Why is the PS4 or Switch not selling out but the Xbox is?
Why is the PS4 or Switch not selling out but the Xbox is?
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citation needed
You’re either a troll, naïve, or stupid. None of which are a desirable quality
Seen about ten times as many XBox One X (XBOX) commercials as PS4 or Switch commercials lately
You need to spider-wrap those PS4s before you downstock them. Xbox One X's are kept up at customer service and stop taking pictures of floor displays while you're at work.
Are you really going to try and make the case that the Xbone is outselling the Piss4? Because you'd be factually wrong.
PS4 is on it’s way to 120 million.
XxXboneXxX will flop (500$ for Pro ports lmao) and become the very last Microsoft console.
>PS4 selling so much that they accidentally order too many
>Xbone not selling at all so they don't even restock
>or Switch not selling out
While I'm happy that the Xbox One X is selling well, the OP is full of shit there, the Switch is selling out too.
Fact: the ps4 came out like 4 years ago which is insane
Xbox now has a Samsung QLED commercial out now. I wonder if they will have any Xbox/4K TV bundles around the holidays.
Because the PS4 is literally for cockroaches to infest inside your PS4
I have it on good authority that Q1-2 2018 will be when the greatness we have awaited will happen
Cause the new X-box is more powerful then any PC out right now.
I think the chart you're referring to stated it was more powerful than some 83% of what Steam users are currently active.
Because they made 15 of those
No its the most powerful computer ever made right now.
the switch is. in my area you never see a switch in store
i guess the should start "switching" it up then.
Hi Larry.
Xbone has no games.
>ordered few units
"GameStop requested a conservative number of units"
>didn't even sell through them all in 24 hours
"As mentioned, GameStop's Xbox One X stock is not completely sold through."
Flop of the fucking millennium
>Limited Edition keeps getting restocked at Amazon
>Standard Edition isn't
What the FUCK is going on?
People are slightly more likely to purchase something that’s “limited”.
Looking at how they have a ton of multiple shit out, they are preparing for Black Friday. PS4 will sell another 5 million.
>Here’s an enthusiastic statement from Bob Puzon, senior vice president of Merchandising for GameStop:
>Sales of the new Xbox One X have been incredible! We have sold through most of our initial allotment in just one day. We are already working with Microsoft to get our hands on more of the world’s most powerful video game console!
You mean your fucking preorders? Which you only ordered enough consoles to get through those? Yeah anyone with a brain can see through this shit
>really pretending PS4 is not selling best
"so it's possible GameStop requested a conservative number of units, though we don't know for sure"
Why be dishonest user?
Because everyone already has a PS4, nobody wants a Switch any more, and Microsoft knew they were putting out a shit console with no games so only made a tiny batch.
selling out isnt the same as best selling.
Nintendo cant keep up supply everywhere that gets a switch quickly sells them meanwhile i see PS4s and Xbones everywhere i go
The normie market is the xbone market. They already have their gamertags on xbone from 10 or more years ago and are still loyal to xbox because it's what their friends play. They aren't about to buy a ps4 because the exclusives are better because all they do is play COD, Madden and Ass Creed.
Sure thing champ
Only brainlets wrote “this” for a Sup Forums reply
artificial shortage
sure they are
Why is Sonic Forces $39.99?
This is the best argument on Xbox’s side and mostly true, though PS4 did steal a decent chunk of that market at the beginning of this gen
It's true dude, there's demand for the Switch and Xbox One X. The PS4 is just the best selling and that's it.
>Nioh is the first game on the list
>Sony's exclusives are better
That's subjective, mother fucker
PS4 has more demand, so they made way too many :^)
KH3 is on xbone. Also you missed bloodborne. GJ dumb son ygger
As someone who loves Berserk and even kinda likes Berserk and the Band of the Hawk, that game is nothing to brag about. Also it's on PC and if you're not playing it on that or Ps4 Pro maybe then you're an idiot. I'd even defend the vita port because portable, but on base PS4 it's a fucking train wreck.
bone X just came out. PS4 pro is months old and not discounted.
What does MS really have except the same shit they've had since at least the 360 days?
It might not be literally true when we say XB1 has "no gaems" or "no exclusives", but it has nothing on the level of Bloodborne, Persona 5, Gravity Rush 1&2, //hack G.U. LR, Yakuza 0, etc. etc. etc. The third party support (particularly jap third party) just isn't there on XB1.
Because it's not worth $59.99
because they knew people were going to shit on it for being 3 hours long as soon as it came out and didn't have the balls to charge $60
You couldn't PAY any but the most diehard sonicfags to play that travesty
I wish they'd make an operating system instead.
Quantum Break
Killer Instinct
Rare Replay
Forza Horizon
Halo Wars
State of Decay
Sea of Thieves
Phantom Dust
Voodoo Vince
Every last one of these games is better than anything on the PS4.
there's a few really bad stages like the water slide or the couple modern stages where you can just run off the side of the track, but it's not an insufferable tragedy on par with '06 like shitposters are pretending
>emulated 360 and hueg games should now be counted as equal value to PS4 exclusives
granted, you were replying to a shitty list with multiplats, but you don't need to stoop to his level
Baiting this hard senpai
Yeah ok
I had a feeling the roach would say something about that so I didn't mention it.
No bloodborne user.
>Gears of Loot Boxes
>Quantum Boring
>Rare Rehash
>Sea of Unreleased game you haven't played and cannot critique at all
>360 games
>Games available on PC
What's the best 4k full hdr tv with relatively low input lag for the new Xbox? I'm still using a 32" 1080p led Samsung 5000 series tv from like 2012/13 and it's still got one of the best image quality of any tv I've seen (back when Samsung were fucking sick) but 1080p feels a bit dated now and I wanna move up and I'm probs gonna get an Xbox to go with a new tv.
checked and this
>Just got 1080p and maybe 60 fps
I don't think so, Tim. Give it four years.
All though games are shit that could never grab my interest. Why does anyone buy this boring pile of shit?
>they could never grab MY interests, therefore they are all bad
And all better than the boring ass movies and weebshit on your console.
Sony games are garbage.
>That little black sperg launching spaghetti next to a cute girl and trying not to check her out
Too relatable.
I paid $170 for the uncharted bundle like five months ago, new on Amazon
That has to be from like 2015
>Quantum Break
>Killer Instinct
>Rare Replay
>Forza Horizon
>Halo Wars
>State of Decay
>Sea of Thieves
Not exclusive. Try again. All you have is Halo 5.
There's a TCL roku tv that's pretty good budget 4k/hdr and I enjoy it. Should be cheap for the holidays
When did I say I had a ps4? You're sure reaching there, Larry
>XboneX can't even do VR
Sure they are. And nothing M$ comes out with holds a candle to that "trash."
Any other sweeping generalizations you'd like to make?
Not hard to sell out when you only sell 1 console.
Is the PSVR as bad as the Kinect or does it have more than seven years staying power? Will Sony keep VR on their new system with BC?
VR doesn't have staying power until it's cheaper
These are the stupidest threads
I know the one you speak of but unfortunately it's not on sale yet in Europe despite being listed on the TCL EU site. That sucks because I was hoping to use black Friday to buy a tv on sale.
Seems to me that the hype died down about a year or so ago. I hardly see it talked about anymore.
Oh wow yeah that sucks. It's basically the current sweet spot for cheap 4k/hdr from my understanding. Fingers crossed you can get you hands on it, eurofriend, it's a great panel
Yeah it's dead in the water unless they lower the price. Hardware addons already don't do well because people don't want to have to buy another accessory to enjoy their system, let alone one that's the price of the console.
If you've ever had a job in your life (and you probably haven't) you would realize you only stock what you think you'll need. Switches sell out because retailers don't believe in the Nintendo meme. This is also why the Xbone is selling out. PS4s don't sell out because they were super popular and retailers weren't expecting sales to recede over time.
PSVR already has over 160 games, Skyrim VR soon. Plenty of VR games in development at least 20 more coming out withing the next few months.
Pensacola bestbuy
>it's the everyone and my mom loves and plays Windows 10 Store games meme again
Then what do you have?
No one gives a shit not even Microsoft as of right now.
Every first party game Microsoft makes is better than Sony's.
PC, so I have all of your games and can play them better. Except for Halo but >halo
It's getting games VR is a reality right now.
Like you should talk all you have is a bunch of boring ass RTS games, unoptimized multiplats and drm. What, you gonna show a list of old ass 90s PC games like you always do? By the way, nobody either console gamer or pc gamer is dumb enough to fall for the Windows 10 Store game meme.
No one gives a shit about VR and it will die eventually again too. VR is just not ready yet.
idk, you were dumb enough to fall for the xbox meme, so the win10 store meme isn't that far of a stretch. How's that X treating you? Got enough games optimized for it yet?
>not pirating windows store games
are you one of those computer illiterates that buys all your games and is afraid the cyber police will get you for pirating?
Yeah Skyrim VR is coming out in 5 days I and a couple of other million people do give a shit about VR even if Microsoft doesn't.
M$ does care about those beautiful brown bricks in 4k, so he does have that at least.
How do you pirate Windows store games, I want to play Gears of 4.
double-u double-u double-u dot the pirate bay dot s e
>How's that X treating you?
I don't know, don't have one yet, but I will be sure to let you know how well the optimized games will play when I get an Xbox One X, enjoy $2000 virus box, fatass.
This is why you lardasses are stuck with multiplayer exclusives for rest of your pathetic lives. You keep stealing.
Exactly, no one wants to put some stupid helmet on just to play games, until that shit works like SAO it will never be popular. Sony went after a failed gimmick.
nice projection, larry ;)
Whatever you say, fatass.