What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Nu-males and bull dykes
ceos and investors
Gameplay wise nothing
Staff and Dev team wise it has some some issues, None of NG games are bad they're just Resident Evil 4 levels of overrated.
t.Somone who has played every single game they made including the old ones no one knows about
They realized they want to make movies instead of games
>havent put out a bad game since Jak X
>"what went wrong"
Nothing, they suck from the beginning. Name ONE good ND game
kill me pete
1 naughty dog game makes more money than nintendo's that year.
>None of NG games are bad they're just Resident Evil 4 levels of overrated.
I think you should put a gun in your mouth a blew out that fucking dickhead out
>What went wrong?
Everything they release makes Sup Forums shake with anger
Trying too hard to seem mature
Mario Odyssey sold more copies at D1 than any Sony first party games combined in their lifecycle
Nothing. They make great games, Sup Forums's miniscule minority bitching wont change that.
Was always shit.
>Mario Odyssey sold more copies at D1 than any Sony first party games combined in their lifecycle
The saddest part is that someone will fall for this
They stopped caring about games with great gameplay and good graphics and started to make games with absolutely boring and bland gameplay with good graphics.
Big Rigs made more money (relative to its budget) than Metal Arms: Glitch In The System.
This isn't really relevant, it just makes me sad.
Just admit 4 was just the most overrated shit since MegaManX
They always sucked.
lol retard
Used to be great, then they started making movies
Sorry I was referring to Sony FP games released this year. You know some bombs like Gravity Rush 2, Horizon, Wipeout Omega, GT Sport and VR shit
I know Sup Forums likes to meme about Uncharted, but at least those games actually feel like video games. The Order is an actual example of cinematic experience shit.
Sorry I was referring to Sony FP games released this year. You know some bombs like Gravity Rush 2, Horizon, Wipeout Omega, GT Sport and VR shit
Focusing too much on linear, story-driven games.
Though Lost Legacy had a big open chapter that was actually fun so they might be learning.
>You know some bombs like Gravity Rush 2, Horizon, Wipeout Omega, GT Sport and VR shit
So how do you know they bombed?
>inb4 vgchartz
but that's still false you dumbass. Horizon is near 4 million sales right now
This. The whole "it feels like playing a movie" trend is really misguided. If I'm just going through motions without any real control then I'd rather just watch it as a movie. Give me a movie I can control the course of the story in and I'm interested.
But they've made the best goat game
Rubin and Gavin left.
They've never done anything good.
All they do is copy what's currently trendy in the game industry.
lol no need for vgchartz you dumb motherfucker. Just search for NPD, Media Create and Pal charts and educate yourself
Their games are subpar versions of whatever was currently popular at the time.
Crash existed when there were way better 3D platformers during 5th gen and 6th gen
Crash Team Racing when there are better kart racers
Uncharted and Last of Us when there are better third person cover shooters that exist.
Yet, they get all the praise despite making games that don't standout on their own merit.
CTR is god tier you dumb faggot
OOOOH 4 MILLION SALES OOOOOH!! Luigi I'm so afraid
so you admit your initial post is completely false? okay good talking to ya.
>Crash trilogy still hold up to this day with Crash 2 being one of the best platformers of all time
>CTR is an elder god tier kart racing game
>claims there were better 3rd person shooters and yet those two games were the most popular
You still haven't provided evidence to support your claims, you just posted false information
So please Try to Validate your argument again
It was an hyperbole anotard. Mario Odyssey is near 3 million sales in its D1, almost the same numbers of Sony's best selling game of the year.
>The game sold over two million copies worldwide three days after release, with more than 500,000 in Japan.
>almost the same numbers of Sony's best selling game of the year.
Having very little games on the Switch by comparison tends to do that
Stopped making fun games like Jak.
Now we have cinematic shit like Unfarted and Fags of Us
>You still haven't provided evidence to support your claims, you just posted false information
you must be new here.
>gameplay wise nothing
Uncharted has some of the most repetitive boring gameplay. Youre climbing shit at least 75% of the time
And you still haven't proven your point and also just made poor bait not worth the (you)
Not really especially with Multiplayer so the point still stands
They realized that since they've only ever made shitty games they might as well make shitty games masquerading as movies.
My point is that Sony is struggling with their first party output.
PS4 sold 70 million consoles and their best selling first party game was Uncharted 4, and it barely reach 9 million. People who buy a PS4 and Sony consoles in general are the perfect example of a dudebro who only cares about its yearly shooter, sport game or some co-op retarded shit, they don't care about actual video games, like Nintendo users.
So, in conclusion, if Sony is happy with Horizon sales aka their shiny new IP, with a huge amount of money spent in marketing wel... yu guys are so pathetic
>My point is that Sony is struggling with their first party output.
>PS4 sold 70 million consoles and their best selling first party game was Uncharted 4, and it barely reach 9 million
It made its money back and then some i dont see what's wrong here
>with a huge amount of money spent in marketing wel... yu guys are so pathetic
You ran out of steam when you were shitposting or something?
I can name 4, but I don't have to, you know what I'm on about.
Jak X is awesome faggot
>Crash Team Racing when there are better kart racers
>shitty games masquerading as movies.
you mean shitty movies masquerading as games.
Exactly "what" went wrong? what the fuck are you complaining about, exactly?
>It made its money back and then some i dont see what's wrong here
The problem (for Sony) is that LITERALLY ANY Nintendo first party game are going to outsell Uncharted 4 sales in their lifetime sales.
Just imagine stuff like Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Metroid Prime, Smash for the Switch. The world is gonna burn baby
>Sony is struggling with First party
Not really under the fact that are many different types of reasons people bought a PS4 and some have different tatse in different games, the same can be applied to Xbox which is more so in this situation then Sony is to be put in perspective. The only exception to this is Nintendo and it's obvious why they're the exception.
>The problem (for Sony) is that LITERALLY ANY Nintendo first party game are going to outsell Uncharted 4 sales in their lifetime sales.
Not even MK8 outsold UC4 and that game was the best selling game on the WiiU
I'd personally say Uncharted, but everyone seems to love those games. Their games are popular and critically acclaimed, so nothing I guess.
It sold something like 300k less than Uncharted 4, considering the Wii u and PS4 attach ratio
SJWs of course. Neil Druckman is a cancer.
I loved The Last of Us, but I won't be buying TLOU2 new. I'll get it used from an Ebay seller who needs money so these propagandists don't get any of my money. I'm done indirectly supporting the subversion of the west with this underhanded sort of crap with my money.
Same deal with U4. Nathan Drake can't beat a little woman in a fist fight? Get the fuck out of here.
Ellie's mom is a muscle bound behemoth in a world where food is scarce? Get the FUCK out of here...
That can be said about literally every game, just replace climbing with whatever you do instead
>The problem (for Sony) is that LITERALLY ANY Nintendo first party game are going to outsell Uncharted 4 sales in their lifetime sales.
Didn't Uncharted 4 sell more than every single Zelda game?
This triggers my autism. Their definition of "darker" and "mature" is just oscar bait writing in a $60 choose your own adventure book style game. There was more heart put into Jak and Crash because they wanted to make an actual game.
Twilight Princess exists
The people who started the company left.
so what happened to that whole sexual harassment thing at naughty dogs? that incident seemed to fizzle out unusually quick
>muscle bound behemoth in a world wherd food is scarce
Why didn't the fat people from the first game come off as unrealistic then? And jesus christ, a woman beating a man is now immediately sjw propaganda? Was May Day beating Bond in A View to a Kill SJW propaganda, then?
And she's not even some roid rage lifter, she's fit, a bit plain but fairly plausible looking woman.
plus that hanging scene made my dick diamonds but that's beside the point
Uncharted 4 sold more than TP sold on Wii and GC combined
>I'd personally say Uncharted
It's okay, I agree. I dont even mind the change to settings a bit more grounded in reality, but their games since that are just incredibly boring to play.
>since MegaManX
Murder thyself, bitch.
Someone thought it'd be great to make a movie and add some interactive bits to it. That movie writer wannabe was a hack. At least with Uncharted they were just aping the Indiana Jones movies, not trying to make Pretentious College Movie #64,796,515,361,469,846,515,456.35
Yeah, Bill? That was stupid too... but it's more believable than a woman with more muscle than Joel. Men would have to exert a good amount to gain that amount of muscle. A woman would have to dedicate her life to it because they just don't have the testosterone to build that kind of muscle like men do. So the only reason a woman would need that, really, is for cosmetic purposes. In a world where food is as scarce as it is in TLOU, a woman eating enough to build that kind of muscle should be fucking killed for wasting food.
Never watched that Bond movie.
Yes, in today's anti-men, anti-white political climate, that sort of stuff is SJW propaganda, particularly if the director of said game, Neil Druckman, is an avowed SJW fag.
Every zombie movie I watch makes TLOU that much worse. I used to think the giraffe part was amazing, but then I saw the horse scene in 28 Days Later and realized that there isn't one new idea in the entire game.
Even the whole "It's a GREEN post apocalypse!" talking point is extremely gimmicky and way too late. I wouldn't call Portal 2 post apocalyptic but I still remember how much they hyped up the "nature reclaiming man's domain" look of the first half.
If you scream "SJW!" at literally everything people will stop taking that seriously and dismiss you when there actuslly is sjw shit.
Neil Druckman is a literal SJW... both these games are directed by Neil Druckman you fucking absolute moron.
4's good tho. 2 changes it up enough. 1 and 3 are bad.
>t. basement dweller.
Go outside dude, you sound repressed as fuck.
Crying about SJWs everytime a woman is in some form of media doesn't mean it's some conspiracy bullshit to promote misandry.
They fell for the "cinematic" meme. I played all their Crash games as a kid and they were fun then I played uncharted 1 on PS3 and it was alright but after playing 2 I completely dropped the series. Total dogshit that game was. I've had interest in their projects since.
The fuck is this meme they were good to start with? They're better they've ever been.
>* zero interest in their projects since then
>says it's propaganda
>still intends to play it
why user?
>most overrated shit since MegaManX
They started caring more about superficial shit like "cinematic experiences" and seemingly deep narratives over creating genuinely interesting and memorable gameplay experiences. They went from Crash Bandicoot which demanded a high degree of precision from the player to shit like Uncharted that treats the player like a literal retard when it comes to platforming. Their newer games aren't bad but I can't really say they'll be anywhere near as memorable as their earlier releases.
>Naughty Dog
This is bestiality company?
I wish there was more climbing, it's just tedious third person damage sponge shooting.
>Despise Uncharted 4 and the rest of the Uncharted games, as well as most of Sony's dudebro third person shooters
>Love seeing Nintendofag butthurt forcing them to make shit up and try and badmouth anything that isn't Nintendo.
Conflicted feel.
I go outside enough when I have to work my overnight job...
I don't "cry about SJWs everytime a woman is in some form of media."
I get annoyed when there's a clear agenda that is being pushed. I had no problem with Ellie in TLOU, and playing as her during her segment was my favorite part of the game. She didn't do anything I thought was fantastical or impossible for a woman to do. I was a bit annoyed when Tess was able to pull Joel up on her own but whatever. I just ignored it. The character I chose in Pokemon Moon was the dark skinned female. One of my favorite action movies of all time is Kick Ass, with my favorite character being Hit Girl, a 8 year old psychopath ninja who can kick anyone's ass. I love Caulifla in Dragon Ball Super, even though Sup Forums and Sup Forums are ass pained about her. The Boss is one of my fav MGS characters and her unrealistic strength doesn't matter to me one iota because it clearly isn't pushing any agenda.
I'm creating a game where one of the two main characters is a mulatto female.
No more Rubin or Gavin is what went wrong
They started making movies LOL XD :)
This user gets it.
CTR is far and away the best kart racer mechanically. It's not even close
What better 3D platformers were there at the time?
What better kart racers were there at the time?
I agree about third person shooters, though and that's my exact problem with them. They're subpar even for that genre.
Making the lust of us rather then hyper-real jak game, duh
Only the nose knows
Is this the exact moment that Naughty Dog jumped the shark?
Why did 4 suck so much ass compared to 2?