Finish playing odyssey

>finish playing odyssey
>botw is shit
>splatoon is shit
>everything else is a multiplat and I'm an idort
>not a single good release in sight, everything coming out in the future is JRPG shit or likely to be a 6 hour game
Fuck I should have just built a PC

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You're still falling for the Nintendo meme. Nice. I got past that a few years ago.

oh shit, you got this without owning a pc first? holy shit...

How will he ever recover?

>Im an idort
>should have just built a PC
I don't think you could handle building a PC to be completely honest with you OP
You're correct about Splatoon though
Also try out BOTW some more, its not 10/10 but if you actually try to do something fun you might actually have fun

>Also try out BOTW some more, its not 10/10 but if you actually try to do something fun you might actually have fun
I've fucked around with it plenty. It's really a bad game. Reminds me of every other shitty AAA open world game. Disappointing that nintendo would do something so shitty with a beloved IP, I hope this isn't permanently replacing the old 3D zeldas.

You're supposed to get a Switch after a pc. The switch is the qt girl and the pc is the big strong boy.

Whelp, guess you'll have to kill yourself now. I'll take that Switch off your hand and dump it for you, bro.

>hope this isn't permanently replacing the old 3D zeldas.
Hate to tell you user...

You bet your ass it is. Expect more Breath of the Wild. Much more. 97/100.

>botw is shit
Kill yourself. Find a gun and off yourself right now, you fucking faggot.

holy fuck now i hate nintendo!!11!!111

>should have built a PC
How is that even related to getting a Switch?

Its objectively shit and you don't belong on Sup Forums if you like it. The fact that its getting shilled here is a pretty strong argument that nintendo fans are the cancer killing Sup Forums because the game design in botw is a pretty strong representation of everything Sup Forums used to hate.

>botw is shit
>splatoon is shit
Your taste is shit. Also, must suck being stupid enough to buy games you don't enjoy. I haven't bought a game that I ended up disliking in years

>Didn't enjoy Botw or Mario
>Clearly hasn't played either and can't afford a switch

1/10 try harder next time.

>Your taste is shit.
Post your favorite games, buddy.

>Didn't enjoy Botw or Mario
Where did I post that I didn't enjoy mario?

Ghost Trick, LttP, Mario 64, Shadow of the Colossus, FTL. Your turn

Do you just not play a lot of games? I don't understand how anyone can post here for any amount of time and have such basic bitch taste.

> no games

Thats a lot of physical copies. You must like changing game cartridges

>Kid shit.
>Cringe shit.

Yeah. No.

>buying musou shit
what are you doing

None of those are games. Come back when you get a real game, like Bloodborne.

>a bunch of mediocre old western games
>a fucking souls game
if you're going to ask someone else to post their favorite games so you can criticize them no matter what they post, you probably shouldn't have such a laughable list yourself

Not a single game I have any interest in whatsoever.

I am looking forward to Xenoblade, Octopath, SMT, maybe even new mainline Pokemon or FE. But bad ports, indieshit, and boring Nintendo IPs have no appeal to me.

>he bought that garbage instead of waiting for the mainline FE

>He plays Japanese cringe shit.

>get a switch for Botw
>disappointed because it's not the "living" open world game fans make it out to be. Boring long landscapes with nothing. Gave me asscreed vibes
>finally dust it off for odyssey
>the game was over in a flash
Atleast Mario made it worth it. Not falling for shit like Botw ever again.

>>splatoon is shit

iv only used 4gb of my switch and i have all installed and updated carts rule.

Sell that garbage so you can build a toaster to play FTP games.

Found the pedophile.

>doesn't have a PC

Get the fuck out of here.

>your list is too generic
>you only play cringey japanese shit
make up your mind, idiot

I'd rather play his list. Your list reeks of Le nerdy gamer who just looked at the top 25 games ever list. Props for ghost trick I guess.

It is.

You must be a fat fuck?

That sucks man. Might as well sell it.

Yeah, I do really feel bad about taking FTL from all of those top 10 lists it appeared on

Ace Combat 5

My fucking nigga

I own it and dropped it after 2 weeks

ill buy that to poorfag

>I'm an idort

Does ps4 and xbox1 let you take your game on the go?

I don't count steamindiecore as games.

>splatoon is shit
sell your switch, you dont deserve to own one

I'm literally not him. Are you retarded?

Notice how these people will never give you a criticism of the actual gameplay. It's almost always shitposters who have never played it

You both play good games. Stop being faggots and kiss already.

I can't get past the art design.

>Ghost Trick, LttP, Mario 64, Shadow of the Colossus, FTL
>japanese cringe shit
na, but you are, apparently

>botw is shit
>splatoon is shit

What are you fucking gay?

You better back that up you fucking faggot, that is the absolute stupidest statement I've ever seen. Sup Forums sucks GTA and TW3 cock, open world games aren't disliked here.

You're a fucking no-taste faggot making shit up to justify your shitty opinions. I repeat: off yourself now.

Blame the moron whose defense for shitting on a good game is "what's your favorite game then? It's shit!"

Come on, man. At least I've played everything you've listed. This used to be a board for vidya enthusiasts. Couldn't you at least try to play some vidya instead of shitting on stuff you've never even played? With taste like yours you might as well just go to some place like reddit if you aren't willing to grow at all.

>splatoon is shit
OP is shit, quit squidding around fucko

I played the beta test. I really fucking don't like it.

>doesn't like video games
>buys a video game console
I see where you went wrong

>splatoon is shit
Use fucking gyro.

>Sup Forums sucks GTA and TW3 cock
I genuinely hate GTA and TW3. Only nu/v/ likes that crap. There are plenty of good open world games Sup Forums constantly jerks off over. Fallout 1/2, Stalker, Gothic, Might and Magic, Divine Divinity, etc.

Stay salty

>has a souls game as one of their favorites
>"I have a refined palette, unlike you, redditor"
Pathetic. And I've played most of the games you posted. They are, as I said, mediocre, as most aged like shit. Wrpgs do not interest me at all, so I havent played those

It's an interesting take on shooters, but it doesn't have enough complexity to have any staying power. Basically just a goofy little shooter exclusively for kids.

If you mix a grrl gamur, an autistic fag, and an injection of cancer, then you get your list. Holy shit your list is terribad. You don't even belong in reddit, you belong in a dumpster somewhere. Dumpster boy.

>buys a console and doesn't check what games he would like on it
>this console is shit!
This boards average IQ gets lower by the fucking day.

You cant call yourself an idort if you dont even have a PC

>This used to be a board for vidya enthusiasts
Key word being used
Now this is r/incel+Sup Forums+neofags

>And I've played most of the games you posted. They are, as I said, mediocre, as most aged like shit.
Games do not age, people do, and people like you often age in a way that they become accustomed to playing oversimplified trash. You've probably caked a significant portion of your brain with shit. I'm also curious as to what games you've actually played and what you did not like about them, because I'm betting you've barely played any of them.

>It's popular, so it's bad!
don't cut yourself, champ.

>doesn't have enough complexity
support that claim

>This used to be a board for vidya enthusiast
This board used to be console/jap centric.

Different guy
But I hear the
>Games do not age
thing a lot recently, how stupid do you have to be to believe this?
Of course games age, just like every other entertainment medium

>support that claim
Splatoon does not have anything to support this level of autism.

You obviously haven't bothered getting to a high skill level in the game, there is a ton of depth and skill in the game; very complex movement, a variety of play styles/tactics for different weapons. And the interaction you have with the environment through your weapon is a level of depth you can't find in any other shooter, period. What rank were you when you stopped? And did you turn off gyro like a scrub?

None of those games are bad retard

he's just trying to fit in user

>takes the phrase "aged" literally
yeah, cause everyone is still praising how remarkable goldeneye 64's controls are. Holds up great. And I'll tell you my feelings on your games, when you tell me why my choices are bad without "they're generic answers"

>just like every other entertainment medium
No entertainment medium ages, though. No film buff will ever tell you a movie is bad because it is in black and white. There are still famous and highly praised plays that are largely unchanged from Roman times. I think you might just be a pleb, my dude.

>it's not this older game that I have a specific youtube video about
Great point

Epic xD

>yeah, cause everyone is still praising how remarkable goldeneye 64's controls are. Holds up great.
Goldeneye was overrated at its time and still is. It's perfectly playable with a keyboard and mouse at 60 FPS now and nobody gives a shit about it.
>And I'll tell you my feelings on your games, when you tell me why my choices are bad without "they're generic answers"
It says a lot about you when everything you hold highly is easily consumable entry-level vidya that plays it by the books and is mostly style over substance.

>What is Odyssey

There, proof you didn't play them

>you can only buy one game or the other
t. user

>Portable BotW
>Portable Sonic Mania
>Golf Story
>SMTV announced

Loving my Switch, but if you don't like JRPGs and don't value portability it might not be for you. Skipping BotW is a crime though and you better play it on WiiU/PC if you don't have a Switch.

Obviously for performance heavy multiplats you need PC or PS4 Pro.