Breath of Fire thread
I wish I had people to talk about this series.
Breath of Fire thread
I wish I had people to talk about this series.
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I wish people would make these threads when I was in a better mood and not tired as fuck.
Also, this song makes me cry
Thanks user and good music selection.
This one really gets me honestly. After everything you experience in Breath of Fire IV to hear this really just hits hard.
Game where we kill Yuna never ever.
In fact, a new game never ever.
>I wish I had people to talk about this series.
>tfw no Y U N G blonde fantasy gf
Except him.
Had the second one for GBA when I was like 8 and I kept dying at this part. There's my input.
Considering it's mobile trash now, I'm glad it's over.
It's always so weird seeing these threads. I was rarely able to play II and III when I was a kid because they were my brother's, so they feel like some sort of vague fever dream, but I do remember having a big crush on Nina, but I never even got to the portion of III where you aged up... I really should get an emulator to play III again. That'd probably be a trip
By the way, was III shit and I was too young to know it?
BoFII is quite rough as the encounter rate and backtracking is pretty bad but III holds up pretty well. Both of the ps1 BoF games are definitely worth playing.
The pacing is quite slow but overall it is definitely a quality jrpg and I really feel it holds up much better then most other ps1 jrpgs. Personally I find IV better in every way but III sounds special to you so I suggest playing that first.
The reason of you not having people to talk to is because you are a massive insufferable little faggot.
Where the f*ck are Katt pics?
the gba version of 2 doubled xp and gold gains from enemies, so that helps cut back on grinding on giant island
I wish this series wasn't dead. And I wish they didn't start pushing that shitty Warrior "dragon" form in every title after 3.
Kattfag isn't home right now, sorry
why is far left wearing barely anything and why did she murder that fairy
Yeah but it also has the insufferable original English translation. A translation patch was made for II, just use that. Also other patches for things like gold and experience exist.
>Breath of Fetch Quests III
>worth playing
Look at this guy, look at him and laugh! I hope you won't live to regret this when you arrive in some story port city with a lighthouse.
She was an experiment meant to be executed. Her "wings" are artificial and are where her lungs were meaning she can't speak anymore.
Moat kitty pls
ugh, thats the bof 5 "nina"
We are thankful then.
I said I like IV better myself but III was enjoyable still.
in return kot
>it's actually just you
What did this little shit meant by this?
jeeze, did a rei cosplayer slap your grandmother in the face or something?
>people always praise IV
>my favourite was always II
III was pretty good too. Best dragon mechanics by far.
II is the best for me. The story might be cliche but the character developments are top notch, specially Nina's and Rand's.
>tfw cried at the apex of both arcs
That's interesting. I never even touched IV and only learned it existed within the last few years. Know any good ps1 emulators?
Do you retarded american monkey actually believe people worship BoF3 or something?
>I wish I had people to talk about this series.
usually BoF threads detail into 1 of 2 things:
1. Katt spam
2. people complaining about how bad DQ rightfully is and trolls going "YOU DIDN'T PLAY IT" "YOU ARE FOLLOWING THE HIVEMIND" "PLAYING IT WRONG" etc...
The actual reason to come to these threads in spite of retarded self-entitled nostalgiafags.
Anyone have the retranslation pasta?
>tfw saved all kitty pics that were posted here the last couple of years
Cliche to today's standards, II basically heralded the whole 'church is evillllll' trope that plagued the entire ps1 era. Agree whole heartedly about Nina and Rand, the trip to and arriving to St Eva hq was hell of a beatdown to the heart
III is the one that is definitely most praised overall, II and IV are more both in III's shadow.
Mednafan and ePSXe are pretty good.
>I wish I had people to talk about this series
but I Refuse to share a thread with IV fags
"muh evil empire" and "muh scias" will never be worth buttugly dragons and NOT having Momo
and "faerie village" system upgrade wasnt necessary it was okay on III
No, KattPoster had it before he quit this subhuman aids-ridden shithole for better sites. Use, dude.
>saw thumbnail
>instantly recognized
>look the the top right to see what % fucked you are
I still liked the game but I could not beat it at all when I was younger
I just wanted to go badass dragon form why did do that to me
Well it was nice while it lasted, thanks guys.
Gelbooru exists.... faggot.
what a shame there weren't any of that catgirl's pictures being posted
No one says DQ is perfect, let alone believe that how Capcom advertised the game was a smart idea. Dragon Counter is not new - its in the fucking .hack series. Yes its implementation in BoF is pretty wonk, and yes the game is bad at explaining its own combat system beyond Dragon Counter. No its not impossible to single run beat the game. Some of us do enjoy it for what it is and accept its flawed
that was only the tip of this game's difficulty iceberg.
>No one says DQ is perfect,
I never said that they said it was perfect but they think the hate is overblown when it's justified
Holy shit, so you are gonna unironically suggest this site in 2017? Lmao. Neither it has complete sets of GOOD pictures, nor it doesn't shove malware ads up your ass, even with uBlock.
3 > 1 > 4 > 2
fight me if you disagree fgts
check her pixiv tags for some brand new pics?
>thick nina on cover
>the fans
>this divided
this is why we can't discuss it on Sup Forums
go to /vr/ if your actually want a decent discussion of bof
3 > 4/2 > 1
Literally said by no one but you.
Enjoy being a loner for the entirety of your life because you deliberately have chosen the worse thing for the sake of showing yourself one sole time.
>taking one vocal faggot opinion as everything
If you think all art concentrates in those sites, you know absolutely nothing about searching.
Bloated piece of shit. Legacy platform.
I'm a simple man, I like Ershin, I love Ursula
>western fantasy style with anime hair colors
Part of the problem with talking about BoF in general is that its always, always going to devolve into a fight about DQ. Yes people are going to find the hate overblown because, again, some of us enjoyed it. It can't even be blamed for killing the series anymore, 6 exist(ed), and its not like Capcom didn't learn from their mistakes from DQ, they grabbed the PETS system and stuck into their next big series - Monster Hunter
Give it to me straight how fucked is this series from ever making a comeback? On a scale of Megaman to Resident Evil how likely are we to get a new game?
Straight out Power Stone.
Not even going to get a rep in a Versus game.
holy shit 'yeah it was pretty good, give it a try' = worship
also, not 'american'
I'd say it's about the same as bushido blade. Best you can hope for is a spiritual successor
3 is best just for shota Ryu, he's cute as fuck.
Do you really want modern "developers", "artists" and businessmen to ruin the impression of the series for yourself?
Man, if you are really still believing, I don't now, man. Have you been living under rock for the last decade?
Agreed. All the old teams are gone and nothing modern capcom could create would rival what you’re hoping for.
“Breath of Fire 6” is enough proof of that.
The series has hit rock bottom. It got a mobile game... and the mobile game was shut down. It's dead.
I mean, it's how things were in the last several years. We can't even hope for a decent port of an old game: see FF6.
Which game do I start with? Thought of giving the series a shot
1 2 3 4 5
2 re-translation
can skip 1 if you find it too tedious. other ones are must plays
Dayum thicc doge
>the real funk did a momo
I really like him now
show us the way, great sage
cook never tells his secrets
I disagree and will fight you. 3 is the FF7 of the franchise, meaning it's extremely overrated.
>3 is the FF7 of the franchise
Which means in a dead shit series like this it would be precisely 10 more people than there is for any other game. Wowsers.
3 > 2 > 1 > 4
>spooky music of Babel Towers in the underworld in prologue music followed by 40 seconds of Mortal Combat-tier awesome build up
Goddamn did this beauty get my goosebumps bumpin'.
Is this a fanart? This looks amazing!
I'll do it in his absence.
>a Katt is fine too
Just got into this series, playing 1 as we speak. Got 2 on gba as well
>Got 2 on gba as well
Don't play that version. When the game was first released in the US it was translated by Capcom who gave it an infamously bad translation. Instead I suggest emulating it as there exists a fan translation patch that is much better.
If you're curious on just how bad the original translation is check this article on it.
BOF discord:
that right huh? Guess Ill play that better translation then when I get to 2, thanks for the heads up
Is BoF V any good?
It appeals to a very specific kind of person. I say look into it as there is really nothing like it honestly.