Both utterly massive failures

>Both utterly massive failures
What happened?

I thought dishonored 2 was pretty good. Didn't like the outsider in it, felt too involved in the matters instead of being an uncaring chaos god. Not as good as the first, of course

>What happened?
western nigger faggotry

We need more gay black women in our video games to prove..... wait, no we don't.

Linear single player shit needs to DIE. Literally no reason to not have an open world game if you absolutely have to go the SP route.

Dishonored 2 shouldn't have been made, the first was a great game and the story was finished, you could tell they made 2 purely for money, and thats why it came out like shit.

At least Prey is good

Making games that don't fit in with the current industry but also don't appeal enough to the people who actually like these kinds of games. Making games that appeal to literally nobody will obviously not sell well.

Something like Prey is sadly considered "niche" now.

So when is Arkane going the way of Human Head?

Nope. People like those sort of games. Prey 2017 was just terrible.

Emily looks cool with the mask
Nothin personnel

Everyone else in here is a complete fucking retard, what they wrote is retarded, their opinions are retarded, everything they do, their lives, everything is retarded about them, because they're retarded, but I love video games so I'll bite and explain.

>Dishonored 2 utterly massive failure because poor PC optimization

NO. Bethesda fucked it up by releasing it in FUCKING NOVEMBER between major releases like Battlefield 1, CoD etc. that and their pre-release review policy is dumb. Much like most posters on Sup Forums, which by the way, did you know they're a bunch of pathetic retards?

>Prey utterly massive failure because Bethesda canned Human Head's Prey 2

WRONG! It released in May at the beginning of the summer season where most people start planning or take vacations, that and the game was mostly under the radar due to poor marketing.

It didn't help the fact that it was also a game that had many design decisions inspired from a bygone golden age of games, which aren't popular anymore with the keeeeedz.

Did they fail? No. People believe they failed because some shithead loser, probably some shitty "video game redpill extraordinaire" e.g Downward Thrust (a retard and a scrub) told them that "OH NOES SALES ARE DOWN BY # OF UNITS THE GAME FAILED"

Both games were great. Fact.

Dishonored 2 was a MAJOR improvement in most aspects from the 1st one, except the PC port which unfortunately, was and still is dogshit, while Prey is a wonderful, yet poorly paced journey into the golden era of video games. Arkane delivered on both fronts.

All of you are retarded, especially the Sup Forumstards, god I wish all of you disappear one day

Both boring as hell.

This was Japan's year.

>he likes Bioshock in space

This. There's a reason all the best sellers of the year are from Japanese devs.

Calm down Todd

Good games can be released at any time of the year and still be successful.

>Both games were great. Fact.
Everything I say is right.

>>>th-they released at bad times

gr8 damage control m8

>3d Metroidvania

This board would be so much better if people actually played the games they discuss.

thanks for the pasta

>3d Metroidvania
Not a thing.

Aaaand there they go, the retarded fucks start typing again.

you people suck

dishonored 1 was already short

dishonored 2 felt even shorter

stop killing everybody

You're full of shit, faggot. Dishonored 2 was utterly unplayable, almost on par with Arkham Knight's PC port. People would have played the game to death if they could've played it.

As for Prey 2, there was a huge marketing campaign, but that didn't do shit because normies are sick of science fiction unless it's a series they're familiar with.

Also, you write like a pretentious prick.

He means if something isn't literally gta or skyrim it isn't open world. I guess he's kind of right. Metroidvania is not fully open world.

yeah sure thing bud

haven't played dishonored 2 yet but plan on it grabbing it when it's cheap. first one was a treat

>almost on par with Arkham Knight's PC port
it was not that bad, and they actually fixed it and it's significantly better now
It was still really really bad when they released it though, which turned off a lot of people
It's a shame, I really like Arkane

Both games felt like they should have been made for the previous generation. There was nothing innovative about them.

dishonored 2 was fucking insulting, literally a 1:1 rehash of the the first game's dlc and no, you don't get to hand wave it away because two levels were okay.

>Already had a Cherokee protag for Prey
>They ditch it for chinks with a brand new story instead of making Prey 2
>Dishonored 2 is short and shitty

I just wanted to be a Cherokee bounty hunter in space

>3d Metroidvania
It's not really. You only open up multiple areas for exploration once you reach the Arboretum as everything else is essentially locked off.

I played it recently and it still gave me enough trouble to drop it. I'm not running it on a toaster, I should get more than 30 fps on average.

Publishers not believing in viral marketing.

>wah wah wah my game sucked
Cry me a fucking ocean with your salty tears.

Nope. You're being retarded, as per the usual Sup Forums poster and unfortunately I have to share a discussion board with an aborted byproduct like you.

Both of your arguments are flawed.

Dishonored 2 had the shittiest PC port, that is true. But PC sales don't count for shit most of the time, in this day and age. Again, you're associating success of a game with a specific platform e.g you're a typical Sup Forumstard

2. What was this huge marketing campaign for a game that was FUCKING CANCELLED you moron? If you meant Prey 2017, then you are mistaken. The marketing campaign was almost inexistent, except the VGA 2016 stuff and Mick Gordon's soundtrack being released a few months prior to launch. Nobody gave a fuck about dev interviews or any of that shit. Fact.

3. I believe you're mad that I'm using grammar and all that shit? Again, ladies and gentleman, behold a fine Sup Forums specimen with the mental capacity of a lemur.

I wasn't debating that part of his comment. It's the "linear" part I was debating.

Non Fallout/TES IPs from Bethesda, normies don't care unless the game is from one of those two series.

literally works on my machine

Yeah, no one can avoid the frame pacing issues. It isn't dependent on your hardware.

Congratulations, I literally don't give a fuck.

>make games poorly trying to replicate genres that were popular on PC in the past
>consolefags don't want to play them
>make the PC version as shitty as you possibly can
Gee I can't imagine why the games failed.

At least this is a better argument!

Shafted by shot marketing from Bethesda. Also, niche genre. Stealth sims like these and Deus Ex will never be mainstream.

same here, user. I only looked up the old *Prey* trailers after finishing Prey 2017. I liked the new Prey, but I do dream of what could have been...

Prey was an absolute marketing disaster. Bethesda did not know what the FUCK they were doing. And none of those chucklefucks got punished for it, instead they took it out on Arkane.

It had poor sales on ALL platforms. The fact the sequel sells far less than original is cause for alarm. Game feels like absolute fucking shit to play on everything. Arkane is known for really satisfying fluid gameplay where the player has complete control and actually both games gutted that. The input lag issues for Prey at launch were horrendous.

Both games were painfully mediocre. Just deal with it.

They both werent "popular" enough with the mainstream thus they werent streamed 24/7. People wont buy things if it doesnt fit into the mainstream whats "cool".

Prey is basically System Shock 3, but people being asspained about the IP change dominated most press for the longest time

>open world is da best!

What a sad opinion. You must have been born in 2000.

>I only looked up the old *Prey* trailers after finishing Prey 2017

Just play the game, namefag. You can get it anywhere online for free

They're both mainstream as fuck.

What was a disaster about Prey's marketing?

what press, bro?

>Making games that appeal to literally nobody will obviously not sell well.

I hope youre not talking about the two in OPs post because if you think they "appeal to literally nobody" youre a fool.

>non-white protag
>main consumer base(white males) dont buy it

gee i wonder.

>recommending the original Prey
absolutely no taste. that game sucked then, it sucks even more now.

There was barely any.

The name, the lack of coverage, and the fact that no one understood what the game was actually about.

>i dont like fun
>im clearly here for video games and not shitposting

People wanted Prey, not an Elliot Rodger simulator.

one of them ran like complete fucking shit and the other wasn't the correct game for the title.

Kill yourself. Take your shit taste to hell with you.

Theyre not at all, user. Theyre not Mario or Zelda and theyre not a fps/third person multiplayer shooter that is streamed to all the masses. Thats what is mainstream now.

Well if you prevent piracy at launch you 100% rely on paid marketing , if you dont invest a lot in it not many people is going to know about the game.

Dishonered 1 was bad, nobody got 2.

People who liked the first Prey refused to buy it. Nobody else cared because it looked as bad as dishonored

It was a game about diversity and existing IP exploitation. Am I wrong?


How did Arkane "gut" your so, called "complete control" and "fluidity" buzzword "GAMEPLAY" features? How? HOW?

"Input lag issues! Game feels like absolute shit!"

Dude, for real, you're not reading what I wrote. You are proving, once again, that you're a typical Sup Forums scrub. Disappointing.....

Anyway, I think Dishonored 2 / Prey were a sales mess because these genres aren't popular with your types nowadays. The fact that you people focus solely on this factor, the sales, instead of what makes the games good or bad is laughable. You're the gullible subjects of some fat journalist screaming "muh AAA corrupted video game industry" "muh sales run everything nowadays DOOOOOM" and the basic fundamentals of ARGUMENTATION AND/OR DISCUSSION ABOUT VIDEO GAMES on this very board is NON-EXISTENT.

Horrible. Just, horrible, you people. Anyways, I'm out, enjoy your free attention, seeing as sensible people would've ignored your sorry ass.

Both games were fantastic, but wholly mediocre to someone with the attention span of a child, that I agree upon.

Fun is subjective. I found both games extremely dull.

No dude. You are silly as hell for thinking original Prey was and is anything but mediocre.

prey was good. still haven't played dishonored 1. It just doesn't seem interesting

This doesnt even make sense. Youre dumb. Stop being dumb.

>Dishonered was bad
>Nobody else cared about Prey

What complete wrong things to say.

Then speak your mind instead of shitposting.

>what are lets players


I like how not agreeing with you is automatically shitposting.

Prey fucked up by alienating the one group that could've sold the game: the System Shock audience. Unfortunately the System Shock audience hated them for fucking the Prey name because most of them liked the real Prey along with System Shock. So they alienated their biggest audience.

They can't speak their mind. They're retarded and gullible. The only knowledge they get is from Jim Sterling, meme streamers like Dansgame and that's it.

They can't go in depth, because they lack the mental capacity and willpower, since it's much easier to regurgitate random buzzwords said by someone else.

The narrative in your head is probably not reality. No one who likes games like Thief, System Shock or Deus Ex would find anything of substance in the original Prey.

>Unfortunately the System Shock audience hated them for fucking the Prey name

System Shock audience here. I don't give a fuck about the Prey "name". This is not a franchise of note, it was a single throwaway sci-fi shooter from the mid 2000s that few people played and those that did did so once, went "meh" and then moved on to something better.

Lack of marketing, lack of interest in the IP, and in Prey 2017's special exception a good amount of bad will towards Bethesda/Zenimax for the treatment of Human Head Studios and Prey 2.
With these, The New Colossus, and The Evil Within 2, Bethesda needs a hit right now. Expect an Elder Scrolls 6 o be shat out soon enough, alongside a Fallout spin off.
The first Prey was closer to Doom 3 than System Shock 1 or 2.

That sounds fucking stupid. The biggest problem with the marketing is that the System Shock audience didn't know that this was like the System Shock games.

Besthesda's marketing has been really bad lately. Dishonored 2 was a disaster at launch, and didn't feel like it improved over the first one at launch. Prey was bretty good though. Actually felt mostly like a PC game.

They're games in genres that aren't popular but still with too much modern game influence for people who actually like the games they're trying to be.

>Unfortunately the System Shock audience hated them for fucking the Prey name

Not a single person on earth gave a fuck about the "Prey name". NOBODY.

Is it actually like System Shock? And which one in particular, 1 and 2 have key differences.

Arkane is pretty bad and Bethesda didn't even care enough to market their games

Sup Forums sure seems to.

Seems like if it isn't Fallout, Skyrim or full of controversial iconography and bloated with the potential for manufactured controversy, Bethesda hardly puts in the effort. See the marketing for The Evil Within 2 (a bad game, from what I hear anyway), Dishonored 2 and Prey.

I don't think this had much to do with these games' quality, as people seem to really enjoy DIshonored 2 and Prey, not so much TEW2, but they have not sold very well from what you hear.

It was the idea of Prey 2, not Prey the actual brand.

Stop replying to yourself.

It is like System Shock 2 in many ways. It is of a different era, and by different people so it IS a different game, but it has a lot of faithful or familiar DNA.

Doom 2016 really was the only exception, and that seemed to be in spite of its lackluster marketing.

The first Prey sucked though, it's basically Doom 3. Another scifi linear corridor shooter where you fight at most two enemies at a time. The only reason anyone remembers it is muh Indian protagonist and muh Blue Oyster Cult.

Neither of them are linear, you brainlet.
>hur a games not good unless you have to collect 20 of x for a generic np
Fuck off

I can understand Dishonored 2 flopping, but Prey was decent

i like fun, like when i played knife and witches that was fun. getting a "sequel" that's a retelling of what i just played is not fun. and again you can't excuse this with jindosh mansion and crack in the slab either. we go all the way to a whole new exciting location and utterly waste it on the same exact story. and to make it even shittier arkane said IF they get to make another game THEN we finally get new characters, should have done that in the first fucking place.

There's probably something to the idea that a DOOM sequel kind of markets itself on the internet. But I don't remember a big marketing effort for it, yeah.