubt will make it into classic -

- The old threat generation values between bursty/DPS/sunder armor/heals (which were literal perfection) Remember how when you got to Scarlet Monastery you had to actually play your role rather than just fuck around?
- Chat being extremely active thanks to no matchmaking at all
- Leveling speed, (which after level 30 was about 1.5 levels per day and you were happy as fuck)
- Grinding your last few levels. From level 55-60 there were basically zero quests. You had to just grind out the exp in that winter area, which blew ass as anything other than DPS. People actually hired mages to AoE grind with them back then.

I'm keeping my expectations pretty low.

DPS Holy Priest

Being a tank or healer is tough, because the other one is usually bitching at you or youre bitching at them, atleast when youre dps you know where you stand and dont have to get involved.

>taking elemental fury but not tidal mastery or elemental mastery

Is Nature's Swiftness even that good? You'd have the flat constant reduced casting time if you took EM anyway

Yes. As a tank back then I was constantly hit up by people I had dungeoned with in the past.

I dont miss 1.5 hours waiting for a healer or tank to join my scholo run that falls apart after 10 minutes.

Help, Sup Forums. I don’t know if I wanna go horde or alliance
>never played it in vanilla
>tougher raiding experience
>better pvp
>probably will be filled with edgy kids
>leveled an alliance character twice (which means I’ll know what I’m doing)
>easier raiding experience (I’m a tank)
>probably will be filled with cucks
>easier attunements

One of my friends wants to play shaman so I guess I’ll be forced to go horde but I’m afraid I’ll be making a mistake

>No sylvanas as warchief
>Dance parties on org roof
>No strong guards outside beginner zones to freak out new players and just wave at them instead of killing them
>Gadgetzan kiting is back

Good times will be had.

there is no chance they won't rebalance everything at the very least



play the side you never did, it's what i did and enjoyed it a lot

I would give anything for them to make vanilla harder

Like literally impossible to solo even a single mob hard. With every mob having aggro.

I heard around 2009-2010 the Horde across all servers went full Reddit. Furfags, cucks, gays, Gamestop loving teens etc just stopped making Alliance characters completely and the dynamic switched completely. I played vanilla as Horde from 2006-2007 and have been thinking about going Alliance.

I think they'll probably eliminate weapon skills, bring prot pallies and tank druids up to par and do something about respeccing.

To me the only thing that matters is community. Horde is a bit of a mixed bag in that area. In general its harder to find people to join up in, because most horde areas are just more spaced out than Alliance ones. But if you do find people they are usually more willing to stick around for longer and you're more likely to have an 'adventure'

Alliance its more common to find people, but they dont stick around that much.

But if you're playing with a mate it wont matter so much. Just go horde and you'll be fine. Plus its a new experience rather than doing Alliance a third time.


Uh no. You're thinking of the Pre-TBC patch.

I hate to be this guy, but I wish they'd bring back BC. To me, they still had the vanilla feel while improving on a lot of the most glaring issues like certain specs being useless. Adding heroics was good too. BC raiding was top notch.

Flying mounts ruined everything.

>played alliance in vanilla
>was the underdog faction on my server
>friends want to play on horde for classic servers
>everyone and their mother wants to be the le epic lowbie ganking undead rogue

I fear the faction ratios will lean towards horde.

Oh I’m sure they will user, you have nothing to worry about.
You’ll just have to wait a couple of years while us nostbulls have our fun

1.12 was gearing up for BC before the pre-patch. Don't even try to deny it.

what's it like having buzzwords embedded into your tiny pea brain to not understand how fucking awful this system was

So let me get this straight, you want WoW as it was on the first ever release build or otherwise it's not "true" vanilla?

BC is literally still in retail. Vanilla isn't. It was replaced with Cata.

>I fear the faction ratios will lean towards horde.
That rarely happens. Alliance usually has the majority.

Just admit you were wrong and get over it pleb I dont have time to argue with morons all day.

Except I'm not wrong?

Want to play as a human rogue i am fucked to do content?

Not that guy but come on nigger, you know exactly why
>do the content now!
Is not a valid argument

But if you’re just talking about the world I get you

Remember friends, click on this when you first enter EPL for easy Righteous Orbs

There is literally no race/class/trait combo that fucks you for anything except raids and those suck crap anyway.

They were a lot more tame back then. Base flight was slow as fuck, and it was expensive so a lot of players couldn't even afford it. And the whole thing was limited to Outland. Not enough of a reason to outweigh the good that was BC.

I'm concerned its going to be a flop when the nu-WoW crowd gets a hold of it.

except you literally are, explain what exactly the glaring problems with 1.12
human rogue is literally far and away the best race for pve dps

>mfw I'm gonna be prot spec but plan on healing
I'll care about Divine Favor and Holy Fury if I ever do BWL and beyond. Until then I want to AoE farm and laugh as shitty melees kill themselves on me

Human rogue is godlike

human is actually the best rogue race due to +weapon skill

It will be impossible to farm by yourself, basically the only way you can efficiently farm is running Strat with a tank friend and reserving all orb drops

That’s just a bigger reason to urge blizzard to not change anything, then.