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Are those demons wearing mario hats?
Gotta market those Amiibo
don't listen to their deigns resembles Satan from IV:Apocalypse
We FMV backgrounds now? Seriously is this a PS1 game or something?
>he never played Nocturne and DDS
It's real time, same as Nocturne and DDS which both have this extremely stylized, very soft look to them that almost looks like CGI.
prolly cause its re-using TMS assets
looks like fmv at a glance but the shadow on the bottom right really pushes real time
Looks like Freedom Wars. Vita won.
its got soul sacrifice too yo thats some checkmate shit
Next year when the spinoffs come rolling in while this bombs due to being on the Switch
And that's PS2, a much weaker hardware. Point is that SMT5 is evolution of that same art style.
Another SMT game held back by cheap Nintendo hardware.
Faggotus Maximus
Nocturne/DDS has fucking timeless art style.
This really is the same situation as Monster Hunter World, just the roles are swapped
>All that salt when this was revealed as SMTV
kek. I mean look at this
>All the salt when it was revealed as a switch exclusive after countless people said it was gonna be on PS4 also
>Persona: SMT V
Because SMT is known for its high end graphics kek,.
What the fuck. I can make DDS look like this?
There's just something about the colors and shading
post the Persona 5 version
So you think these posts would exist if it wasn't exclusive?
Chaos always wins, baby.
Switch owners are buying up everything on the console, it's going to do probably better than any other SMT game
we've already seen the Persona 5 version a million times
Latest PCSX2 build with OpenGL renderer and 1080p resolution combined with progressive scan
is smt IV any good? how about apocalypse?
I didn't saved it
Apocalypse is a direct story sequel to 4, play 4 first.
4 is better than Apocalypse in every single way other than gameplay
Apocalypse is really flanderized in terms of writing and Nakama Power shit
Um, welcome to 3 weeks ago? How could you be so late? You call yourself a gamer? You should be getting announcements in real time as they are happening on your custom RSS feed.
Got anymore Nocturne webms? That looks really nice.
last i checked the PS2 emulators didn't run Nocturne well, when did this change?
When I think about it, it has similar thing going on with its art style as MGS2.
You're a retard that can't configure things properly then, it's been perfect for years if you know how to configure. PS2 emulation isn't "plug n play".
I do not sadly
SMT IV is okay. Worth playing if only for amtosphere or GOAT soundtrack. Final improves on IV in everyway gameplay wise/aesthetic since Doi redesigned some demons from IV.
chaos MEN ww@
Does this mean I can get that DDS remake?
SotC got one.
IV is better than Finale though.
And here's a 4K screenshot just cause I can.
Is there a more A E S T H E T I C game than Digital Devil Saga?
There are your protags for tonight.
Mass Effect
vape angel trilogy
Guys, I miss Nocturne
Can we do that again?
Are we doing that again?
On PS2? Not really, but Nocturne comes close.
It's literally Nocturne v2.
PS2 is pretty much the last generation that tried to have really good stylized visuals instead of GRAFFIX realism horseshit
>PS2 emulation isn't "plug n play".
That's precisely why it's one of the worst emulators around. You need tech stronger than a PS3 let alone a PS2 to run it which is retarded and messing settings for every different game is time consuming.
By owning more than one console and having a self generated income.
Confirmed for not playing Persona 5.
>You need tech stronger than a PS3 let alone a PS2 to run it which is retarded
Oh look, a brainlet that doesn't understand why accuracy is important
That makes me very happy
Honestly, vidya has been very good lately
Maybe life is ok, too
Bing bing wahoo, son of man.
Persona 5 has style-over-substance visuals, DDS and Nocturne had perfect middle ground.
Persona 5 basically only looks great when there's no HUD cancer.
Is it yet another game set in a post apocalyptic city?
Holy fuck at least Persona has some variety. SMT is nothing but barren cities filled with demons in literally each iteration.
Go away casual.
Name one (1) Persona game that takes place in Antarctica.
We can only hope
The Metro-ish atmosphere in DDS is incredible.
BotW is awful though, generic cel-shading, very poor texture direction, abysmal draw distance.
Skyward Sword unironically looks much better in terms of timeless style, especially emulated.
What about Bloodborne? Easily one of the most A E S T H E T I C games in recent memory. Probably the best art direction I've ever seen in a game to be quite honest.
it's not like PCSX2 is even close to being an accurate emulator anyways.
It's great, I agree, but it's ruined by the dogshit chromatic eyecancer that's also very aggressive, much more than in your usual CA cancer game.
There's fucking post-apocalyptic city levels in SJ too, even if they're just illusions
>it's not like PCSX2 is even close to being an accurate emulator anyways.
>I don't know what I'm talking about: The Post
Protip, the OpenGL renderer was written from scratch and is purely accuracy focused, stop using the D3D trash. It still needs some work but vast majority of games emulate accurately on OpenGL, something that can't be said about D3D.
Nocturne looks like shit.
BOTW looks fine, great if emulated like the DDS poster is doing.
Wow a PS2 game looks worse than a PS4 game, who woulda thunk. And in terms of art style it looks amazing. It's only when you look at it from texture resolution and model polycount angle where it's rather bad for this day.
>Have both a PS4 and Switch
What am I supposed to be recovering from?
>those rock textures
Brb I need to vomit
BotW has absolutely horrible textures that completely ruin the entire style.
The GC Zelda games have fucking better textures.
>uined by the dogshit chromatic eyecancer that's also very aggressive
Can't argue with that, no idea why there's no idea to disable that. I also think Xenoblade has amazing art direction as well, captured the mixture of sci-fi and fantasy very well.
THE best looking Wii game by a large mile, at least when not looking at character's faces which are horrible.
not him but OpenGL gives me screen flickering compared to DX11, how do you fix this? V-sync is grayed out for me
The Galaxy games have incredible presentation too. Nintendo, ever since the Wii, have usually made up for graphical fidelity due to weaker hardware by some great art direction.
Here's my settings, but to me it just sounds like you're trying to play an interlaced game without interlacing enabled.
When a game is interlaced, you need to set interlacing to "Auto", or use a progressive scan patch if one exists.
Nocturne, DDS1, DDS2, Persona 3 and Persona 4 have progressive scan patches.
lol no they don't
Looks to me like "generic Mario game" and not incredible in the slightest, mostly because Mario is the definition of generic shit. Like, it doesn't look any better than Sunshine to me.
>posting low res shitty sreenshot with bad emulation settings to """prove""" your point
Please kill yourself, you won't be missed.
plz play 4:3. the widescreen models and backgrounds look really nice but the stretched 2d shit like font and compass trigger me.
I wonder how many will fall for this one btw.
has anyone tried a full nocturne playthough in 1st person?
This is legit emulated and so is pic related, is cropped screenshot from the WiiU one.
nocturne remaster when?
Not real first person and only exclusive to flat dungeons.
>You need tech stronger than a PS3 let alone a PS2 to run it which is retarded
No, you are retarded. Emulation is always going to be taxing as shit, more than a generation or two.
PCSX2 *IS* a complete hack job but the performance isn't the problem, outside of software mode.