>the OC of a cuck who pretends to be female
Why did Arthas pull out before going on the purge? It could have been his last moment on Azeroth.
So how many Orc cocks does this OC take?
All of them? Or just most of them?
Ethilya was made for Horde dick
I love this SFM artist.
>plays a fantasy game
>picks the most generic faction and race
Are they on a tandem bicycle?
>an OC
thats not suppose to be Jaina pre white hair?
1 portion of hot ass sauce senpai pls
Wrong eye color.
>tfw no thicc panda wife
that full webm is godly
Can a human impregnate a Panda?
people better start saucing some shit in this fucking thread or I'm gonna reee
they lay eggs like fish but its possible
how do 2 mammals produce an egg?
All mammals produce eggs, and a couple even lay them.
Are we talking as a consequence of being inseminated by an insectoid xenomorph or as part of their natural lifespan?
Will they kill off Alexstrasza in another quest like like her sister? They clearly don't give two shits about Aspects anymore.
With Wraithion back on the scene, he might just do it himself.
Surely you realize that even humans are born from eggs.
Additionally, the platypus and echidna actually lay their eggs.
basic biology, all humans are born from eggs, the typical hentai image of a sperm piercing an egg cell always symbolizes pregnancy because thats literally what happens
humans just dont lay them, they keep them in the body until birth.
> Even humans come from eggs
Why is this pedantic bullshit even allowed to exist on the face of earth?
I responded to a statement about 2 mammals laying eggs as if they were fuckin Icthoids and some faggots gotta give me gradeschool rundown on the basics of the mammalian reproductive cycle?
And the worst part is some faggot is probably gonna >ur grammar is non-native english tier whilst they completely ignore conversational context for an irony so strong you could use it to engrave diamonds.
Fuck this gay earth.
Lol no. It's a commission of someone's character that valnoressa did.
>im foreign and im also stupid
consider suicide my dude
No point, because reds are the most generic dragons, which is all people really wanted. Knaak made a mistake trying to introduce a chromatic dragon spectrum like that in DND into WC and blizzard is ending that mistake.
>A whelpling.
>Killing Alexstraza.
>The mother of all Dragons
Alexstraza is the only aspect that was able to go 1v1 against Deathwing for any period of time and get away with her life.
Wraithion won't do a thing.
Right now Alexstraza is probably taking a break from life to simply enjoy life, even in spite of The Legion.
She adores the mortal races like she does her own dragonflight. She's probably been letting them learn to get on without the aspects and be the protectors the planet needs, now they all the aspects are mortal.She's likely disguising herself as a mortal and just walking around busy marketplaces in the Alliance and Horde cities and having small dragon orgasms at the sheer sounds of sights of all the life being lived around her, walking around the various eco-systems in Azeroth and enjoying the feel of various terrains beneath her feet, and silently watching from afar as the mortal races band together and kick the Legion off their world, welling with pride like a mother watching her children succeed.
And then curling up into a ball because her sister was kill.
But there are mammals that lay eggs. It's not pedantic, it's a fucking fact. You wrote something stupid, and you were called out on it. You can play the "pedantic" card all you want, it won't help you.
>downs mercot
Arguing semantics doesn't make you intelligent
Who is it?
Not the guy you're talking to but you have to keep in mind the dragon aspects are all weak as fuck right now. They've been weak as fuck since they killed deathwing they had to put most of their power into the dragon soul so currently the aspects are practically mortals. This is why ysera was so easily corrupted and killed.
warcraft 'humans' aren't mammals
>offtopic sexy post turns into autistic screeching
50/50 chance but it kills me every time
Warcraft humans are not Earth Humans.
Because they mutated from giant metal vikings?
>FFXIVfags going full damage control now that WoWfags have a reason to enjoy the game again
Why can't they just admit Stormblood was shit?
there you go
They aren't practically mortals.
They ARE mortals.
But still, Wraithion isn't touching Alexstraza.
He's still a literal baby, and Alex's dragon form is positively massive.
Bear in mind that Alexstrasza went up against Deathwing while still an Aspect. The Aspects have lost almost all their powers now. That's why Ysera got so fucking rekt.
That's the post God lore, ignore it.
Humans were made by the Maker until atheistic socialists in WoW cucked all of humanity because they're the white patriarchy
Would the offspring look like a Pandawa?
Because Stormblood isn't over yet.
FFXIV and WoW are symbiotic for me.
Whenever one starts to bore me, the other one is there to pick up the slack.
I just wish I didn't need to log in once every two weeks or so and keep my FFXIV sub active when I'm not playing just to hang on to my house.
>Because Stormblood isn't over yet.
Sure, but it's been a giant fuckup so far.
>hotbar cleanup ended up being for PvP that no one plays
>three dungeons in endgame rotation and not even the best ones
>raid took months to come out
>8 mans were easy as shit
>2 DPS when the DPS class is already oversaturated
>The Maker
Wasn't that non-canon since like WC II?
They also regularly shitpost in Black Desert Threads and crosspost there.
I dont know if this is supposed to make people play their game or something but it just puts people off from this cancerous community.
Neither does blindly clinging to your patently false position, because "you guys just missed the point."
It's nobody's problem but your own that you misspoke. Don't expect anybody to search for deeper meaning in your ramblings, or try to ascertain your precise meaning. Perhaps next time you'll ask a better question.
>nickname yourself "hentai goddess"
>post ahego pic of yourself
>get disgusted at the idea of someone jerking it to your picture
Nope, still existed in some form in WC III
Sorry, but I'm not even that guy. keep acting like a psud if it makes you feel good I guess.
>teehee I'm just pretending to be a whore
Dumb bitch.
>"I jerked off to this pic of you bby"
The guy rolled the dice and lost, seems pretty fair to me.
her name is hentai princess and she's doing an ahegao face. she should expect it, and she probably already does expect it. she probably only responded how she did because the dude looks kind of greasy and has long hair.
I'd love to lick her va-jaina
How dare you speak to me?