What are some Star Wars stories/games with Imperial protagonists who DO NOT DEFECT?
What are some Star Wars stories/games with Imperial protagonists who DO NOT DEFECT?
>sith inquisitor
>Sith warrior
>bounty hunter
>imperial agent
You can defect with the BH and IA, although it's ignored afterwards like it didnt happen.
Well, I shouldn't be surprised that the story is by-the-numbers. Still, I was looking forward to a more flawed main character. One who would stick with the imperials in spite of seeing things that suggest one should do the contrary
The original BF2. You play as the 501st legion and wipe the floor with rebel scum for the whole campaign.
>she defects
i was waiting to see if this happened to see if i buy the game. I will now spend this money on hookers
can you? I don't remember that option.
God dammit.
>Proud womyn of color sees the error of her ways defects from the bad guys to the good guys despite the disapproval of her military father
Wow, what a shocking twist!
The original Battlefront 2? You fight from the Clone Wars vs the CIS and by the end fight Rebels at Hoth.
>literally said it was going to be an imperial story only
Now we're ripping off side characters from Rogue Squadron 3D?
This is pretty good. It's pretty inspirational to women. Something more games need.
>tfw wedge's backstory was changed so he's an imperial defector
honestly though
what would be the point of a game where you just play the bad guy
People seem to enjoy KOTOR and KOTOR 2
story's different Pov different gameplay what would WoW be if you couldn't play horde?
Are spoilers out for the campaign yet?
Pretty sure wedge was always a defector.
why are people surprised by this
are you all retarded
were you really trusting fucking EA
star wars battlefront 2 (2005)
Well if you consider the campaigns for the RTS games, Galactic Battlegrounds and Empire at War. But not Force Commander. Fuck that nigga. He sucked rebel cock the first chance he got.
Pilots going to the Imperial Academy to learn to fly and then jumping ship to the Rebellion was a common thing.
Empire at War Forces Of Corruption kind did, although Tyber Zann did leave the Empire too after he got kicked out of the Academy for running a racketeering ring then just decided to go full crime lord. Always wished they could make a movie or something about him since it would be something other than Rebels vs Empire, doubt it will happen now with Disney controlling everything. Don't think Scarface in A Galaxy Far Far Away would go over well with them.
Wedge, Biggs, Hobbie and a lot of the other Rebel Pilots were always defectors even in the old canon. Even Han Solo was an imperial at one point.
Considering the new BF2 is supposedly set after the Battle of Endor, it really shouldn't be a surprise that Imperial forces are jumping ship
Defectors are the worst of traitors
Though really it was less
>woo empire!
and more
>woo pilots license!
Its a pretty good bet that if a character is a pilot, they went to the academy.
Salty that the Empire didn't get X-Wings?
Nah. B wings. X wings a shit
ARC 170s are like asterisks-wings
Why were they and all other ships from the Clone Wars decommissioned?
maybe she's pulling a long con as a double agent for a mission or 2 never ever fuck ea and fuck dice people
In the old EU they weren't, they just got handed off to the guys out patrolling the ass end of nowhere and remote bases.
dunno LOL
also LAAT/c got turned into the slow AT ACT
Same reason we don't use old fighters in our airforce?
but the older shit were better though
don't know the real reason, but I like to think it might be to distance the empire from clone wars-era propaganda
it was pretty fookin big, that one, and the republic wasn't exactly well liked for fighting it
easy rep for sheev
Oh for FUCK SAKE. When will people admit that Disney Wars is fucking SHIT already?
AT-ATs are better than the TEs, since their longer legs make them less susceptible to land mines
Empire at War, Battlefront 1 and 2, some others. The franchise was good before Disney bought it
There are a lot more possibilities. Since the world is crawling with moralfags like yourself, "muh good goy" protagonists have been done. to. DEATH.
not all of them faggot
I never said all of them, you fucking tard
it's gonna be some hand fisted scene where she meets YAAAAASQUEEEN who convinces to turn
and its gonna be shit
Does she at least die a lowly traitors death?
>horde is the bad guy
>what would be the point of a game where you just play the bad guy
To wear away the basic good guy/bad guy dichotomy which is simplistic and generic.
>she won't defect guys
>I swear to god this proud brown womyn is not going to defect to the rebels, this is going to be an Empire story just like the old Battlefront games had
>just because we're Swedish and the writer's personal hero is Anita Sarkeesian we're not going to pull a lame cliche defection story
Apparently joining the Rebels turns you white?
Am I the only one who finds this problematic???
bad guy lives matter
>Bad guys
>no sense of loyalty
Checks out, am I right fellas?
Every GTA or crime game
Why the fuck not? You played as a clone trooper all the way through Order 66 and then as a Stormtrooper crushing the rebels in the old games. You know the games whose legacy EA is trying to rape to death.
Why do I feel like they're going to ruin RepCom next?
incase you have not figured it out THE IMPERIALS ARE THE BAD GUYS
This is what people need to understand. It's not simply identity politics that's the problem. It's the SHIT WRITING. Identity politics are simply a symptom, they're a crutch that hack writers use to cover up their complete lack of talent. She could have been a really cool character but LOL NOPE everything has to be an uninspired redemption story. Disney and EA are a match made in hell when it comes to creativity.
Because EA won't stop until every series you love is defiled and milked for every last cent.
only from a certain point of view
From my point of view EA is evil
so to be an interesting character she HAS to stay in league with a literal space nazi group?
nazi = evil period
Sheev did NOTHING wrong
gaftard spotted
>B-wings are shit
1v1 me above Tatooine imperial dog
Why can't western devs ever make a proper female antagonist? They are always infallible Mary Sues
EA are also nazis fuxk them and their studio killing ways
>Apparently joining the Rebels turns you white?
She doesn't look White.
>nazi = evil period
I want these middle school fags off my board
>rebels win
>no galaxywide authority
>the hutts slowly take over the universe
great fucking plan
>implying everyone didn't know this was coming when Luke showed up in the trailer
I just wonder how many Rebels she shoots in the back before she defects and they're just cool with it.
couldnt even make an account cause of their no free email bullshit
>No top turret
>Can only fire while facing forward
>Weapons are fucking pathetic for how large a target it is
Yeah no
Is you serious
>It's the SHIT WRITING. Identity politics are simply a symptom, they're a crutch that hack writers use to cover up their complete lack of talent. She could have been a really cool character but LOL NOPE
She shouldn't have been a commando or be related to the leadership. She should have just been a stormtrooper grunt, in a battle, seeing her unit get smaller and smaller as casualties grow.
you mean you have a bad feeling about this?
>i want to kill everyone who is not blonde hair and blue eyes
>not pure fucking evil
If anyone replies to this post, it's controlled opposition for the jap scum.
>nazi = evil period
Fuck your fairy tale level of historical understanding.
Was she modeled after a Kardashian?
It's almost like they were all designed around being weightless CGI eye candy
and, of course, an obligatory shower scene in which she muses on man's inhumanity to man as she washes her mound.
Nobody respond to it, it's a trick, a bait, a diversion
they were allied with muslims
She hasnt defected and remains with the Empire throughout the campaign. OP's pic is fro a mission where she's undercover.
Source: my father works at EA and The game is getting story expansions that will include Iden helping establishing the First Order. Source on that: gamespot.com
>multiplayer focus
>can't issue squad commands anymore, all the AI is totally automated
>loot crates and microtransactions everywhere
>Sev is replaced with a female commando
>Sev is alive but he's actually working with the rebellion and he convinces everyone to join
>story jumps all the way to between A New Hope and Empire Strikes back and serves to "bridge the gap" between the two films (final level takes place on Hoth)
>story mode is 2 hours long
>Be a literal degenerate republic run by the elite and the (((Jedi)))
>Based Sheev comes along and brings order
The Empire did nothing wrong desu, fuck the Jedi.
>I know literally nothing of Hitler's intentions or National Socialism aside from what I was taught in History Class in public schooling
>Is you serious
Yeah. She looks Mestizo or some kind of weird Hawaiian/Quadroon mix.
only to get what they wanted they where going to turn on them
>on reveal, Sup Forums memes that Mickey Mouse would never allow DICE to show the Imperials in a positive light and the main character would betray the empire
>Sup Forums was right again
I just had a day dream of how much of a massive cunt I'd be to them.
>Threaten to murder other rebels outright and attack my "comrades out of combat on multiple occasions, though never unprovoked (If somebody tried to talk to me when I wasn't in the fucking mood I'd probably threaten to blow their goddamn brains out, live blaster pointed at them and all, never anything too stupid though.
>Would straight up betray them all for the empire if things got bad enough.
>Just in general be a total asshole who everybody hates but thankfully for them never bothers acknowledging their existence because it's for his orders or something.
Rate the writings of a 22 year old manchild who is extremely tired and frustrated in many ways.
>only to get what they wanted they where going to turn on them
If you believe the blue eyed blond thing then your understanding of WWII is literally no better than a fairy tale. Do everyone a favour and never even think about the Second World War let along mention anything involved with it.
The only thing I remember about this game is what happens when you try to give Vader orders kek
it's almost like the other game named Battlefront II let you do exactly that for its campaign