Yet again third parties with shitty ports on Switch

Yet again third parties with shitty ports on Switch

History repeats itself

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What a massive faggot

but the gaming journalists told me the switch version was the best

>>Yet again third parties with shitty ports on Switch
>nintendo treats 3rd parties like shit
>ends up with shitty ports

>Jews are Jews
News at 11.

not only that the game is just plain bad no matter what platform you play it on.


He's an idort
He bought the Switch for exclusives

Why do you people treat twitter posters as if they have anything valuable to say? Why don't we see threads started with random screencaps of opinions of people from here?

>Thinking the Switch can actually do Doom at 60 fps

>buy game
>walk up to wall and stand there
solution: don't play video games like that.

>muh floor textures
kill yourself

>may 2016; beautiful, yet buggy and the multiplayer feels tacked on
>nov 2017; post-update 6.66 fixes many things, but looks awful
apples to oranges at this point

>Pulls out Laptop and plays Doom 2016 at High with constant 60 fps on a superior control setup

That original doom review came out when they thought it would flop for being too violent and normies not caring about singleplayer.

Video game reviewers don't know shit about anything

>this is real
>they legitimately gave one of the best games of the decade a "7.1"

That looks far more like a "oh shit this was actually a very good game, we're embarrassing" extra point.

>microwaves balls in the process

I mean he wasn't going to use them.

because the twitter accounts belong to the people making the threads.

And yet normies are perfectly fine with 30fps cinematic walking simulators on their brand-new XboneXXX and Playshitstation 4Pro. Not to mention: still paying $60 for 5+ year-old games like Skyrim and GTAV. What a time to be alive.

>And yet normies are perfectly fine with 30fps cinematic walking simulators

Not an argument. When every system other than yours has the game above 30fps and non shitty textures all going for 10 bucks at the moment you have zero right to charge full price for a game capped at 30 with drops and garbage textures

>not wanting your balls hot and crispy

While 60 dollars is too much for it, the port is technically amazing. Remember, this is a device that is the size of a fucking tablet.


>the port is technically amazing.

Still better than Borderlands 2 on Vita or MGS3 on 3DS.

how many nintenbabies are reeeing this account?

And yet people bought THIS shit for full price.

30 is fine if it doesn’t drop below 28.
Games this gen run MUCH better.
t. Played multiplats on PS3 and plays PS4 multiplats.

IGN is fecal matter.

nobody liked it

Doom on switch is like quake on the sat-

>And yet people bought THIS shit for full price.
You see unlike Doom no one pretended borderlands 2 wasn't garbage on vita

Remember this port should be only purchased at $5 after you've beaten it on another platform

Its honestly impressive that they managed to get it running in the first place. Doesn't mean they should have done it though

I recall multiple "Hey guys who wants to join my party on Vita BL2" threads, which were always spammed with MEMES and WUBWUB.

>Shit SNES port
>Shit Switch port

You could say they were doomed to repeat the same mistakes.


>best n64 version

Did they really need to make this full price? Even the jews Activision didn't make crash cost 60


>Nintendo bonus.

>1 stick
>Best anything.

It was a buggy mess with shit multiplayer that they went back and fixed

You can’t use 1 review to counter almost every single Nintendo game ever made getting 10/15 extra points than what it deserves.

I can't beleive there are still retards asking for FFXV/KH3/Horizon Zero Dawn on Switch, as if it's even remotely possible

Stop lying, the game was not buggy on PC day 1

Wasn't a port though

Terrible falseflag Nintenniger.

Back to your pathetic BING BING WAHOOO

Single player wasn't buggy at all, even at launch.

DOOM launched without multiplayer and was shit before fixes.

KH3 is possible since its a low end UE4 game, and Square wants XV on Switch by porting the game to UE4, but Horizon isn't possible since its on a crusty old engine with no modern support.

>Buy it for PS4/XB1
Lol, no.

>4/10 game getting a 6

The price is indefensible.

The quality is though. Being able to snuggle up in my comfy bed and play Doom is divine, regardless of the resolution or shit wall textures. Just please fix the fucking frame pacing.

I've yet to see a GOOD example of pro-nintendo bias. Come at me, sonybros.

No one is asking for Horizon on Switch. Or PC, or anything else really.


>Being able to snuggle up in my comfy bed and play Doom is divine
You can already do that with the other versions too

This is why you're still a virgin

I'd agree if all laptops were the size of the switch but they're not.

its funny how delusional nintendo retards are into thinking ports like this will be anything but an ugly experience. and yet they beg for dragon ball fightrz. we all know theyre going to cry like babies when the graphics arent as good.


Nope. Quake on Saturn had a lot of effort to even make it run on such hardware, while the Doom port is just a lazy work on shitty hardware. Don't you even dare to compare them again

Drones will use that argument to justify buying the worst most expensive version of multiplats.
>muh portability
>muh bed
Playing handheld games on the bed is uncomfortable as fuck, i don’t even know what these retards are saying.

>the price is indefensible
Not really. It's a good game. It's worth $60 if you don't have another platform it's available on.

>retards keep responding to obvious bait threads.

Come on now my dudes. This isn't even entertaining banter you people are posting.

Eh, more of a symptom of games journalists playing a game for like 5 minutes and giving their immediate thoughts without letting it sink in.
Give me a direct comparison and we'll talk.

The original reviewer could barely play the game. They got a lot of shit and used someone else for the new one to prevent this from happening again. Also the switch version has all of the DLC.

>you don't have another platform it's available on.
>he doesn't have a PC

>It's worth $60
The game is way more cheaper on any other system

Both are remarkable ports technically that are varyingly mediocre in terms of actual gameplay ;^)

>no that doesn’t count because reasons.
Ok, cunt.
Breath of the Wild and Odyssey aren’t even close to a 97.


It was $60 at release for them as well.

or did you mean doom on the saturn which was shit

>DOOM launched without multiplayer
huh? the game launched with multiplayer and in fact had alpha and beta tests where you could play the multiplayer.

Dont trigger him or he'll post the shitty image with all the poorly reviewed spin offs.

But this is a late release. Not only is it a late release it comes with less features and is worse mechanically.

There are a bunch of rabidly pro-nintendo sites that push this up. Real sites rank multiplats about the same.

>It was $60 at release for them as well.
yes but that was then, now the price was cute

Pretty much, a Nintendo review site will 100% rate a platformer higher while a Sony review site will dock points.

>Breath of the Wild and Odyssey aren’t even close to a 97.
You're getting awfully subjective there, friend. Give me a direct comparison.
Imagine I pointed at one of sony's precious exclusives and lazily said "yeah uhh that doesn't deserve a good score XD"
Maybe viewing your own post through that lens will force you to have some fucking empathy.

Shouldn’t you be in reddit my friend?

>literally who twitter screencap thread

>best games of the decade a "7.1"
how can anyone be this much of a pleb

>walls are specifically textured by developers
Everything in the videogame has been put there specifically so you can look at it.

I don't see how you can really compare them, Doom for the Switch was a simple port downgraded to hell (not even hard to do), while the Quake needed a new engine made from scratch

>But this is a late release.
So? People worked on the port and manufacturers had to create the cartridges. That's enough of an excuse for Publishers to go for the full price.

Because of an excess of supply that's still out in the wild. The Switch doesn't have that luxury.

I have a PC and PS4. My PC is an expensive dust collector though.

Yes, and it's also been out for well over a year on those systems. There's a reason I said the $60 is reasonable IF you don't have one of the other platforms.

The device IS a tablet.

>Pulls out Laptop
Jesus user I feel secondhand embarrassment from reading that. you don't actually pull a gaming laptop out right?

>IF you don't have one of the other platforms.
Most people have a PC and Doom runs on toasters

So you're fine with people paying full price for a botched port?

Just having a touch screen doesn't make it a tablet. As much as you want to force that meme.

And? Some people don't, and for those that don't have a PC it doesn't really matter what the game's price is on PC does it?

>CoD WWII with a 9

there are gaming laptops that don't look like teenage cringe garbage, but they come only from razer and you have to cover the logo with a sticker

>Pulls out Laptop

Hey, not everyone has such an spacious rectum as yourself to carry a laptop everywere


It is as good as the hardware can handle, and plays fine. It's a big visual downgrade but that should mean fuckall to anyone who bought a Switch. Nobody bought that system for graphical showcases.

WWII is a good game though