Guy wants to play non-meta hero, gets banned

>guy wants to play non-meta hero, gets banned
>guy wants to play a non-viable spec, gets /gkicked

Who was in the wrong here?

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ok Sup Forums I want to get banned of this shity game forever what is you recomendation also Im mexican and I want to see how much I cant play the resist card before they can ban me

>Player/community decisions are the same as bans from up-high

Take your melee Hunter and fuck off

except nobody does this, if you're in a guild and you're raiding everybody in your guild should be a mature adult otherwise you need to quit your guild yourself and find a better one
furthermore, if you want to play a spec that the raid leader doesn't want you to play they will allow you to prove yourself in a raid and if it works out well they'll let you continue playing with that spec, if it does poorly and you're a liability then it's well within your raid's rights to not take you to raids anymore and I'm sure they'll tell you that and let you decide if you want to stay as the spec they want or find a new group. nobody will call you a faggot and gkick you.

Except the OW bans are issued based on reports by the community.

Remember when Blizzard banned a raiding guild for accidentally finding an exploit in the Lich King fight?

>guy wants to play a non-viable spec, gets /gkicked
Literally never seen this happen, and I've seen literally every spec in a raid, including
>druid that played every spec EXCEPT resto and always got a spot
>survival hunter who tanked Nefarian
>enhancement shaman who got the eye of sulfuras

Just a gkick? I'm reporting anyone who rolls a shit spec. They can fuck off and go ruin some other game. Fucking nu-wow babies.

If a guild's kicking people for class choice, that's on them, find another guild. If the devs are directly preventing players from playing, even from the reports of other players, that's the problem. Player's have ultimate control over their guilds, at least within the context of the game. They should have no sway over other player's gameplay choices in the game itself, and the devs should remain neutral in that regard.

Rate pls

They didn't just "find an exploit", they also used the exploit. The appropriate thing to do would be report the exploit upon discovering it and then kill the boss as you had originally planned to.

They thought it was part of the fight.

You really don't see the difference do you? Player made groups are governed by players. If you want different rules you make your own group with players you like. Overwatch has no such system. Just a God machine that can be abused to fuck people.

>"Oh coincidentally this engineer item bugs this platform and completely negates fight mechanics? Let's just keep using them even though this is blatantly not intended."

and they're decided by blizz. I can report someone cause I think they're a fag even if they're carrying the team and haven't said a word in chat, does that mean if everyone reports that guy, he should get banned?

They thought 9/10s of the guild being engineers and bringing bombs was a fight mechanic?

Shut the fuck up.

Its a fucking video game. Why the fuck are you, I or anyone the fuck else obligated to play something because other people demand it? Did you do this shit when you were a kid?

Did you sit down and DEMAND no one picked a certain character in Super Mario Bros. 2?

Did you sit down and demand no one pick a certain character in Street Fighter?

Did you sit down and demand no one play a class in TF2?

Actually you probably did, which is why you're a fat, autistic, virgin friendless fuck who can't stop slobbering all over equally pathetic people's cock and balls for saying "fuck the player, you will play characters at the whims of other people or you will be banned". This is beyond the pale because its not really about "one tricking", its about one tricking characters that trigger retards. Its about the devs 100% reinforcing a fucking meta character pool. Think anyone ever got a ban for one tricking Mercy? Or Reinhardt? Or Lucio? No. This is Blizzard caving in to retards, being retarded themselves and telling you, full stop, that you are not allowed to play certain characters too much. If its that big of a problem, remove them or fix them. Literally telling people they AREN'T ALLOWED TO PLAY is bullshit.

Kill yourself on the way out you dumpy fucking embarrassment.

>people thought no vote kicking, blacklisting, or private servers would create a better, less toxic community

Lmao. Peer moderation is a staple for a reason. The fact that games with friendly fire and individual stats everywhere have less griefing is pretty hilarious.

Goes to show handholding and coddling creates bitches.

Oh I remember that. The same guild had used another exploit to get a world first achievement just weeks before that

But why do they deserve the ban for Blizzard's own incompetence?

I disagree, you should never ever ban people who play the game in accordance with its physical rules. Whatever is possible in the game world without third party applications is fair game. Literally "playing the game" shouldn't be a bannable offense EVER.

they don't

>rolls a shit spec
grandpa, you can switch specs freely at any time nowadays

>Did you sit down and DEMAND no one picked a certain character in Super Mario Bros. 2?
>Did you sit down and demand no one pick a certain character in Street Fighter?
>Did you sit down and demand no one play a class in TF2?
If it was your house/your system/your server, then I would have no problem with you enforcing the rules you want to enforce. I wouldn't come back, but I mean it's your shit, you're entitled to do with it what you want and that's fine.

What the fuck are you even arguing for? His point was devs shouldn't prevent players from doing shit. Like, I agree with you, but player's should be able to do whatever they want. Why would you even want to play with a guild that wants to kick you for your class choice? Either way you should fuck off from that shit. Asking for dev involvement to stop a player from playing a class, OR for telling a player run guild to change their ways is just fucking stupid.

Those aren't team games besides TF2 which has regular kicking from specific servers if you don't follow the rules of the community.

Bad pasta and made by a OWfag who doesn't play games. Community self-moderation is necessary or you get shit like OW where the devs try to act like authoritarians or dead games where a bunch of BRs go afk or beg for money.

This, a million times. How the fuck can you ever be banned for just playing the game? If I wanna cheese as Spy in TF2 I'll fucking cheese. Should I be banned because I'm playing a cheap ass class, getting ez kills but not contributing a lot to the objective? Fuck off. What the fuck does even one tricking mean?

you, for making this thread

has Sup Forums been, dare I say it, BTFO?

>who cares if my chain lightning is critting 3 people for 10 times their health pool every time I cast it? It's part of the game!

>who cares


I'm sure the people you're competing against care.

That shit should be patched immediately, and in some cases any rewards gotten from the exploit should be rolled back, but fucking banning someone for an exploit is stupid.

just say how much you wanna behead an Americans on the new trump wall, and when they try and ban you say that you are going to report them to MSNBC or something for being racist about Mexican culture

Yeah, if it's physically possible within the game without third party apps it's part of the game and completely fair game. Ban the devs who don fucked it up instead of the players commiting the atrocious act of playing your broken piece of shit game.

They do that bullshit during beta to find exploits and keep them a secret instead of reporting them because "muh world firsts". Fuck 'em.

It’s pathetic if any of you actually believe this

Is there anything worse than an Ana main tho? Can't aim, complain about you moving, complain about team comp when 9/10 their second healer, or worse a third healer. Only good thing about her is her fucked up hitboxes that grant her uncanny dodging skills.

>guy wants to play non-meta hero, gets banned
Not anymore the torb main was banned for not playing and throwing a game because someone else picked torb before him.
>guy wants to play a non-viable spec, gets /gkicked
No guild does this unless you aren't pulling your weight.

>guy wants to play non-meta hero, gets banned
Has literally never happened lmao, the faggot got banned for int throwing matches.

>fucked up hitboxes that grant her uncanny dodging skills.
holy shit this
ana was roadhog's counter back when roadhog was a oneshot character, if you hooked her, she got away 8/10 times

My guild did it. An officer kicked a feral druid for playing a trash spec, but then the rogues dropped below the warriors and won the argument to get him back in the guild.

Her hitboxes are fine. It's every other character in the game with the fucked up xbox hueg hitboxes.

That's not the torb guy

this is pretty edgy but I agree 100%.

The ABSOLUTE STATE of video games and western civilization.

They're completely free to do all of those things, and you're completely free to elect not to play video games with them.

If that's the case why can Ana's still not hit anything? I swear on me mum if I'm playing a tank all I see are missed syringes on my death cam of an Ana desperately trying to connect

You only notice the ones who miss all the time and your confirmation bias tells you that Ana players can't hit anything.

Give one reason why transmog in wow classic is a bad idea besides ninjaing (which already happens anyway)

good leveling spec not so much for raids

>Community self-moderation is necessary or you get shit like OW where the devs try to act like authoritarians or dead games where a bunch of BRs go afk or beg for money.

At a certain amount, the report system auto bans, you fucking retard.

So if you wanna play nothing but, say, Sombra? Keep doing it and eventually you'll piss off 100 people as retarded as you are who will have a shitfit in the report and you get punished. The OW devs are retarded but community moderation in OW is the embodiment of "inmates running the asylum".

Except they're not fucking free to do that you goddamn retarded cocksucker. Blizzard has now outright said that not changing characters when your team tells you is bannable. Yes, tells you. Not asks politely or humbly requests. Some fucking underage retarded cocksuckers like you can have a shitfit and when you don't change their diapers, they report you and you get in trouble. Great fucking game.

Oh, my bad. I was thinking more in the context of WoW. Guild leaders can kick you out of the guild. Raid leaders can kick you out of the raid. Party leaders can kick you out of the party. But
Yeah I'm not playing that garbage anyway so it doesn't affect me. Enjoy being banned.

Fag who never played Vanilla here.
What's the most underused but still viable spec?

It's clear you've only been in casual raid guilds, you won't progress with that attitude

overwatch solution: play quake or starcraft and rely only on your own power level
wow solution: play arena or cancel your sub

remember to upboat

>Ana mains now infest HoTS as well
Its really fucking bad when an Ana manages to miss me as Sgt Hammer while in siege mode.

Big difference

My guild was always in need of more resto shamen and druids. A lot of times I was the only resto druid and I had to buff the whole raid on my own. The endless bitching about how long buffing took from rogues and warriors who will never know the pain got old quick.

>people won't let me into serious, non-casual guilds without a serious build
Really, nigga?

Shitty report system and I highly doubt most players know this since most of the retards can't even grasp the basics of the game.
It's a shit system, but from my knowledge most of the people have been griefers who try to body block or go afk. Blacklisting and vote kicking would be completely superior and would stop potential innocents from being permanently hurt.

If you're playing a team game you should play for the team. If you're going to pick sniper whatever, but when it's obvious you can't aim for shit then maybe switch off because you're not fucking helping.


>Blizzard has now outright said that not changing characters when your team tells you is bannable.

Well, I haven't tried Ogrecrotch but now I fucking never will. They'll probably make ganking a bannable offense on classic pvp servers as well. FUCKING RETARDS. There's nothing in the video game industry that triggers me more than brain damagerd ban policies.



>90% triggered

All they have to do is put back in place the 'Don't match me with this player again,' feature. But NOOOOO, bad players will only block good players like the season ban reports system works any better.

im 100% sure that its absolutely normal to hate getting killed by a sym even if shes your most played hero right

I hate dying to skillless heroes. I don't care when genji styles on me or a hitscan kills me. But when skillrat or sym or someone kill me without aiming it just makes me sad.

What should I roll for raids senpai?

They could easily do "Avoid this teammate" which would stop shitters from dodging opponents, but it would punish bad players.

The "godlike" Widowmaker that got it changed wasn't even that good. Wouldn't be surprised of his teammates clicked avoid since he was selfish and wasn't doing the objective.

Just a reminder.

Getting group kicked by player vote for one dungeon i a whole lot different that being banned by a mod. You are really stretching. Also did this guy really get banned for playing one hero or is this all a lot of drama?

Well in one instance the company of the one banning the guy in the other is the team, totally different things.

>Guy goes into a store with no shirt and no shoes
>gets asked to leave

>Guy goes into the store across the street, still shirtless and shoeless
>gets arrested and sentenced to 5 years in jail

WHO WAS IN DA WRONG HERE!>!>>!>!?!?!?!


I wonder why overwatch doesnt implement a roll system out of the gate when dealing with competitive

that way there is at least some justification for the bans

Isn’t it confirmed that any torb main that was suspended was found guilty of hostile throwing/leaving/etc..?

Those redditfags that got banned were spamming disconnect and feeding.

If you are playing overwatch and only playing your main, you should fuck off back to your cuckshed.

This applies to anyone who refuses to switch while being actively countered by their team

This was posted a few minutes ago. He and many others were apparently toxic.

Literally doesnt matter. The same fucking cocksucker said earlier that you HAD to switch characters if your team was asking.

Doesn't matter if this guy was legit intentionally dying, etc. This Josh faggot already made it about something else and this transparent attempt at backtracking to save face won't fly anywhere but in the most brainwashed circles of Blizzard nuthuggers.