When you first saw Halo, were you blinded by it's majesty?

When you first saw Halo, were you blinded by it's majesty?

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yes my friend and i played a demo unit at a store before the xbox came out and we're pretty blown away t b h

I always disliked Halo. Played local multiplayer a few times but never really got into it even though I had an Xbox.

nuh i thought it looked pretty crappy and it looked like a stupid rectangle in the sky but i thought it was fun shooting aliens and shit so i stuck with it.

I personally don't like Halo but that scene was absolutely kino.

I played halo 1 for the first time last year and its better than any 90s FPS, by far even. it features actually open levels instead of the usual dungeon maze retardation, tough enemies without resorting to hl-esque hitscan crap, an interesting esthetic leagues above id's disgusting output

No it's fucking trash.

God I fucking hate millenials

Millennials are the ones that would have played Halo on release.

>tough enemies without resorting to hl-esque hitscan crap
I really feel Halo's enemy ai and design are supremely underrated, no one ever talks about it but it was pretty damn great. On par with, if not surpassing, Doom, in my opinion.

If you've not seen this video, check it out.

Halo's AI really is pretty damn neat.

>twitch plays halo
>the bridge

Nah, Quake, Unreal Tournament looked better way before Gaylo.


I love seeing the shitstorm between the old farts on this board and the people who nostalgia over halo and COD.

Which is why it was bad and why Sup Forums should stay out of video games.

>he thinks kino is a Sup Forums thing

1000x this!

Halo was a dumbed down synthetic cookie cutter clone for monkeys who were still learning how to use their opposable thumbs.

It's sole intent was to re-badge the gaming PC under the Microsoft brand and allow them to avoid more accusations of monopoly while doing so.

I remember being interested in it when it was showed in Mac World footage when at Secondary School.

Then when the Xbox came out here a mate who worked at a video store took an xbox home along with Halo and showed and we played Co-Op.

I then went and bought an Xbox and Halo. Thoroughly enjoyed it.


>a shooter was compromised to work around a controller

#wow #whoa #italiano

CoD 2 was a lot of fun back in 2007 or whenever. I remember dropping down to prone with the Kar was almost unstoppable with a good aim.

I hope you're not implying Half Life was any better.

Half life had 2 mechanics

>with a k98

You must have been playing against some real shitters. If you weren’t using the STG-44/PPSH/Thompson/Sniper/Shotgun you were gimping yourself. I guess a case could be made for the Garand since it was a two shot kill and fired relatively fast but only on a larger map like El Alamein or Brecourt. You could make it work on Caen but typically as Allies you were better off fighting up close because the German’s STG-44 had the range of a rifle, was a 3-4 shot kill, had a decent RoF and easily controllable recoil. Bolt actions were rarely used except for specific maps or for guys that were really really good looking for a challenge. I don’t think i saw a single serious player consistently perform well with an unscoped bolt action unless he was playing against bad players in the 2000+ hours I out into CoD2

It's a mediocre game with a great soundtrack and sometimes a nice feel of scale. Looking up at the halo felt glorious and having a cyberwaifu talk into your ear was interesting and neat. It aged acceptably on the PC thanks to the use of multitexturing and bumpmapping as well as a nice, consistent art direction, but nowadays only the soundtrack and difficulty at higher levels are carrying it.

Nah, I was dropping people with drop shot the whole life of the game. That and my pistol were all I needed. I felt that using any other weapons were putting me at a disadvantage.

I feel like I've phrased myself contradictory here so let me clarify: I consider halo to be mediocre because of it's narrow focus on shooting - there's not much else to do. Some people might consider this a good, focused approach, but I prefer a little variety in my games. They could have at least add some exploring to the mix and / or some puzzles.

I still have replayed the game like 10 times because of the soundtrack and the fun parts (halo landing, beacons, maproom, spookyshit with the flood, the library, etc).

Looking up into the sky and seeing the ring going up into the sky is what made Halo for me
We need more of that.

Just make more halo games on halo rings plz k thnx bye

When was the last time we were actually on one of the Installations? 3? I don't know.
Hell, we even went to where the Halos were fucking made. There really wasn't anywhere for the franchise to go after that, except for Recon and Reach I suppose.