How does this game rank among the Resident Evil series?
How does this game rank among the Resident Evil series?
Dead last
Middle of the road
6 and 7 exist.
5 and 6*
Second worst among the classic styled ones, middle of the road overall.
better than 0,4,5,6,7
worse than 1,2,3,remake
This isn't 2005 bro. RE7 exists now.
>resident evil
You asked for this
remake/2 > 1/3/cv > 4 > 0 > 5/7 > 6
STOB bosting this
REmake > 2 > 3 > 6 > 4 > 7 > CV > 5
1. Remake
2. RE4
3. Outbreak
Fite me
In terms of its puzzles, it's the best RE game. Overall, it's pretty good, felt ambitious and exciting to play.
In terms of art direction, it's one of my least favorite in the series unfortunately.
Gameplay and maps are actually really good and something I always pictured an expanded re1 to look like. Buuuuuuuut I gotta dock it some points on steve alone. I know he's a meme but the hate for him is more than fucking justified. Also the bosses are kinda lame. I can't really rank it though.
I like it better than 3 to be quite honest with you...
It may have Steve, but it also has best girl. Playing as Chris again was awesome too.
I literally burst out laughing during the cross dressing reveal and the scene with Steve's death after you defeat him.
"Soory about thet, Cleair."
ive played them all recently, except 3. you might be right. 3 was too arcadey and easy
So is Alyson Court. She just doesn't have the ridiculous accent.
The total lack of news with the exception that Alyson won't be reprising her role has killed REmake2 anticipation for me.
>Fans have remade more of RE2 than Capcom has
>Fans have even managed to "remake" Resident Evil 1.5
>Fans have demade RE1 into NES and Genesis games
>Yet Capcom can't make enough of a RE2 remake within 2 years to even show a trailer
Backtracking: The Game. I could never bring myself to finish it. I got stuck on fighting NotTyrant on the plane and eventually just said "do I even want to be playing this?". Although, it does kinda have the same "so bad it's good" ridiculous quality as RE1 as far as the story and cutscenes go. I found it amusing when that twat Steve was crying about his zombie dad
They probably realized after their 'we do it' teaser just how beloved the game is. I'm hoping the delay is because they're meticulously doing high quality CG backgrounds for a faithful 2d remake. I want to believe it's going to be up to the same standards as the first REmake.
I want to believe.
Gotta keep your expectations low, user. You're setting yourself up for a fall. Better to be pleasantly surprised when something turns out better than you anticipated than be disappointed when your hopes are dashed.
Think about that, user.
This man speaks the truth
How hard can it be, really? Literally just make the same game again but in HD, Darkside Chronicles proved they can do the setting justice with modern tech at least as far as cinematics are concerned.
DC's takes on Steve and Alfred were pretty top notch.
Funfact: The director of Code Veronica is fucking farmer now.
That makes a lot of sense
>5 listed twice
>not liking 4
This pic is a pleb filter
How do you know this
How do I deal with these assholes?
Shoot their limbs off. Or lure them into remote explosives.
Shooting the limbs just makes them decide to blow up
Oh wait those are the leech men. In that case fire is super effective. Molotovs or flamethrowers if you got them.
7 is 1st contrarians
>5 listed twice
Gold Edition had motion controls and all the DLC was packaged in.
>not liking 4
RE to me isn't about shooting and melee attacks. I enjoyed it for the feeling of uncovering some mystery and solving puzzles, reading files, figuring out what's going on in the background. RE4 has none of that
Not as good as REmake, 2, 4, or 7. Better than 3, 5, 6, 0, and both Revelations games.
>Darkside Chronicles proved they can do the setting justice with modern tech at least as far as cinematics are concerned.
What with Claire's ninja knife skills?
Get a life
It's right where the story-telling started getting really dumb, but it is still a polished game with reasonable difficulty and sticks to the original formula. One of the last before REmake, actually.
It's pretty good.
no u
Claire was very fuckable in it
>blocks your screen