This is, without a doubt, the worst character in the GTA franchise. Perhaps even in all of gaming

This is, without a doubt, the worst character in the GTA franchise. Perhaps even in all of gaming.



All three playable characters were shit.

Yep, they did a great job creating a character that is so hated and without compassion. This is why I support Rockstar by buying all of their games.


He was a proto-Rick from Rick and Morty

a complete fucking edgelord who is "le too smart for normal society and see's through the bullshit"

A lot of his scenes made me laugh or chuckle. Video games = entertainment. Entertaining character= good.

Normies absolutely love him though and think he's "deep"

I like Trevor a bit but he's too obnoxious like everyone else in GTA5 besides Franklin. I've never been in South California which GTA5 unsubtly parodies but they did too good a job at making everyone unlikable.

He's the only consistent character in GTA that has true consistency between story and gameplay.

I don't know, his breakdown in Michaels house right before they fly to North yankton was a pretty great scene. It made sense why he wanted the old days back, even if he knew it would only be for a fleeting moment. He's just lonely.

He wouldn't have been so bad if his introduction didn't have him banging a previous character's SO and then killing said character after for getting mad about it

Except you weren't supposed to see him as smart, nor does anyone else see him as smart in the game. He's a fucking maniac but treats himself like a genius due to his intense narcissism.
Also, I can't help but notice your reddit spacing. Might wanna get that checked out.

> male
what happened sweetie, cant handle playing an alpha male?

That was a pretty great intro desu

Only because you can treat Ashley like the afterthought she is.

Did you want him to fuck you instead?

>they did too good a job at making everyone unlikable.
This is a good description of GTAV. It's not exclusive to the main characters either, most of the side and one-off characters are equally obnoxious and unlikable. Everyone comes off as either a bitch, cunt, dick or prick instead of people with this or that quirk.

I'd fuck Molly, though.

Nigel and his wife are pretty good, but that's all I can think of.

He was basically so smart he didn't give a shit about society or its norms. At least that's how the game presented him. Like the Joker from TDK which I'd wager was the inspiration for the sort of character Trevor was.

True. I'd add the guy that gets tortured too. He was probably the most human-like character in the entire game.

>Trevor smart, just like me!

Too bad then