b-but sony don lemme!!
sony tricked people to buy their console, so it's okay for them to fuck me in the butt :)
Hell yeah my duder. But can I party with bro if he's on Xbone and I'm on Switch? Probably not I say.
we've had cross platform for 2 years.
we don't have cross platform parties so who gives a shit.
yes you can. It's already confirmed.
You can already do that with minecraft btw.
Please don't post RC car soccer, it's triggering
triggering to who?
>Completely apolitical game
>On every system
>Universal appeal
Will Rocket League go down in history as being the least hated game of all time?
>inb4 i hated it
What a Save!
What a Save!
What a Save!
>Not Nice Shot! Nice Shot! Nice Shot!
Is this what the 2GB patch on steam was?
Nice, more people to play with. Thanks for being free content console fags.
Xboxlads, don't invite switch cucks, they're locked on shitty 30fps and will ruin our experience with PC users
But Switch is 60FPS.
My wrists might not be able to handle this
>Not disabling the stupid triggering passive-aggresive chat
who else /leaveswhentwopointsbehind/ here?
Well too bad cause here I come with my big floppy pecker
No, never surrender. I also extra don't leave if the opponents say FF.
>Having to play games with Xniggers
No thanks
>make a mistake
>in queue for a while
>dropped into a 0-5 game, you guess which team
>50 seconds left
This straight up isn't true though. At least do your research before trying to shitpost.
Is there esports money in this game?
will people on other platforms be able to see those mario cosmetics? I'm sure they're exclusive to the switch version right?
Way to go exposing yourself as a moron.
I think they said only switch players can see them.
Wait, so I can enter Ranked with them?
The bantz are too much for the sensitive gaming culture these days, but it's up there. Tetris probably holds the title
I wish I could show off that Samus car
Can you customize colors on cars like that? It'd be cool to make a Dark Samus variant
I hope the Switch port is good. I'm on XB1, and this version sucks. But all my friends play on there as opposed to PC, so, I'm stuck with it. For those that don't know
>Several frame dips, even on the XB1 S
>Very long load times
>Frequent crashes
I really hope the Switch version is better than this. I've heard the PS4 version is pretty much the same as the PC version, so why did us XB1 guys get fucked over so hard?
That sucks. I've seen my friend play on XB1 side by side while I played on my PC.
The XB1 version looks gorgeous.. because you can't disable ANYTHING and you have to play the game all bloomed and sun glared to shit.
I'm worried about it. Panic Button is making it, and they're shooting for 720p 60fps for both docked and handheld. Not trying to higher res on handheld seems lazy. And the Doom Switch port that Panic Button made has an inconsistent framerate (I know I'm just supposed to be impressed it runs at all on Switch, but it does give me pause)
have they ever gotten around to adding proper MSAA as an option? It looked good enough and was fun and smooth at 144fps but you had to mod that AA in and it fucked with some things visually when you did it but the only other options back then were blurry FXAA and TAA iirc
Why didn't id do that port in-house? It's Vulkan on tegra, they should be able to handle it unless they're working on DOOM 2 (5)
I got Rocket League on PC but I'll be double-dipping on the Switch. I might wait for the physical version though.
No idea, I didn't pay that much attention just that the graphics options on XB1 were a tenth of what were available on PC
The two reasons that stick out for having outside studios handle ports are either they don't want to devote the devs to it, or they are fine shopping it out without concern for the quality.
Anyone else disappointed that they redesigned Wasteland? Felt unnecesary
That one girl on twitter who cuts herself because of the game. I forgot her name though
It's still available if you want to play on it. I like that standard is actually standard now with no bullshit geometry.
What they still need to address is matchmaking.
>join unranked game alone
>it's me and two other legends against rookies and semi-pros, whew, that seems fair
>1 goal in (after 8 seconds) two of them quit
>on 2nd goal shortly after a double team of SCs joins and the third guy quits
>1 min later they score a goal and get another rocketeer type
>another 30 seconds and they score another, it's 2:2
>my teammates both quit, no one else joins for the rest of the game (~3 min)
>get plowed 5:2, "gg"
Can't we just punish quitters by making them lose random items or something?
I liked having the little bit of variety it offered. It's not like it was poorly designed in all regards like Starbase
Starbase should have been used for 4v4 ranked.
To be fair, Rocket League was completely "free" on PS4 at launch as long as you had a ps+ subscription. Though Sony is still shit for hiding behind "security concerns" for no cross play when their online infrastructure is easily one of the shitiest online services out of all the platforms.