Buddy of mine suggests a vs of a 40k character vs Kel'thuzadAhriman

>Buddy of mine suggests a vs of a 40k character vs Kel'thuzadAhriman,
if you care
>gets shocked when I point out kel'thuzad isn't even all that powerful (comparatively) in the warhammer lore

on that note, who would you say are the top 5 mages in Warcraft canon lore?


I'm the best mage.

The Uninstall Wizard

oh right, I guess at this point, the player character is up there too, huh?

Dont forget Dadgar

Medivh is the strongest, he just never showed his power level cuz he wanted the world to learn to not rely on guardians. Deathwing even said at one point he was scared of him to an extent.
As for the others its just going to be a pissing contest of "who did something subjectively more impressive at one point in time in the lore".

True, but I mean, Kalecgos is basically literally magic stuff, and the first 3 have pulled off some ludicrous shit.

I suppose he's probably more powerful than rhonin, huh?

Azshara certainly
Maybe Aethas Sunreaver

Aegwyn, Medivh, Azshara, Khadgar, Alodi

Alodi just because there's only 3 guardians of tirisfal that come to mind, but I wouldn't be surprised if one between alodi and aegwyn surpassed him.

One of the most annoying things about blizz designs is the obsession with tusks and centaur-like forms.
Tusks were fine on orcs and trolls, but look at Kel'Thuzad, he has fucking tusks. Pitlords? Tusks. Khans of the Centaur race? Tusks.




No seriously? Who?

You should've told him about Nagash.

Medivh easily tops every mage in Warcraft.

nagash isn't wh40k
maybe you meant szarekh, but still

The absolute most powerful mage in Warcraft is Lilian Voss.

nagash...the fantasy character that also makes kel'thuzad into a joke?

its not as clear cut as you might think. warcraft power levels tend to work as, they're strongest when they need to be for the story.

but for mages I would for sure have to say.

Queen Azshara
Alodi maybe Rhonin

Nagash would've been a better comparison to Kel'Tuzad since they're both fantasy necromancers.

no fuck you

What about the PC mage, how does he compare to lore characters?

strongest mage on azeroth atm


can't 1v1 a level 110 elite mage

>implying kel'thuzad comes anywhere close to nagash

npcs are not canon

nPcS aRe nOt CaNoN

well neither is the pc then

All 5 would be titans with uncorrupted sargeras at #1.

Dudes are pretty much arcane made sentient. Norganon gave a part of his essence to one of the ulduar keepers who in turn gave maligos his power.

Agreed but i also think Jaina and Rhonin are quite powerful. Jaina especially has immense power that she doesn't tap into. She was going to single handedly nuke orgrimmar with her own magic if we didn't stop her (why did we stop her again?).

Also what about Malygos? He controlled the balance of magic in all of azeroth right?

>a mage wielding aluneth, ebonchill and felo'melorn, three of the greatest magic artifacts in the know world
>not canon
>some random level 110 elite filler trash in an instance
>is canon

nice ironic post user haha

Elisande could arguably be stronger than Alodi & Rhonin. on top of Arcane mastery she has mastered temporal magics that Khandgar says rivals even the bronze Dragon flights

I would put the aspect of magic and his dragonflight in separate class so they don't get an unfair advantage over the mortal races.