Can women EVER be good at video games?

Can women EVER be good at video games?

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Kill yourself nigger

>Video games
Choose one (1).


Yes, and many have been. Sup Forums just prefers to live in its "all girls are gross and dumb and have cooties" sasuage-fest.

You needn't look any further than the comments in this thread as proof.

Women and vidya are mutually exclusive. If you think otherwise, you are actually retarded.

They are annoying as fuck.
Maybe only 2 in 10 are worth the air we breath.

She's cute but Choco is still best FGC girl.

Women will never be good at video games you fucking retard the only girls who are good at video games are ones who are born with dicks please give me proof of one girl being good at a video game that wasn't born with a dick you dumb fucking nigger

>play top tier character
>did decent in Final Round because she had the game 1 year early compared to westerners
>got reddit to pay for trip to EVO despite being a fully sponsored player
>LET'S PARTY, drunk her guts off irresponsibly the night before in Vegas
>probably also pleases old man for money
>went 0-2 and drown in pools, losing to day 1 Claudio from goober player

2 in 10 can be simplified to 1 in 5. You are welcome :)


Women (male) can be good at vidya

She was only relevant because chinkyou is broken in T7 and she still drowned at EVO

Pic related

Kayo police is really good at Street Fighter!

>Women have their own separate e-sports leagues (though, there are no rules actually preventing them from playing in the actual leagues).

Was this the final nail in the coffin of "men aren't objectively better at almost every task than women"? Literally the only sport where women can beat men is long distance swimming. Running, skiing, shooting guns, horse back riding, figure skating, and playing videogames, women just can't keep up with men.

I can't. Because there is no proof.

Women in vidya:

>Cunts being good in anything
wew you nigger.

I'm not sure if she still does but she gets really nervous at american tournaments for some reason. I played some casual sets with her at Combo Breaker and she was shaking the entire time. I'm just some fucking scrub Asuka player playing casuals and she was still nervous. That said she's not the best Ling player but she's up there. Everyone just figured out her shenanigans.

Do bad she was born with a dick

Post Kayo

We just had a thread like this pruned 6 minutes ago
And the same thing is going to happen
some false flagging troll is gonna come in and say some dumb shit
and the thread is gonna turn into shitposting

Japanese/South Korean women yes, they can be quite good for some reason I have seen it myself in Japanese arcades.

But Caucasian women and any other race are hopeless.

Umm, sweetie, they already are

I think at some point she was really good but in the case she was playing one of the most easy characters to abuse. She has always been sitting on a throne of glass and the second people figured out how to counter the character she has drowned in pools everytime

there's a chick without a penis in my local smash scene that is pretty fucking solid

She did well at Final Round and Combo Breaker because T7 was 3 months old in the West.

She drowned in pools at EVO, and got beat multiple times by literal whos in random SEA tournaments

She was thinking about the hot White cock

Isn't chocoblanka better than 80% of Sup Forums?

Tell me about her user.

That's the problem with Ling. Great character but because of that everyone went balls to the walls when the game came out to figure out how to counter her. I watch Tanukanas stream from time to time and she's been picking up other characters lately. She also plays way better around her friends. At tournaments it's usually just her and whoever else from the same team is there. When she's in Japan and the arcades it's her and all her friends and all of them are actually pretty good. There's no stress playing in the arcade and she ends up playing way better.


>She was thinking about the hot White cock

Implyin white people can play fightan

Not a single white person in top 30


Chocoblanka is better than almost everyone on Sup Forums. There's only a small handful of people here who actually play fighting games. /fgg/ is garbage too. Those autists actually use /fgg/ in their name when they go to tournies.

pure autism, she has never seen a dick in her life

Ackshually, she broke up with her boyfriend for Tekken

And the problem would be?

White people are only good at anime fighters and even then they will pretty much always get beat by Japan.


White people only play Melee

Posting in this shitty off topic thread to request the edit of this image where only joosten's legs are censored.

>literally about video games and the industry

Brainlet detected.


Assuming this isnt bait OP's girl is actually one you idiot.

She loses this match the best Tekken player in the world, but she made top 8 in one of the biggest tournaments of the year.

Yes, there is literally no reason why a woman wouldn't be capable of being good at vidya.

Doubt it, I bet choco is rusty as shit, she barely even play seriously anymore these days, and more of a kayfabe character and tournament organizer. At least she does support her husbando and does a lot of logistics for Japanese FGC though.

This is not to say there are no women player who cannot obliterate 99.99% of Sup Forums's. Hatsume, MiM, Gllty, all the current active players are better than shitposting anons in Macadamian nuts farming imageboard

I'd be more than willing to change that.

She's playing the most broken character against JDCR who picks heihachi against players he doesn't respect. I don't think you can call her good you fucking nigger.

gllty is a 'woman'

Most people are worth the air we breath.

Keep living jr.

>woman player

could have said harumi instead m'dude.

>Picks Heihachi against players he doesn't respect

I guess he doesn't respect Saint then. JDCR has said he only plays Heihachi when he feels like he's at the top of his game because you need to be when you're playing Heihachi. That said he got into her head really bad at Combo Breaker. That Losers finals match was just brutal to watch.

T7 was 3 months old in the West at that time. She had 1.5 years worth of headstart and practice to slay western minnows. The one time she actually met another pro she got blown up by his 2ndary character

Even this guy, user?


To be fair the only time i've seen him pick Heihachi against saint is when he is up in winners and Saint is playing from losers

When will you realize that NO ONE on Sup Forums likes you Nazis? You spread your misinformation, stupid, racist bullshit, and then expect us to like you. No, how about YOU fuck off, you pathetic, low-test beta male? Imagine being you, at your local high school. A normal girl walks up to a normal guy, and then they begin hugging and kissing. Enter you. You arrive on scene, with your disgusting cheeto-belly, your flabby, weak arms, and your nasally, high-pitched voice, crashing into the hallway from your special education classroom. You see the couple hugging and kissing and you scream, at the top of your lungs, "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER!" You look at what you have done, and give yourself a pat on the back for fighting racemixing. The other kid looks at you, in your pathetic glory, and burst out laughing. Fuck you and your racist drivel so fucking much. And fuck Sup Forums. Stay there, you edgy underage.

shit nigga I always thought Harumy and Hatsume were the same person

Whatever happened to them Sup Forums?

Everyone plays better against their friends because besides zero stress, you know how they play already.

That's usually when he picks Heihachi because he's feeling the most confident then. If he loses some rounds he can switch to Sergei if he's not feeling it.

lol it begins

this guy especially

stay mad tumblr

Meant to say arent, but what exactly did he do that makes him any different from kings, dukes, emperors, our grandfathers thousands of years ago?

Remember if your of nordic decent, chances are your great, great, great, grandma was raped by a viking, and gave birth to your great, great, grand parent.


Jokes on, I'm not allowed in 100 feet of my high school.

Kek. They broke up after a week or two because of infighting over a boy or some stupid female shit.

That's true. It's even when she's playing against other people though just as long as her friends are around. Like you said though that mostly comes down to being less stressed. I should have mentioned I've played against her in the arcade as well the last time I was in Japan which was the first time I played against her. I've never played against her in brackets but if that ever happens I'll just Beautiful Dude her for the free win.

The same thing that happens to all women who live together they turned against eachother


Honestly sounds like what happens to WoW Guilds once the guys start fighting over the attention of one girl in vent.
>mfw I was in a guild where the resident gril left the guild leader and moved to a city 200 miles away to be with the guy who was in charge of the guild's gold.

>Guys swinging punches at each other
>Become best friends or are at a bar drinking beer next day

>Females make one stupid remark
>WW3 for 3 years

What the fuck is that thing?

They were terrible too. I played league up through the end of season 2 and got matched up against them once. They got first blood and were winning for about 8 minutes before we pulled ahead and then they surrendered. The entire time they were talking mad shit until we started winning and then they started arguing.

>mfw their team captain starts telling us yoonie is a giant slut in all chat and berated her for 10 straight minutes despite the fact that yoonie was the only one who had managed to get anything done.

I want to suck her dick.

That's why you have to make sure you ALWAYS reincarnate as a man, don't ever think about becoming a girl

I think they can, but most weren't raised like boys to take losses and think critically to fix problems. I think most boys aren't being raised like that today, so the age of faggots will lend a pretty even playing field

that's gllty, a 'female' SF player

If they practice and work real hard.

>Can Sup Forums EVER be good at video games?
Why don't pro vidya players posts and browses this place


because you touch yourself at night, faggot.

Your face is retarded

Oh boy, it's going to be a tranny thread isn't it?
>but they are girls
No they are not.

Because Sup Forums is a shithole that knows less about fighting games than they think they do. I'd go to fucking reddit to actually talk about fighting games before I came here for serious discussion.

women are only good at sucking dick. and they're not even very good at that. why, I could suck a dick better than any woman.

Fuck you

I've hired several hundred testers across many different companies. To date, only 4 women come to mind who were legitimately good at playing games (and also testing games).

Possible, not the norm.

They don't really care about video games, not like men, and because of that they will never put in their 10,000 hours it requires to be a master at something.

There are Amateur male CS players who can beat "professional" women CS players, but that's likely because those amateur guys have put in their 10 thousand hours and the pro women has put in 500.

So no, they won't.


choco is mediocre at best
and poor at sf4

Solvanas was the only decent player out of them.

I just don't think most girls care about being better then average at anything

>Posts in shitpost thread
>Why no good conversation here
kek, you niggers

Kys, faggot.