Sam Hyde review

Sam Hyde Reviews Doom 2016.

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thx for the video sam. don't go shooting anyone irl though.

Isn't this that dude who shot up the church in Texas?

he probably will

yep and now he is playing doom

I heard he masturbates in front of elementary schools

Actually he's the Vegas shooter

Charls is the superior gamer

>Sam Hyde

Who is this guy and why do i keep seeing him

he's all of them, he has an incredibly dynamic teleportation system which fuels his fury to shoot up innocent people

So why is Sam Hyde such a faggot?

>xd im ignorant

Can you just answer the fucking question?

Not everyone is into finger ASMR it's ok dude

No wonder this board has been so shitty lately.

Remember that time when CNN said that Sam Hyde was the Texas church shooter?

>sam hyde
>sam(uel) h(a)yde(n)
what did bethesda/id mean by this

this guy is a fucking idiot.

fuck off and quit shilling your videos here, sam

>They got this voice over actor from Fiver in case you were wondering

>implying I give sam my money

>Sup Forums is still trying to pretend he's not a literally who

Sup Forumsedditor stormweenie that makes videos about how bideogaymes and anime are for beta male losers. he also had a TV show that got cancelled for being not funny.

Tim heidecker?

correction: the show was cancelled because it was hilarious and making fun of jews


World Peace had almost 1 mil viewers each episode, didn't it?

Popular right-winged comedian who recently got his big break after years of amateur standup and youtube skits.
He got a show on Adult Swim and it was getting really good ratings, however a lot of the skits poked jokes as jews and women and shit like that, so the show basically got cancelled as a fallout during the Trump elections. He also called Tim Heidecker because he's convinced that he's responsible for his show getting cancelled

>Had 1,000,000+ veiw when [as] aired it
>Not funny
Someone isn't up to date on what Happened it seems

So nothing to do with video games then?

Why does he hate boomerags so much, what's wrong with boomerangs.

Has Sam fucked more trannies than Christian Sessler?

Gamer Guys detected.

sam is a good boy you guys need to stop bullying him

>go into an industry by Jews for Jews
>be a goy
>be surprised when the Jews don't like it
Is this Sup ForumsDSP?

>Implying most of his supporters gave him money
Even Sam knows this

hey sam, did you get your health insurance back?

Sam is an alpha who lost his virginity to a 15 year old girl when he was in his late 20s and Sup Forums is full of eternally jealous beta male permavirgins

>videogame review
>nothing to do with videogames?

1,000,000 views is terrible by TV standards

Does Charls even game anymore. I thought he turned his twitch channel into a talk show

On a network that only airs at night?

he'll always have the need to frag

i don't know the exact figures myself but it was the #1 AdultSwim show at the time of its airing or smth

>has to manipulate children so he can get his nut

who the fuck is christian sessler

spotted the normalfag Americuck

He's a jew also. The show wasn't cancelled for making fun of jews either.

>Is this Sup ForumsDSP?
No, DSP is an actual idiot who's living you've made for him. If DSP showed any sense of satire, it would be different.

I don't believe that at all.
Sam may have looked like a goofy little faggot but he's also a giant.

hey you faggots, how do I remove the multiplayer and snapmap shit from my game so DOOM isn't so fucking huge

>omg can you believe americans


>Search Google for "Christian Sessler"
Leave underaged

get a repack torrent

sam is one mad lad

Do you mean Adam?

buy a 4TB harddrive for $50 then you won't need to worry about the size


>People actually believe this meme
On [as] which is nightly broadcast most popular shows get at least 300,000 and maybe even less and WP had 1,000,000 PER episode on [as] and that's fucking huge on something like [as]
Know your shit

This is garbage.

Here's some Hyde kino.

Sam has a Hyde Wars episode talking about the show cancellation

30 seconds in and I'm already laughing. Streaming and internet gayming culture in general is so fucking awful.

>Really ugly people get laid just because they're tall
/fit/ memes are not reality


hes not bad, probably laid more than you.

>implying women don't like men that make them feel small and overpowered
you really are a virgin

Nah he's pretty ugly. I'm sure he's been laid plenty of times because of his attitude, I'm just saying being tall alone doesn't get you puss. I'm sorry I made fun of your boyfriend user.

Sam's "gaming" videos are fucking hilarious.

The prudes were right. Violent video games do breed killers.

>because of his attitude
lol moron

>yeah this is kinda good

so that settles it

is that really all you have?

I'd like to see more of these, less tangential car rants. He's run out of good stuff to rant about at this point.

Charl's one is still the most kino video game related video ever made.




>He's seriously thought about gunning down a woman for refusing to have sex with him
Big time SH fan here. Sad to see him cross this line, but once it's crossed there's no going back.
I'm unsubscribing from his channel and encourage everyone in this thread to do the same.

His shirt is hilarious and basically a jab to this site

So i take it that this guy is an IRL shitposter?

Why are ultra-nationalist far-right comedians like Sam Hyde so good at comedy?

because you are a ultra-nationalist far-right poster

I want to know where the fuck he gets his shirts, I want a few of them

Family Guy reruns and it's lead in (Eric Andre) pulled in bigger numbers than WP

i'm a vegan jew though

you think you are...

thread hydden ;)

I identify as a rainbow dragon.

omg vegan jew... haha soyboy, check your privilege! uhh did you just assume my gender?! praise kek. anyone else love based jordan peterson?

I don't eat soy. Wtf are you some sort of faggot?

Reminder that one of the people that was interviewed in a Million Dollar Extreme video went on to be in JAV.

How does Sam get away with his blatant white supremacy? He's on the internet, he's been on tv, lots of local and international talent help him out.
How does he do it?

>eminder that one of the people that was interviewed in a Million Dollar Extreme video went on to be in JAV.
Source me up

>i'm a pussy ass faggot who cant understand humor or sarcasm

This guy is a cunt.

and you're a misogynist.

>WPS2 will never happen in your lifetime
>nick is too busy being a doormat and running his antique shop
>charls is too busy descending into depravity and destitution

>implying their lives aren't wps2 and it's a reality show.