>we will never get another serious saints row game
We will never get another serious saints row game
Other urls found in this thread:
they were never serious
>Saints row
Didn't the ending of the DLC literally reset the universe?
the first 2 were
No one played those user
>I want this non-serious franchise to be serious!
Why not just play, like, literally anything else? Why remain so attached to something you don't like?
Volition is probably gonna go under with how badly Agents of Mayhem did.
Having taste this shit
Saints Row was never serious
Saints row was always "the sillier gta" so they decided to go gung ho on that aspect.
..Because competition for sandboxes is minimal.
How simple it is outplaying GTA at its designs.
>multiplayer with actual character discretion on the maps
>depth, like limited inventories and full-looting PvP (which is as simple as how it is with Arma: WL)
Part 3 fucking sucked and part 4 was the most trash shit. Almost as bad as prototype. Fuck the game play and overworld was awful.
I don't know, 2 kind of toed the line. But that's why it's my favorite, it's not same cheap mass effect Paraody where you're the president but it's not exactly taking it's self seriously constantly.
3 has critical acclaim though. The missions are really good.
only the first one
two is where it instantly went to shit
YES, saints row is the sillier than gta, but the first one took itself itself "seriously". it was "imagine if the world you see in hip hop and rap videos ACTUALLY existed", and then every one after was "HAHA we like those wacky videos with LO SO RANDUMB included!"
thats mainly 3 and on, 2 was disappointing because it was a straight downgrade.
>He doesn't roleplay as Senator (President?) Armstrong fucking shit up and football punting illegal aliens
Prototype 1 was great.
SR1 and 2 had goofy moments, mainly the minigames, but shit gets real quick in the story.
They need to remake 1 to make it like 2, aka good.
They were never serious but at least 2 (and 1) had the ability to get mature when it felt like it. This actually made it's wacky parts better for the contrast.
3 onwards was just all zany shit all the time. It was hard to care
they were serious in the sense that the characters, while taken out of a hip hop, rap fantasy, did realistic things given the situation. your missions still consisted of "shake down someone", "kill opposing gang member", "rob store". there was no outright "lmao its a dildo" as a main story mission until 2 and onward.