What are some games that feature large magnums?

What are some games that feature large magnums?

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I dunno, Google it.


*unzips dick*

I'll do you one better, faggot


uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i dont know

call of juarez lol

far cries has them

Go to the hood white boi and you'll find plenty of magnums

I think mostly use shitty handguns though?

>niggers ever using revolvers

I think he's trying to make a dick joke, because if he's talking about guns he's a retard.

Revolvers in general are more of a white people thing in that they cost twice as much as your average 9mm handgun for no practical benefit other than looking sweet.


I'm sorry what?


What about bullpup revolvers?

that actually makes sense if you think about it

The against the grain polishing on the barrel is driving me crazy.



No it doesn't.


Handguns are supposed to be a small, secondary weapon for close range encounters. You don't need the barrel to be massive. You don't want the gun to be big or too heavy.
So no, it doesn't make sense.

Resident Evil 4 features a S&W 500 with unlimited ammo.

I too love having my hand burned.

>t. prius driving nancy boy
Grizzly bears 'n' sheit shrug off even .357 magnum and 10 millimemester. .454 casull is where it's at.

Not all blacks are niggers, not all niggers are black.

revolver rifles mane

Circuit Judge, sexy as fuck


fucking hells yes.

>secondary weapon
They're meant to be the weapon you always have because lugging around a rifle/shotgun gets old really fast. If you have a long gun you would use then fucking long gun. The concept of a "secondary weapon" is a pure meme outside of special cases like less lethals and Fudd bullshit like "snake guns".

He literally steals shit, kill people, and there's a scene where he holds a SHOTGUN sideways.
I'm sorry user.

Everyone associates Resident Evil with REmake Barry's .44, or RE4's gigantic .50. But I always thought the .357 from the original game was the coolest.

Holding his shotgun sideways is apparently some operator shit

putting your arm up against the cylinder gap

Fuck me that's a sleek looking revolver, I wonder how much that goes for?

>Grizzly bears 'n' sheit shrug off even .357 magnum and 10 millimemester. .454 casull is where it's at.

Ah yes, the famous urban grizzly bears that haunt the 'hood.

How could anyone forget

I remember that very first thread.

Some guy posted a snub nose version of the S&W 500 and then another guy replied with the longer barrel saying he prefers it with the longer barrel, then people kept photoshopping it to be longer.

Good times.

Resident Evil Revelations

This legendary pistol, which origins were lost, is the most powerful pistol ever made, with an overall length of 348 mm, a barrel length of 237 mm, a weight of 2105 g and a maximun effective range of 1000 m. The 444 Bear Killer has a motorized cylinder and crane for quicker shooting and reloading than a typical revolver with two red LEDs on the side and uses a powerful cartridge. Ancient texts show that it has existed since the Dark Ages and only some lucky men had the chance to use this weapon. The Holy Forge manufactures only a few quantity of this marvelous gem and only some special forces officers and shock troops are using this powerful weapon. E.Y.E has its own stock, but it is still very limited.

This makes me want a huge revolver with a forearm grip.



a painful amount my friend.

You see that gap between the cylinder and barrel?

When you fire, pressure and heat leaks out of there hardcore. Not really a huge problem, since your hand is in back of it, but imagine if you had your hand in front of it?

Revolvers are obsolete. Might as well throw rocks at people.

If you can throw a rock at 400m/s then sure

>average grizzly bear weighs between 300-800lbs, or roughly half the size and one tenth the raving, furious hunger of an adult americunt
>dismissing the value of stopping power

Requiescat in pisces.


>no practical benefit

Name one.

The "stopping" power meme doesn't count because we're talking an urban environment. Not big game hunting.

Fuck that price im just gonna get a Snub .357 rossi for my first gun

hur dur what are rifles

1.Well the mechanism inside revolvers are more simple than semi autos so you can expect it to fuck up less
2. Also means its much more simpler to use, just fill up the cylinder, point, and squeeze the trigger

Revolver don't jam, ever

They're less likely to jam unless you're really fucking dumb and never clean it.

They are also less accurate, slow and will die even from a tiny amount of dirt. That's why no one who might actually use a handgun carries a revolver.

What the hell kind ammo are you guys using in your pistols that they jam up more than once in a blue moon?

>resting the cylinder on your cheek when firing

user asked for a practical benefit of a revolver, not why anyone would carry one, fucktard.

nigerian illegal activity practitioners procure cheap tauruses etc that are worn and crapped out already.

They are not less accurate than semi-autos because most autos have tilting barrel designs which does not allow for consistent bore and sight alignment.
All guns will fail if uncared for. Revolvers are easier to care for until something goes catastrophically wrong, which is rare.
Anyone who carries a revolver knows that they are comfortable and accurate with the weapon. All shitposting claiming one is better than the other is autism or from the mouths of no-guns morons.

My peenis weeus of course!

>less accurate

i have one. i've also got a S&W 686 .357 4in barrel. the rossi is small enough to fit in your pocket, but firing .357 out of a snub is an exercise in muzzle control and recoil anticipation. it's so light that the muzzle flip is pretty severe, i prefer to just shoot .38 out of it. which is nice, you can shoot .38 special out of .357 with no issues.

>They are not less accurate than semi-autos
They are. Even the cheapest striker fired pistol will shoot tighter groups than revolvers.
> tilting barrel
You can always buy a blowback with fixed barrel.

>Even the cheapest striker fired pistol will shoot tighter groups than revolvers.
i cant wait to hear the logic behind this. tell us, from a revolver and a striker fired gun with the same barrel length, why does the striker fired gun have more accuracy

Well based on this, wouldn't Rock and Balalaika be the only non-niggers in all of Roananpur?

>not niggers


yeah it does. you just gotta think about it


Works for gimmicky, modular shotguns

I'm not him but I'd wager he's probably talking about the fact that a revolver has to have a bullet cross the gap to engage the barrel(though there's some wacky revolvers that find ways around this) whereas it happens instantly with a semiauto

is it really gimmicky tho? it seems like this design actually works and makes sense for an underbarrel attachment for doors.

if hes okay with counting fixed barrel blowbacks, then so are revolvers that seal the gap

RE Revelations 1 has the long barrel(18 inch) S&W 500.

Thats why the rossi sounds great
Only problem is that its sold out on buds and I can't find an ffl

tomb raider 3? was the first time I saw a game put emphasis on holding it with both hands

thought you would go unnoticed little imouto?


This legendary pistol, which origins were lost, is the more powerful pistol ever made. Ancient texts show that it has existed since the Dark Ages. Only some lucky men had the chance to use this weapon. The Holy Forge manufactures only a few quantity of this marvelous gem. Only some special forces officers and shock troops are using this powerful weapon. E.Y.E has its own stock, but it is still very limited.
A tale deals with a man, one day, lost in the forest, who was attacked by a very angry and wounded bear. The man managed to kill the animal with his bare hands. A Techno-Monk of the Holy Forge passed-by and saw the scene. Some days later, the man woke up and found a very strange and heavy pistol beside him; a pistol that could disembowel a bear with a single bullet, and that could even kill several aligned bears in a single shot.
The fame of this weapon comes mainly from its unequaled power as a pistol, but also from its unbelievable accuracy. Its recoil, however, is terrific.

>he never watched black dynamite

>point at cyberdemon the size of a small mountain
>delete it
why can't any game have the same stupid fun that EYE facilitated?

Resident Evil